Chapter 29: My Husband's Gift-Part 1

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Ezran's POV:

I was greeted by many nobles the moment I was announced at Lady Juniper's Party.

After the hostess greeted me since I was of a higher station, the other nobles swarmed me.

All congratulated me on my recent acquisition of a royal contract to handle the Exotic Land's cargo.

And on my wife's debut as a chef since she demonstrated her skills at the diplomat's party

I scoffed at the absurdity of these men who think my wife's accomplishments were because of me.

And set them straight.

"B-but surely it was because of your permission that she was able to show her talents." said one male noble while the others nodded.

"My wife has displayed her immense talents ever since we got married. She needed no help in proving how skilled she is. In fact, the only reason the Duke of Ming asked the Crown Prince to grant my company the shipping rights was because of her as well."

The pressure I exerted made them all sweat and they suddenly agreed and praised my wife before they all dispersed, unable to stand my aura.

I sighed and looked around for Alaina. I had only came here to escort her home as promised.

Then I saw Sir Kain coming back from another door.

He greeted me the moment we saw each other.

"Your Grace." He bowed.

"Where is my wife."

"She is resting in the room I came out of, she seems tired milord. I was going to get her some water."

I nodded and went to the room he pointed out to me.

Inside the small room, my wife was sitting by the fireplace and silently munching on a dessert she fondly calls a cupcake.

I had one of them and they were delicious.

I smiled. Relieved that seems alright and approached her.

"Wife. I am here."

"Ez." She turned around at the sound of my voice.

My smile vanished when I saw her heavy expression as she came to me.

"What happened?"

"It's nothing."

"Ely." I gently pulled her closer to me until our bodies pressed together.
She blushed so prettily upon seeing how close we are as my hand circled her waist while my other hand cupped her face. "What happened."

After some time, my wife told me of her encounter with Lady Lorax.

"She told me that I don't belong here." My wife's voice sounded vulnerable and took a deep breath as she looked at me.

I had sensed that somehow these words hit something deep within her for her to react this way.

She looked so unguarded and hurt...and so damn lovely.

That I wanted nothing more than to kiss her until we're both breathless with desire.

But her comfort comes first so I controlled myself.

" You do belong here. Where you came from does not matter to me. You will always have a place here with me."

".....Thank you, Ez. For saying those words. " she hugged me and I reciprocated, sensing that her mood has improved somewhat.

My Lady Chef { La Vita Series } - Volume 2Where stories live. Discover now