Prologues: The Realm of the Gods

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La Vita has four chief Gods and Goddesses watching over the World.

There is the beast goddess Bastet, who rules over beasts and monsters. The patron goddess of the beastkin and of expectant mothers.

Then for healing, judgment, and the realm of studies. There was Claryss  the benevolent goddess of light and healing. She is the patron goddess of every clergy and medical professional in existence.

For the elements and the lush greenery of the world. The patron god of every adventurer, gardener and mages. The Mana God Yigg is their guardian and is the creator of the mana sprites. Various magical races such as the Fey, Dwarves and Elves rever him as well.

Lastly, the ever volatile god who commands the weather, the oceans and who is the patron god of the dragonkin and the sailors and fishermen. The Dragon God Shen.

Our prologue focuses on the conversation between two chief male gods.


Yigg's POV:

Elan Vita (Yigg's Realm)

"It is rare for you to invite me over. You usually invite Claryss or sometimes Bastet."

" Do I? You simply vanish from your realm a lot more than us. You love traveling to La Vita more than anything. Forgive me if I don't take the time to hunt you down every time, I have a mind to invite you to some tea and snacks."

I smiled serenely at Shen, the current Dragon God.

Every god and goddess have their own trademark hair and eye color.

Unlike my green eyes and hair, His silver hair and iridescent eyes are the unique trademark of every Dragon God that lived before him.

He is known to have wanderlust; often leaving his realm to travel to the mortal realm to either sow some chaos or impart his blessings to humans and dragonkin alike.

But mostly to the dragonkin. He rarely likes humans.

"Cut the pleasantries, Yigg. Why did you invite me here? I am sure it has nothing to do with just tea."

He scoffed even as my darling mana sprites are setting up the ambrosia tea and snacks.

Once I sat down and had something to drink and a few bites in....

I breached the subject.

"This involves a certain soul I have become interested in."

"Oh? One of your precious "wanderers" from Earth? You seem to have an obsession with guiding those whose soul have died there to La Vita as "Otherworlders" is it?" Shen scoffed as he ate his fifth cookie. "Hmmm this cookie is really good. What flavor is this? It is not as dry as your nut biscuits you usually serve."

"They are a gift from Undine and Ignis' current contractor."

"Really? Mmppph...The cookie is crisp on the outside yet so chewy inside, this brown bittersweet chunks and dried fruits give a rather addictive mouthful. Can I take the rest?"

"Go ahead. Because you won't like what I will say next." I looked at the beautiful lakeside where our table located where a few water sprite and Mana beasts were frolicking.

"Oh? Well...spit it out."

"Alaina Aisenburg."

The name made Shen drop the cookie he was shoving into his waist pouch.

"Did I not tell you to leave that woman be? She is promised to another. Why are you obsessed with this girl from Arcana?"

I showed Shen a projection of Alaina's current soul.

Most souls are bound to the Gods and Goddesses of this Realm. This allows them to control its fate.

And I know that Alaina, the enigmatic daughter of Baron Beaucamp was destined for another fate.

But the soul Shen was now seeing had him wearing a shocked expression.

La Vita Souls are inherently possesses white glow.


Souls from other worlds that are transported to La Vita have a blue glow. Their fates are not bound by us unless we bind them with our blessings.

But Alaina's soul has a golden glow.

The Dragon God's eyes suddenly turned interesting.

"......I see your game, Yigg."

"So....she is an Awakened." He frowned. "Show me the events of her life after her reawakening."

And so I did. Right up till her current situation...

Shen's hand stroked his chin. His mouth thinned with displeasure

"He...won't be happy about this."


"The original soul's fated encounter. He is as proud as Flamberge's heir. There will be some messy things up ahead."

"Ah...well. Let's see how this special soul's story will unfold, shall we?"  I kissed the glowing soul and it vanished from my hand. " Awakened Souls do have unique abilities. Let us see where her journey takes her."

"At least let me give my pick a fighting chance. Dragonkin laws are different from Human ones after all...." Shen smirked.

"Isn't the duke also one of your own? Why favor the other over him?"

"His predecessors got on my nerve. They did something unforgivable. I am still not appeased from their crimes." The Dragon God growled arrogantly. " The current duke seems decent, but it is still too early for me to tell."

"Hmm...very well. Shall we place our little schemes in place and see where it goes?"


"Oh, before we do that. Those delightful cookies you were devouring..."

"You promised me that I would have them! No take backs!"

"....The Awakened one made them."

The Dragon God looked intrigued and laughed out loud.

"May the best one win."

I grinned enigmatically as we both used our godly powers.....

And started placing our chess pieces in place.

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