Chapter 28: Confrontation - Part 2

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Margaret's POV:

An hour before meeting Lady Alaina.....

I went to Lady Juniper's boring party.

Just because I hated being alone in the house when my father and his gambling cronies are at home drinking and wasting their menon on bets.

The whole event was mind numbingly tedious and uneventful.

The worst crime is the bland finger foods that came with the drinks.

As I sipped my wine, my eyebrows twitched when I heard a servant announce the Duchess Aisenburg.

Along with that teal haired nobody. Lady...Baritone or something.

As the crowd turned their attention to her, everybody moved like a wave; trying to get into her good graces the moment she got to the main floor of the banquet hall.

And she received the attention with a sickening amount of moedesty and grace.

Ugh, I hate her.

The Queen is angry with me. I cannot spread any rumors about here anymore because I am afraid to incur her Majesty's wrath.

Little by little, the close circle of ladies I have been collecting were slowly drifting away to try their luck at befriending her.

The nobles were whispering how she is being recognized as the first chef to successfully pull off a live cooking demonstration.

And also the very first female chef.

A lot of the noble men were also starting to admire that good-for-nothing border bitch.

What I hate even that...

Is that.....

The food she made at the Diplomat Party was delicious!

I was there and one of the lucky few who witnessed how the duchess (in her masked disguise) commandeered a team of cooks into an organized cooking machine.

This show of experience firmly dashed any chances of me spreading rumors of her incompetence.

But then I remembered that I can trash her food. After all, cooking live puts so much pressure on a chef.

The food must taste bad or bland.

Or both...

I was so wrong.

It was the most delicious dinner course I have ever tasted.

That duck wrapped in a pastry dish...the salad with nuts and apples...the rainbow fruit jelly with a flower inside and a creamy milk bottom.

It was like eating magic on a plate!

Gods and I hate admitting it!

Fuming, I turned to a few of the ladies who were trying to engage me in gossip.

At this will allow me to not think of the duchess.


"Lady Lorax, such a pleasure to see the kingdom's reigning Belle at this dreary party."

"Hm? Oh how nice to meet you again....Baron Chester."

I gave the gentleman who greeted me my best fake smile as he forcibly took my hand to kiss it.

Baron Chester was one of those born from a successful merchant class family and his father bought a title which enabled him to socialize in high society.

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