Chapter 14: Food Charm Spells

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2 days before the "planned" day...

Ely's POV:

A letter from the Royal Palace arrived while we were organizing for "that" event in the ducal kitchen.

At first, I thought it was Prince Belmont's


A chill in my spine made me frown when I saw the queen's royal seal stamped on the envelope.

To Her Grace, Duchess Aisenburg

You are cordially invited to tea time with the queen today at 3:00 pm.

Attendance is a must.

The queen...

My husband's words came back to me. He was not on good terms with her Majesty because he married me.

Which means....

She has no "good" reason to invite me.

I opened the envelope and read the letter.

It was an invitation to a private tea time with her and....a few ladies of her choosing.

"Hmmmmm. I really don't want to go..." I muttered.

"Then do not go, milady. How could she send an invitation for this afternoon. You won't have time to pick the appropriate gown and accessories." hugged Linda.

And she was right.

A royal invitation asking the attendee to come on the very same day is something very rude because noble ladies always takes the time to dress themselves properly to avoid bringing shame to their household.

But I do admit that it is rude to send an invitation on the every you have to visit.

It shows that she doesn't respect me.

"What is this?"

My husband's voice made me jump as his large hand plucked the letter from my hand.

I turned around to see Ezran dressed down to his training clothes. Sweat glistened in his skin as the creases on his damp shirt molded to his muscles.

Everyone working the kitchen were surprised that the master of the house showed himself here and they all flinched when his regal expression became dark as he crushed the letter and it burst into flames.

"Husband!" I gasped when his arms curved around my waist.

"How dare she insult you." his fury was pouring put of him, manifesting a a fierce aura that even Linda stepped back so fast as her face started sweating.

"I must go."

"You don't have to. It is clear that she targeting you."

Seeing that everyone was starting at us. I pulled him out of the kitchen through the outside door till I found a quiet corner.

Looking at his furious face, I embraced him until the heavy aura around him diminished.

"Precisely why I should go. I must show them that I am the Duchess of Aisenburg and I will not condone such treatment."

It a while before my husband understood. He kissed my cheek and then caught my lips in a kiss before he whispered.

"I'll escort you to the Palace."

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