Chapter 27: Confrontation - Part 1

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Days later...
Lady Juniper's Ball
The Gardens

Alaina's POV:

"Alaina? Are you still thinking of that shadow?"

Lorelei's concern expression jarred me out of my daydreams.

"Yes. Even now....I still don't know who wants to abduct me."

I sipped the cool champagne flute she got for us from a passing servant.

"I am glad his Grace was there to stop it."

I nodded remembering my husband's expression of fear when he hugged me after banishing the the shadow looming over us.

I felt unease and anger when he held me.

Plus...there was fear too.

After that, Ezran started a covert investigation immediately.

For he thinks that the instigator behind the shadow and purple flames are the same person.

" Speaking of the duke. He says that he will come pick you up after the party?"

"He did. He also placed a few more people shadowing me for safety aside from my personal knight." I nodded my head to the brown-haired man dressed in a striking uniform red and black; his position was by a tree a few steps from our bench.

"That is reassuring. I don't know what to do if anything happened to my only friend."

I looked at how forlorn she was. From what I know of her; All her previous friends have married and moved on.

Since she was the only single lady within their peer group; communication with them just quietly ended without closure.

That did not seem to bother her but I assumed that it was because she doesn't care for them as much.


Here she is. A friend of mine.

And I am married.

Lorelei treasures me as a friend and a mentor.

And that is why...

"....Lorelei, I assure you...that I would have fought tooth and nail before I leave House Aisenburg..." I placed a hand on hers. "Or you."

My words made her embrace me as she trembled.

After a few minutes of comforting each other.

We went back inside Lady Juniper's party hall.


Lady Juniper's Ball was very....


I have attended enough events this past year to know what makes a party a success.

These days, attendance from the noble house is but a common prerequisite.

Beautiful music.

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