Chapter 13: Just Talking

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Ezran's POV:


That evening after dinner and a rather hot session in the bathing chamber*, we decided to spend the rest of the night reading in bed.

*Read Chapter 12: Sweet Scent (R-18)

Which was a nice and cozy idea.

"Yes?" She had picked up a book I grabbed from the library and placed them on the bed

She wore a pretty baby blue night gown and white robe lined with rabbit fur to ward the cold.

"Will you be conducting more food trials the day before the "plan"?" I opened my book which was about the {Rise and Fall of the Lahan Empire}

"I think I did all I could. I'll need to experiment with plating ideas and I will show the results to the Crown Prince and Lord Ming Sai." She answered while leafing through a translated copy of { Local Spices of Bastet }

" I am sure they will arrange something. You did a great job, wife." I leaned and kissed her forehead.

"Thank you. I hope I did enough." She sighed as she leaned on my shoulder.

I searched for signs that she might have been affected by the rumors but Alaina seems unaffected by the nasty gossip being spread about her.

But then again....

"I...have tried my best to contain these rumors but it seems like they won't vanish any time soon." I said and her fingers which were skimming the book pages stopped.

She looked a bit sad and once again as she closed the book and stared up at me.

" seems like the queen and her puppets are determined to make me into a pariah." She sighed. "I understand why Lady Lorax hates me but I never met the queen nor the first princess before."

"I was once considered by the queen as a suitor for the First Princess. She even managed to rope the King into trying to make it official." I confessed as I held her close to me, savoring her warmth.

"Oh? This...this is news. What happened?" Her dainty hand stroked my chest as she leaned against my shoulder.

"...The King ordered me to quell the Barbaros Forces in the North and also pass by the Beaucamp Barony to determine if the baron is still doing his duties as the border lord. Then......I went ahead and married you."

Her eyes widened and she smiled deviously.

" married me to escape a possible union with a princess?"

I could tell that she was teasing me and I chuckled at her playfulness.

"At that time, it was a good idea. Then somehow....I ended up falling for you." I murmured to her ear. "So it all worked out for me."

"Mmmmhmmm. I should be flattered, my dear husband but I get why the First Princess hates me now." She giggled. "And by extention, her mother hates me for taking away the most eligible bachelor."

"She also does not like how successful Cafe Terra is. That is what my spies say." I kissed her hair, working my way down. "She is known for having the best food in the Royal Palace. Her chef is said to be one of the best in the kingdom but one day, a few servants bought food from your cafe and she was annoyed after sampling them with her daughter and Lady Lorax."

"Isn't that a bit petty?"

"It is. Society often is."

"Every gossip I heard from the maids were all twisted to make me look bad." She asked me. "What can we do?"

"We can make a united stand. I am pretty sure most of the nobles think I am mad at you for staining the family name."

" are not mad at me? Right?"

"No. Why should I be? When I know who to get mad at. You did nothing wrong." My kisses trailed to her throat and she moaned a bit. "Your deeds and hardwork. I witnessed them first hand. I am proud to have you as my wife."

But at the same time, I felt her body tremble as she hugged me in relief.

This must have burdened her a lot. I need to be a better husband.....

"I am hoping that the plan we made with Prince Belmont and Lord Sai is enough."

"If that is not not enough to make the rumors vanish. I'll make my own plans to clear your name. Do you want to hear it?"

When I laid out my elaborate plans, she seemed okay with the first part but I kept my trump card a secret.

She thanked me for my support in all this and my love for her just grew stronger.

As we kissed, my hearts began to beat slowly this time until it thundered against my ribs....


My woman.


"Husband..." she mewled and once again, I was rendered speechless by her vulnerability in my arms as she pulled me closer.

Alaina has always been confident and strong in her own way but tonight; she seems tired of pretending to be strong.

It makes me happy that she can learn to be defenseless in my embrace. It shows that she trusts me.

What about me?

Could I trust her? With the dark secrets I hold about my legacy?

Yes. There are more secrets regarding the Aisenburg line but they are trivial compared to my family's extreme mating traditions.

those..can wait later.

One day, I will have the courage to tell her about my contract with the royal family and my connection to Belmont's fate.

"I love you." she murmured sweetly as I broke off the kiss reluctantly.

"I love you more." I smiled at her as we resumed reading our own books.

The rest of the night was filled with silent camaraderie as I rang for a midnight snack.

Linda came in, pushing a food cart filled with sandwiches, cut fruits and some chocolate pudding along with a tea tray.

She bowed before leaving us as my wife turned to serve us a cup of sweet tea.

The cozy air around us as we discussed the books we read over drinks and bites of food was another kind of joy for me.

I love that I don't always have to "perform" when it comes to Alaina. As much I love the art of sexual relations...

Sometime having a partner with whom you can talk about your mutual interests is also an attractive trait.

I am happy I found that in her.

My Lady Chef { La Vita Series } - Volume 2Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ