Chapter Eighteen

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     I stayed behind after class to talk to my teacher. I needed to know why everyone reacted the way they did. Even some of the younger vamps who have only been around a few decades seemed worried. I didn't have any other classes after this, so I had enough time to figure out what I needed to know. When the last student left the teacher glanced at me and let out a sigh.
      "Yes Lexi?" he said knowing I never stay after unless needed.
       "Why is everyone scared of Dante's sire Viktor?" I asked as I stood up and approached his desk.
       "He doesn't have the best reputation around the community. He used to be a member of the black court and of noble bloodline. Mia's sire's brother actually. He was removed from the council though and banished from our community, shunned in other terms," he explained.
      "What did he do to do that? We don't have a lot of laws so he must have done something terrible to get that kind of consequence," I commented taking a seat at one of the desks in the front.
       He let a sigh and ran a hand through his blonde hair, "He had a series of broken laws. His first one was turning a person, a teenage girl against her will and making her starve until her blood lust was uncontrollable and she went on a killing spree. She had to be killed, silver stake to the heart. His next act against the law was he hired a shifter to attack a council member and lastly this one was unforgivable, and no vampire has ever done it and a crime punishable by death. He turned a child as you know if you're turned you stop aging, but your knowledge and mind keep growing in a sense she matured but was stuck in the body of a child and they couldn't control their lust for blood like we can. She killed a whole village in Mexico. She was killed and it made Viktor mad with rage he attacked the head of the black court as he watched that little girl scream for him as she was killed. He fled before we could kill him, he's been in hiding ever since then."
      I chewed on my bottom lip as I started at the top of the desk, "He wants me."
      My teacher looked at me shocked and ran a hand down his face, "Do you know why?"
     "Simple really. I can't die and neither will my children. He wants me to bare him a child to be the perfect killing machine and then wants to take out the black court and have vampires and all supernaturals come out of hiding. Enslave humans so we no longer need to blend in," I said with a yawn.
      "Yes, well I'll inform the black court that he has resurfaced and add extra protection on the school grounds. Go to your dorm and your mates. Lexi if you see him or anyone that might be a threat tell someone immediately. You might not be able to die but it's best if you stay out of it," he warns me.
      "Sorry sir I can't do that. This is my war and Lilith wouldn't have told me about it if I wasn't meant to stop it. Have a nice day," I said before I left the room.
      I walked down the halls thinking of this new information. He turned two people in hopes of creating a monster which only resulted in him becoming an outcast of the vampire community. I sighed and walked into my dorm. All the guys looked at me relieved that I was okay.
      "Sorry I'm late guys. I was talking to my vampire teacher he was asking about our bloodlines and who turned us. Dante mentioned Viktor and the whole class got quiet. I had to find out why," I said as I sat down in a couch.
      "Which was?" Connor asked as he placed a kiss on my shoulder.
        "He used to be part of the black court and the brother to Mia's sire. At first, he kidnapped a girl and turned her and made her starve until she went on a killing rampage. She had to be killed. Silver stake. Then hired a shifter to kill a court member. Lastly what he did is a crime punished by death usually burned alive. He turned a child a little girl probably as young as five or six. She killed a whole village in Mexico due to not being able to control her blood lust. Her death drove him mad. He was forced to watch her die as she screamed for him to help and save her. He broke free and attacked the head of the black court and fled before he was given his death sentence. He's been in hiding since then and now he's resurfaced," I said staring at the flames dancing in the fireplace.
       "That explains why he wants a child of his own. That little girl he's trying to recreate. Only pure blood woman can have children or pure blood males able to make sperm still. I've seen a few miracles of turned couples having a child but it's very rare. With the disgrace and reputation, he has, no one would want to love or be with him. He wants a child that can't be killed like Lexi so he would never lose them," Nic said from a dark corner of the room covered in shadows.
       Wouldn't know he was there if the fireplace wasn't lit casting light on his face every now and then. Aiden was shirtless laying in front of the fireplace enjoying the warmth from the fire. Kieran was a good distance away because he had enough warmth which I could relate. Connor didn't mind either way and Jax was watching the fire while humming something. Jasper was half shifted with his ears poking up through his hair and his eyes looking very feline with his canines and nails almost like his claws.
      "In all honesty I would have gone mad too and want to kill the people who killed someone I turned, especially a child. There's a reason why turning a child is forbidden and punishable by death though. The ones create them given whether it's family or a vampire who lost a child or a mate grow very attached. I can't imagine staying in the body of a child forever while my brain was still maturing. Never able to truly experience love or anything really. Stuck in the body of a child has all the limitations. Only upside is that no one would assume a child could be a danger act lost or scared a caring human comes to help it's actually a good way of a food source when blood bags aren't an option," I said raising my eyebrows thinking it over.
      "Would our kids ever have trouble with blood lust?" Aiden asked glancing at me from the floor.
      "Or other food sources?" Nic asked from the darkness.
      I glanced at Connor as he had the same question. I went through puberty like a rocket after my demon side was unlocked and my urges were insane. I was able to feed off lust in an area I was in but at fifteen I had sex lost my virginity and started feeding the normal way.
      "I don't have any answers about blood lust I never got it, but I turned myself at 13 and was mature for my age. I had control and I taught myself. Our kids will need all our help with that. With one thing or another," I said shrugging my shoulders.
      They made a sound of agreement, and I looked out the window seeing it get dark. I let out yawn before getting up as the guys followed and we all went to bed. I rested my head on Connor's chest as everyone fell asleep. I stared at the wall wondering when things would drastically change. I let out a sigh as I felt Aiden kiss my shoulder blade. He always knew when I was still awake while the others were asleep.
      "Get some sleep gorgeous," he said against my skin before kissing my shoulder again.
      I sighed and closed my eyes. The days passed quickly and before I knew it, we were being let go for Thanksgiving break. Jasper was a nervous wreck as everyone was packing to head to his streak. I was packing my suitcase as he paced around running his hands through his vivid purple hair. Nic glanced at him only to let out a sigh and shake his head. I finished packing with a huff blowing my hair out of my face. I was wearing a pair of tight jeans with a blue t-shirt with a black hoodie tied around my hips. I tucked the loose strands of my hair behind my ears and carried my suitcase to the door with the rest of our luggage. It was just a week there but still a lot to deal with.
      "Jasper it will be fine. Just breath dude. You really thought you could have kept her a secret all this time?" Nic asked from the other room.
      "No, I know that, but you've seen how Lexi is. The moment she realizes I'm back how well do you think that will go?" he growled out.
       Who was he talking about? I listened some more as Aiden saw me and smirked knowing I was being nosy.
       "If you tell Lexi on the ride there, she'll be less shocked than finding out after arriving. That's what I'm going to do. As much as I would love to see her beat the crap out of Ariel you father would blow a gasket and have more reason to make Lexi look more unfit," Nic said and left the room.
       We locked eyes and he looked down with a sigh and a shake of his head. I had so many questions but decided to wait till the car ride. Once we were in the car Aiden seemed agitated due to the fact that Jasper's father was a tyrant and already hated some of us and really hated me. I stayed quiet and had my eyes closed until Nic cleared his throat. I looked at him as did everyone else.
       "Lexi you need to know something before we arrive. Jasper and I are really good friends and I stayed at his streak before for a while and I have an ex-girlfriend there. I just wanted to tell you, so you didn't kill someone for trying to throw themselves at me. She hasn't really accepted the breakup despite being a year ago," he explained making me look at Jasper.
      He ran a hand through his hair and let out a long sigh, "Similar issue. My ex, Kenzie well she became my ex when my dad sent me here. I was sent without any warning just one day I was picked up. So, her and I never officially broke up. She believes her and I were destined mates and she's gonna lose it."
      "How badly is she going to lose it?" Connor asked with a yawn as he twisted his tail with mine to stop it from aggressively swaying back and forth.
      "She might try to attack Lexi," Nic informed making a growl leave my lips.
      I shook my head and let my hair down. The car ride was long to the point I fell asleep with my head on Connor's shoulder. I woke up when the car pulled to a stop and the boys shifted in their seats. Jasper ran his hand through his hair again for the hundredth time. We all left the car to be greeted with a beautiful area surrounded by a beautiful forest. We were all in awe except for Jasper, Nic and Kieran. There was a squeal before a woman in a white skirt and a pink tank top came rushing over to us. Jasper let out a groan as she hugged him saying welcome home. She faced me with a happy smile.
   "Oh, you must be Lexi! Despite James' comments about you I can already tell you will be a strong leader of the streak. Please come in we have a house built just for you guys. I'm Laura by the way," she said walking away.
      I looked around to see two girls standing together glaring at me and my marks. One had her claws out and she bared her fangs at me. I let out a sigh as I let my traits out. one had her eyes go wide as another one looked scared but still glared at me. I ran my togue over my fangs and kept following. Nic fell back until he was next to me.
      "So which one was which?" I asked as we kept walking.
      "The blonde with the big tits is Kenzie and the redhead is Ariel. Keep an eye out for them. I've seen Kenzie fight and other girl was a bloody mess. Ariel I'm not so sure she's more of roar is bigger than her bite," he explained glancing at them.
      Ariel gave him a flirty smile making a growl be ripped from my throat. She dopped her smile as I locked eyes with her and placed my lips against Nic's mark. He stopped walking and pulled me closer as he muffled a moan against my neck. I smiled and pulled away from him, catching up with everyone else. We kept walking a little more until a cute little cabin looking house came into view. I covered my mouth at how beautiful it was. The walkway was lined with little lanterns on the ground giving the front of the house a soft glow. We walked into the little house, and everything inside just said warm and cozy. There was a kitchen with a table large enough to fit all of us and a nice sitting area with a flat screen TV and a fireplace. I walked through a doorway to see the bedroom with a huge bed bigger than the one back at school. I fell face first onto the soft mattress with a sigh. i was broken from my peace when there was a loud squeal and Jasper's panic in the bond. I got up and left the bedroom to see Kenzie hugging him and trying to kiss him. He was leaning away trying to get her off him. Laura sighed and grabbed the girl pulling her off of him.

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