Chapter Eleven

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      I woke up the next morning to wince at how sore I was. I pushed at Connor's back to make him move so I could get out of bed. I slowly walked to the bathroom still wincing. I went to the tub and turned it on having it fill with hot water. I poured in some scented bath salts and sank into the hot water. I sighed and turned on the jets. I felt my body relax and start to ease some of the soreness between my legs. I closed my eyes and sank deeper into the water. I heard the door open as Aiden walked in still half asleep. He saw me and smiled at me and quickly gave me a kiss.
      "How are you adjusting to feeling the other's feelings and thoughts?" I asked as he brushed his teeth.
      "It's an adjustment. Is this how you felt connected to us at the same time?" he asked glancing at me.
       "Yeah, but I know which bond is who. Going to take you guys awhile to decipher it. Nic's is the harshest because it's also Tane as well, so it feels like two different people but still the same bond," I said closing my eyes.
      "Sore?" he asked with a smirk.
      "Shockingly yes. Thought I might be but didn't think it would be like this," I said wincing when I moved my legs.
      "Alright try to relax and we'll all meet you in the bedroom or living room," he said kissing me again before leaving the bathroom.
     I heard someone else enter I looked up to see Nic.
     "Hey Aiden said you were relaxing thought you would want your phone for music," he said handing me my phone.
      "Thanks Nic," I said taking my phone.
      I turned on some music and was going through my messages. Mia asked me how last night went and I just explained to her I'm sore. I went through my social media and saw I had a friend request. I clicked on it only for me to let out a growl. Dante had the audacity to try this really? I groaned and got out of the tub as it started to drain and wrapped a towel around my body. I left the bathroom with my towel secured around my body. I walked to the dresser and pulled on a bra and underwear before going to the closet and pulling on some shorts and a tank top. I left the bedroom to see everyone sitting in the living room watching tv or on their phone. Aiden let out a low hiss while glaring at his phone. I guess he was texting Maple for leaving out a little surprise detail. I went over to Connor and sat down in his lap. He wrapped his arms around me and buried his face in my neck. All the guys groaned.

      "Shut up!" they all yelled at Connor.
      He pouted and just looked down. I smiled and shook my head as I ran my fingers through his hair. He relaxed and held me close as I watched tv. There was an urgent knock on our door, and I looked at everyone. Then the smell hit me, blood. I rushed to the door and open it gasping as Mia stood there covered in blood. I pulled her in looking around the hallway.
      "What happened?" I asked checking her for any wounds.
       "I don't know I woke up like this in the woods bound with ropes soaked in water with vervain. I had a gag in my mouth with the same treatment. Felt like I was having blades go down my throat. I don't remember what happened Lexi," she said her hands shaking.
      "Did you send me a text this morning?" I asked if she woke up like this there's no way she sent that.
      "No, I don't even have my phone. God Caspian must be worried sick about me," she said in defeat.
      I glanced at Jasper, and he pulled his phone out, "On it."
      I went to the fridge seeing she was paler than normal. I grabbed a blood bag only for her to take it out of my hands and sink her fangs into it. Connor walked away still not used to seeing that. I pushed the hair away from her face that was covered in dirt and blood. If she had any wounds aside from the burns healing on her now, they healed already. Once she was done with the blood bag, she had some color back to her skin. I helped her to our bathroom and let her be as she used the shower to get all the blood and dirt off her. There was banging on our door and when Jasper opened the door he was pushed aside by Caspian in a rage.
        "Where is she?" he demanded with his canines and claws out.
        "She's taking a shower right now. She'll be out soon, sit down," I said with a hard edge to my tone.
      He sat down but I could see him struggling to hold his wolf back. I heard the shower turn off and the bathroom door open. I went back into the room and handed her some of my clothes for her to wear. She pulled on the clothes and followed me to the living room. She saw Caspian and ran over to him as he held her close.
      "Mia what's the last thing you remember?" Aiden asked while holding me close.
     "I remember leaving here and Caspian and I saying bye to my sire and his parents and then we went to our dorm and going to bed. Then I woke up in the woods outside covered in blood and dirt and bound and gagged. That's all," she said looking down.
      "I can look 24 hours into your past if you let me. See what happened that you can't remember," Aiden offered as he kissed my cheek.
      She nodded her head and Aiden let go of me. He took a deep breath placing his index finger on each temple and looked deep into her eyes. His eyes glowed gold and turned into slits. Mia's eyes glazed over zoning out. Aiden let go and steps away and Mia came out of her daze. Aiden had a grim look on his face shaking his head.
        "I don't know who he has helping him, but someone has very strong psychic abilities in this school. They must have something of her's to hold a connection to take control over her. They made her walk to the woods and chase down a human. Honestly, I've never seen a vampire kill in such a gruesome way. Whoever had control they're sicker than me and Tane combined. Dante is forming alliances with some of the most twisted students in this school. He's too scared to get his hands dirty so he's using the ones who want to. Lexi this...... I've never seen someone ripped to shreds and still screaming until there was nothing left. I'm a sick son of bitch but even I'm not like that and it's in my nature to be like that. Caspian, I suggest you take her to your dorm and keep an eye on her. Those memories are going to come back in forms of nightmares at first. After she killed that person someone in a black cloak tied her up and made various cuts on her skin with a silver dagger making runes in her skin. I don't know what they mean but we need to get ready for a war to start soon. Whatever is coming it will be coming. This school is going to be the battle ground," he said darkly.
      I was seething and wanted blood. Messing with my mates and I was one thing but this, it was too far.  After Mia and Caspian left, I went to the closet. All the boys rushed after me able to hear my thoughts. As I reached for my shoes Connor grabbed my arm and I flipped him over me and onto his back. I felt another hand grab my shoulder and I hissed at Aiden. A strong pair of arms wrapped around me as I struggled in Jasper's hold.
       "Dollface I know you're mad, but this is what he wants. You going after him not thinking straight is going to get yourself hurt," he said grunting as I threw my head back head butting him.
       "Okay that's it," Nic said his voice deeper meaning it was Tane.
        He took me out of Jasper's arms with little effort and pinned me to the wall.
         "She's not thinking straight already so guys this might hurt," he said before landing a hard slap across my face.
       A few of them groaned as my head whipped to the side. My rage eased as I realized what Tane did. I looked at him with shock as he stared into my eyes with a serious expression.
        "Are you calm?" he demanded.
        "Deadly," I said glaring at him as my tail came out and pointed at his throat.
         He smiled letting me go. His eyes went blue again and Nic was back.
          "Sorry love. He took over before I could stop him. He's your mate too," he said looking at my red cheek.
        I sighed and ran a hand through my hair. I saw Connor still on the ground stunned from how hard I threw him.
        "I'm sorry. He's taking this too far guys," I said looking down feeling horrible.
        They all came over to me feeling the bond be flooded with my guilt. I sat down and Aiden pulled me into his embrace.
         "I think today we need to work on locking our thoughts out from each other or we're going to kill each other," he suggested.
        "That's not the point of the bond though. It's to keep us close and stronger as one, as a unit," I said looking at all of them.
        "She's right. You saw how Maple and her mates are so in sync. They don't have that barrier. Sure, it can be intrusive and a little annoying but I'm sure we can all adjust to it," Connor said as he kissed the top of my head.
        There was a knock on our door, and I looked at them. I went to the door and opened it to find flowers on the floor. I smelt the lingering scent of roses and blood knowing it was Dante. I grabbed them and closed the door locking it. Jax grabbed the card and pulled his lips back as all his teeth turned sharp.
        "See you soon I'm always watching you," he said reading the card.
        "So, we've moved to stalker mode, have we?" Kieran scoffed.
        "Love what classes do you have without us?" Nic asked as I felt his concern.
        "Vampire basics that I share with him and Mia and my elective class on Hell lore," I said looking down.
        "You chose hell lore?" Kieran said shocked.
        "Seems like a class you should be in Kieran," Jasper said.
        "If I was full hellhound yes but I'm not going there anytime soon or ever," he said with a growl.
         "Are you guys okay if I go for a fly?" I asked suddenly.
         They all looked at me as I was feeling restless. They nodded and I went to pull on my shoes. I opened our big bedroom window and jumped out as my wings came free. I flew off into the distance. I loved the guys dearly but that note had me on edge. I kept flying around enjoying the sense of freedom. I did a few laps around the school only to see Dante talking to someone. I landed quietly above them on the roof and listened.
      "You tried using Bethany and see how well that turned out not to mention the damage she did the other day to Jenny. If she finds out I'm the one who went after her best friend, I won't get off easy. Tell your sire I need protection if he wants the others to do what they need to do. I also suggest you guys take a look at their next gym class. See who you all are really up against," the person who was a boy with white hair said before walking away.
      I went deeper into the shadows I was hiding in. Dante looked around before pulling his hood up and walking off. I waited till he was gone before going back into the air. I flew back to the open window of the dorm and climbed through it. The guys were all doing their own thing and I walked in to see Jasper and Aiden "fighting" on the ground of the bedroom as the others watched. I sighed and looked at Nic. He smiled and nodded helping me pull them apart. What I didn't expect was to see Aiden's jaw unhinged hanging open widely. It was even worse to see his jaw go back to normal. He looked at me and gave me a smirk.
     "Three things to discuss boys. First what started this?" I asked looking between Aiden and Jasper.
     "Aiden had a thought I heard it and I didn't like it," Jasper said glaring at him.
     "Seriously all I thought was Selene from underworld was hot!" Aiden exclaimed with a groan.
     "And we have a mate you shouldn't find anyone but her hot," Jasper said getting mad.
     "Jasper baby it doesn't matter she's not real and no offense Aiden you wouldn't have a chance in hell," I said patting his cheek.
         Aiden looked a little offended by that but shrugged it off. I walked to the living room to talk to them. I sat down on a couch with Kieran joining me and Jax on my other side.
        "What's going on gorgeous?" Aiden asked sensing how nervous I was.
        "Do any of you know a kid with white hair and psychic abilities? During my fly I saw Dante talking to someone like that. They wanted protection after what they did to Mia. They mentioned others as well working for Dante's sire," I said in a serious tone.
       "That would be Cyrus. He's a very powerful psychic in the school. I had gym class with him last year and just stood there as he made a kid almost beat themselves to death. The whole time looked bored like what he was doing was child's play. He's one person I even make sure to avoid. When it comes to mind games, he'll get the upper hand on me. What I did to Bethany is nothing compared to what he can do," Aiden said shaking his head.
      "We need start watching him. Who he hangs out with what his group of people consists of and more closely to who Dante hangs out with and speaks to. I caught a new scent on him, and I mean he was covered in it. So, my guess he's got a girl with him. One of the vampire pure bloods from my class. He tries to make me jealous or maybe he finally moved on. Lilith, I hope he did because that will mean he's just taking orders from his sire. No clue why he wants me, we'll find out soon enough. I also want to discuss what my aunt Lydia mentioned the other day...... Kids," I said looking at all of them.
     They all looked at the ground knowing I had a reason to bring it up.
     "We both know tribids are hard enough handle but mix two hybrids like Kieran and I it's going to be harder. I've never seen four mixed all in one not ever recorded or even at the school," Nic said running a hand through his hair.
      "I mean Jasper like he said our child will be a tribrid of vampire weretiger and succubi or incubi. Connor our would be a simple hybrid like me. Aiden, tribrid as well and I'm guessing a hell raiser too. Jax same as well tribrid. And Nic ours would be tribrid as well we're both sexual demons but add vampire and angel might get complicated. Then Kieran, I'm terrified of this the most. Only thing that's not unholy is your weretiger side what will stop Lucifer from wanting our kid to work like your dad? I mean vampire sex demon hell hound and weretiger. Three species that both have a long-life span and almost unkillable," I said looking down.
      "Lucy prefers pure hell hounds. They do a better job he says. He won't request our child or any of our children. I don't know about the rest of you guys, but your kids are just as much as mine and mine will be yours," Kieran said looking at all the guys.
     They all agreed making me smile and shake my head. I really was lucky and blessed to be mated to them.
        "We got years before we can even consider kids anyways. As long you take to school tonic you'll be fine anyways. I mean shit Lexi I'm only seventeen," Jasper said running his hand through his hair that was growing out.
         I glanced at Kieran to see his hair was growing fast too. That was the thing with werecats. Hair grew extremely fast no matter what, wax, shave, or laser removal it was back in days. Jasper's bangs were at his cheek now while Kieran's was at his shoulders now, he actually had it tied back with one of my hair ties.
        "We have gym tomorrow and Cyrus told Dante to watch our class to see who he's really going up against. So, we might not see him, but he'll be watching. I don't know about you guys, but I won't be holding back tomorrow," I said closing my eyes when Jax traces his mark making pleasure flood my system.
      All the guys let out a groan of their own from the bond. This is seriously going to take time to get used to. I gave them all a kiss before I decided to go to the library. I left my dorm and started walking down the hall. I felt like I was being watched and sniffed the air. Snake oil and black dahlias. I used my speed rounding a corner and pinned Alex to the wall by his neck. He grunted from the pain as I raised him off the ground.
     "I thought we made it clear you weren't welcomed around us. Maybe I should let Aiden know you're here," I threatened with my fangs out and eyes red.
     "I was just doing some recon. Was paid a good amount of cash to keep tabs on you," he wheezed.
     "Tell me who and if you say Dante or you don't know I'll rip your throat out and let you bleed out," I hissed.
     "He said his name is Viktor. Said you were special to him. Something about your bloodline and ability to birth tribrids," he said as I growled.
      I threw him across the hall into a wall hearing his spine crack and him fall to the ground. I listened to hear his heart start beating again. I let out a growl and kept walking. I entered the library and went to the very back to enjoy peace and quiet to read. I was reading a romance book when the hair on the back of my neck stood up. I looked behind me to see Cyrus.
      "I'm not here to be a threat," he said holding up a book of his own, "no one likes to go near me, so the back of this place is best for me."
      "I know what you did to Mia," I said making him freeze up.
      "And yet I'm still breathing," he commented before gesturing to the seat across from me.
     "Go ahead. What does Dante have over you? He's a vindictive bastard and uses blackmail to his advantage," I asked putting my book aside.
      "My mate. Hannah is a vampire her mom is part of the black court. She chose me as her blood mate, but her mom nor does the vampire community know. You're part vampire they don't approve unless you're vampire or something stronger or a destined mate. As far as they think I'm a human with mind tricks," he said grimly.
      "So, he's saying he'll tell the black court and her mom if you don't help him. I know undoing a blood mate bond is painful. The mark gets burned off both of you and usually the nonvampire blood mate dies from the pain. Too much for the body to handle. Whose blood was on Mia?" I asked intrigued.
      "Not sure. They were a nobody. No family no life no job just someone for her to hunt and kill," he said with a shrug.
      I felt my blood run cold. I never killed anyone, and I felt sick. I ran my hand through my hair I sure what to say.
      "Nice work you did on Bethany by the way. She's a shell of the girl she was now. She visibly trembles when she sees Aiden or you. What did he make her see?" he asked with a twisted smile.
      I felt a push at my mind, and I put up a mental barrier and glared at him. He only smirk realizing I caught him trying to get in my head.
     "My family comes from a very long line of female psychics which is why I used to be an empath then witch which is what made me what I am now. Try to get into my head, you'll fail. I'm sorry he's using you Cyrus but when this is all over, he'll be dead and so will Viktor. Thank you for the name," I said and got up to leave.
      I heard him say something as I walked away, "I see why he wants her so badly. Deadly yet hot."
      I sighed as I glanced over my shoulder at him to see him staring after me. I hate this, what I am sometimes. He'll be in trouble with his mate though without a doubt she'll smell me. Another pair of fangs I'll need to dodge. I saw Veronica leaning against wall flirting with a werelion. I walked over to them as smiled. He glanced up and down my body until his eyes landed on my mate marks.
       "Sorry kitty boy fully mated to six guys. One you might know, Jasper?" I suggested.
       He paled and apologized for staring. Veronica giggled and gave him her number. She linked my arm with her's and walked away.
       "Is there a reason all feline male population is eye fucking you?" I asked getting a smell of her heat.
       "Yeah sorry. It been crazy like I found my mate, but I can't pinpoint his location and my feline liger is going crazy. Anytime I track his scent down and start to follow it suddenly goes cold. Maybe he's running away from me? It's a teacher though I know that much," she said making me stop and trip from her still pulling me.
      "A teacher?" I asked shocked.
      "Yeah, because it's the same route every time. I just need to find him. What you're saying your mates aren't older or younger than you?" she said with a raised brow.
      "Jasper is seventeen and Nic is nineteen and the others are my age or a year older," I said with a sigh.
       "Cradle robber or is it cougar?" she teased.
       I rolled my eyes and pushed her. She sniffed the air and eyes glowed. I let go as she walked off. I sighed and kept walking to my dorm. I stopped when I saw Dante and he wasn't alone. Sophia, a pure blood was with him in fact they were making out. He pulled away and locked eyes with me as she sank her teeth into his neck. He let out a hiss but held my gaze. I walked away shaking my head. He seriously thought he could make me jealous. I saw Nic leaning against a wall except his eyes were black which meant it was Tane. He saw me and smiled and walked up to me.
       "You know I'm a little hurt I didn't get to have you and your body to myself yet," he said in my ear before biting it.
        "Well, the boys are still at their other classes and the dorm is empty," I said glancing at him to see him smirk.
         "Then I suggest we go there right now," he said grabbing my hand before being engulfed in darkness.
        Suddenly we were in the bedroom of our dorm. I looked at him stunned as he smiled before claiming my lips roughly. I kissed him back and he started to undo my shirt. I pulled his shirt up and broke the kiss to finish removing our clothes. Tane groaned at the site of me and pushed me down onto the bed. I watched him as he went to the closet and came back with the ball gag, paddle and the rope. I clenched my thighs tightly as he started to do a Japanese rope tying on my body. He smiled when he was done and made me open my mouth for the gag. He made me roll over and get on all fours making a knot rub my clit making me moan loudly. He rubbed my ass before landing the paddle hard on my ass. He did it several times harder each time. When he was done, he made me lay back down before getting on top of me and slid in hard making me cry out loudly.  I gripped his biceps and he thrusted into me hard and fast. I moaned loudly digging my nails into his flesh. He licked up my neck only to bite down on my mark making me cry out his name only to be muffled by the gag. He kissed and sucked on my neck making sure to touch our mark we shared causing intense pleasure. I moaned loudly and buried my head into his neck when I felt my orgasm crash over me. He kept thrusting into me grunting and groaning.
      "Lilith, baby girl you're so wet for me," he groaned and kept thrusting harder.
        I could barely think straight and became a moaning panting mess under him. I felt another orgasm building and I wrapped my legs around him and cried out his name dragging my nails down his back drawing blood for him to find his release and spill his seed inside me. He pulled out of me and took out the ball gag letting me catch my breath. He then started to undo the rope and put everything away. I stayed on the bed feeling sore and not sure I could trust me legs. Tane came back and laid down next to me.
       "Don't you have class?" he asked with a smirk.
      I sighed and got out of bed wincing a little. I got dressed and ready for class giving him a playful glare. He gave me a lazy smile and kissed me before I left for my succubus class. I walked down the hall and met up with Connor. He looked at me and smiled.
       "You know we all felt that while in our classes, right? Looks like Tane got some one-on-one time with you," he said with a smug look on his face.
       I rolled my eyes and pushed him. We walked into class and took our seats. I winced as I sat down making Connor laugh at me. I let my traits out and jabbed him with my tail. He smiled at me as class started and the teacher was going over the bloodline lineage of the royal families. I paid attention learning about my family. I copied the family tree learning we both came from Lilith and the demon of lust. All incubi and succubi came from Lilith and the demon Asmodeus one way or another we were all decedents of them. Lilith was the first succubus to exist, so she was the mother or ancestor of mine and any other sex demon. Once class was over, I was still a little sore slowly hating this. He wasn't kidding when he said I wouldn't walking afterwards. We walked and joined everyone at potions class.
       "Aiden ran into your brother today. Got a name and some info out of him. The main name I got from him was Viktor, Dante's sire. He paid your brother to do recon and keep tabs on me. I also ran into Cyrus. Dante is using blackmail to use him. It's complicated to explain but it's about vampire law. He was just taking orders along with everyone else. Dante has dirt on all of them. Bethany's was her pride being threatened. Cyrus having his blood mate threatened to be outed for being with just a human with mind games as vamps see him as. We need to find out who else. We outed our deepest secrets already so he can't use anything on us. We'll still be a target. Your brother said Viktor said I was special, but I still don't know how," I said looking at everyone.
       "Another reason Alex would do this is because like I said he's jealous. He wants a mate because Maple and I have one. He was dad's favorite though never laid a hand on him. More importantly Lexi he wants you. Alex has always been jealous of what I had or got in life. So now he wants you but can't," he said with a sigh.
        I saw Nic walk into class back in control and saw me only to give me a small smile. I narrowed my eyes.
       "What's wrong?" I asked feeling the shame through the bond.
       "He took over without my okay. He's starting to see if he can take over without a fight. I need to start repressing him again," he said with a tired sigh, "He didn't want me to have control again took a lot out of me."
       I hugged him and kissed his cheek.

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