Chapter Seven

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That night I was in the kitchen with Jax who I discovered is actually a great cook. He was moving all over the kitchen cooking a dinner for all of us. I sat on one of the counters as he moved past me. Aiden was taking a shower while Jasper and Nic were watching some anime they found. Connor was flipping through a magazine while Kieran was passed out on the other couch. Jax looked at me and tapped my leg telling to hop down. I jumped down from the counter as he opened a cabinet and handed me some plates.
"Sweetheart, can you set the table?" he asked smiling at what he called me.
I rolled my eyes and started setting the table and getting everything needed. I was leaned over the table putting down a cup when I felt someone grab my hips. I smiled as I felt the warmth of Kieran's skin.
"I wouldn't mind taking you bent over this table," he said close to my ear keeping me in my bent position.
"About time you woke up," I said as he kissed my neck.
He hummed in response pushing my hair to one side. He kissed below my ear making a shiver go up my spine. I closed my eyes at the sensations he was causing. He kept kissing my neck before latching his lips where my artery was and start sucking and biting. I let out a small moan before he pulled away smiling at the mark he left.
"We plan to make sure you don't leave this room without a hickey from all of us," he said stretching his hands above his head.
Jax was starting to turn off the stove just as Aiden came out of the bedroom in just sweats with his hair wet and slicked back. We all grabbed our plates and started putting food on them. I was happy to see Jax made spaghetti with meatballs and garlic bread with a salad. I sat down with my plate as the others took their seats too. They started eating before I grabbed my glass and went to the fridge. I opened it grabbing a blood bag. I poured it into my glass and heated it up in the microwave. I sat back down and took a sip from it. I started eating my food as we all talked.
"So, you and Connor have to be at your dads by dawn tomorrow?" Aiden asked to clarify what my dad said.
"Yeah, which means sleep as soon as we're done eating for Connor and I. I don't want to be blindsided like that again in class and I would like to show my fire class teacher I belong in her class. It would be nice to know some more of my powers for gym too," I said as I took a bite of my salad.
"What's everyone's plans for tomorrow? I was thinking of taking that scent hiding potion and tailing the vamp," Jax said taking a drink of his water.
"I gotta hit the library tomorrow for some books. I got a paper due in my species class," Jasper said with a sigh.
"We both have that paper due," Kieran mumbled.
"Aiden had Maple told your mom that I'm your official mate now?" I asked making him inhale and choke on his food.
"Thankfully no. She's going to let me tell our mom myself so she's coming by tomorrow to do a video call together so I can't chicken out," he said dragging a hand down his face.
"That will be interesting to witness. You going to tell her you have to share me with five other guys?" I asked as I took a bite of my garlic bread.
"Jax hate to say this but you're the chef of this bond the food is great!" Connor said eating more of his food.
"Don't worry though Maple won't let me leave that detail out at all," Aiden said with a shake of his head.
We all kept talking before I helped Nic clean up. I went into our room and grabbed some pajamas and changed in the walk-in closet. I came out wearing an off the shoulder sweater and some sweatpants.  I got into bed between Connor and Aiden. I rested my head on Connor's chest while Aiden wrapped his arms around my waist pressed against my back. A few hours later Connor and I woke up to our phone's alarms going off. I got up and went to the closet changing into a sports bra with a tank top and some yoga pants. I pulled on some tennis shoes and headed to the kitchen. I ate a quick breakfast bar and some orange juice waiting for Connor.  As I was waiting Nic came out of the room looking tired.
"Hey, you should still be sleeping," I said as he pulled me close.
"Just wanted to leave my mark before you left," he said in a deep tired voice.
I kissed him deeply as he held me close by the small of my back. He kissed down my jaw and found a spot not claimed yet. He started to suck and bite the area making me moan lowly. I held his face to my neck running my fingers through his hair. He pulled away with a smile and kissed me before going back to bed. Connor came out of the room wearing a wife beater shirt with hoodie and sweatpants. We left our dorm and went to the ground floor and left the dorm building. It was still dark out but had to be at my dad's by dawn. We headed towards the woods and headed for the cabin. As we walked through the woods, I kept my eyes out for anything and listened to every sound around us. We made it the clearing with no issues to see my dad outside waiting for us. Connor cracked his neck, and his horns wings and tail came out. My dad and Connor looked at me and I took a deep breath. I groaned and clenched my teeth as my horns and wings ripped open my flesh. My spine got longer, and my tail came out. I looked at my dad as my fangs were out too.
"Alright let's get started," my dad said clapping his hand together.
It was easily noon and Connor, and I were both covered in sweat blood and dirt from training with my dad. I was blasted across the clearing trying to dodge my dad's attack. My back hit a tree hard making me groan and fall to the ground.  I sat up on the ground and looked at my dad as he sent a blast at Connor who flew up to dodge it. Finally, training was over, and we headed back to the dorm. We walked the halls to see Maple and her two mates up ahead going to our dorm. I called out her name catching her attention. She faced us to have a look of shock.
"Oh, my Lilith are you two okay?" she asked looking at all the blood.
"Yeah fine. We've been training that's all. Getting a better handle on my powers," I said not mentioning my dad.
We walked into the dorm, and everyone looked at us. All my mates growled seeing the condition I was in. I made my way to the bathroom and turned on the tub. I let it fill as I slowly pulled my clothes off groaning in pain. I was sore and hurt all over. I looked at my body to see bruises almost everywhere. I sank into the hot water with a sigh and turned on the jets. There was a knock and I said come in. Connor walked in and turned on the shower.  I had my eyes closed letting the hot water soothe my aching muscles. I sank deeper in the water as Connor took a shower quickly.  He left the bathroom after kissing my cheek. I washed all the dirt and blood and sweat off my body. I washed my hair too trying to undo the knots in it and get the dirt out of it. Once I was done and the water was the color of brown and red, I got out of the tub. I wrapped a towel around my body and then wrapped my hair. I walked out of the bathroom to see Aiden and Maple doing a video call. His mom was talking to him as he looked at me and his eyes turned to slits.
"Is she there?" his mom asked making me freeze in shock.
"Yeah, she just got out of the shower mom," Aiden sighed as his eyes went back to normal.
"Oh, let me see her!" she demanded.
I sighed and sat down on the bed next to Aiden. I was put in view on the screen in a towel and my neck covered in hickies great first impression. I smiled at the woman on the screen. She had green eyes with blonde hair. She was tan and wearing a black blouse on the screen of the phone.
"Hi, I'm Amber Aiden's mother. You're Lexi his mate, right?" she asked with a smile.
"Hi, it's nice to meet you," I said with a small smile.
"Now Aiden refuses to answer me on a few things so I'm going to ask you. He won't say how many mates you have total, nor will he tell me what you're a hybrid of. Also, when do you two think you'll be fully mated?"
My eyes went wide as slight panic ran through me, "Um I have six mates including Aiden. I'm a hybrid of succubus and vampire. My father is Samial outcast of the royal family. I'm not sure when I plan on being fully mated to all my mates, but it won't be happening before the family weekend."
She nodded and smiled again. I excused myself needing to get dressed. I pulled on a tube top and some shorts. I walked into the lounge area and laid down on the couch placing my head in Jax's lap. He ran his fingers through my damp hair as we watched tv. He readjusted and laid down behind me on the couch. He kissed my neck lightly making me smile.
"You left this morning without letting me leave a mark on you," he said into my skin.
"You didn't wake up. I didn't know you were a heavy sleeper. Besides it was just too priceless to see you and Kieran cuddling," I teased.
He let out a growl and flipped me onto my back as he pinned me to the couch. He glared down at me as I laughed at him. My laughter died the moment his lips claimed mine. I closed my eyes and moaned into the kiss. He broke the kiss and started to kiss his way down to my collarbone. I kept my eyes closed as I weaved my fingers through his hair he had down. He started to suck and bite hard but not enough to break the skin and mark me. He pulled away and looked down at my collarbone with a smile. We laid back down on the couch watching tv again. Aiden left the bedroom with Maple looking pleased. He fell into a recliner glaring at his sister.
"I hate you. Mom is going to be here in three days and not only meet Lexi's family but everyone else's as well now. Do you have any idea how tense that is going to be!" he growled out.
"I think there's one person more important for my mom to see first," I said giving Aiden a pointed look.
He nodded his head and let out a long sigh as Maple started to lecture him. I rolled my eyes as everyone came over and sat down watching tv as well. Kieran eventually came back from the library with Jasper looking irritated.
"I swear to god if I get slapped one more time, I'm mauling someone," Jasper grumbled.
"You got slapped?" I asked sitting up.
"Bethany isn't the only admirer we have. You are aware some girls at this school are convinced that you as our chosen mate is bullshit and you just used your allure on all of us since day one," Kieran said with a scoff.
"I got slapped by a werepanther named Jenny because I turned her down on her offer to go to her dorm," Jasper said running a hand through his hair.
"Bitch is lucky I wasn't there," I said before getting up.
I went over to Aiden and sat down in his lap. He placed his hands on my hips squeezing them firmly.
"I was hoping for you, and I could go to the library to talk. Plus, I need to return all those books I checked out," I said with a glint in my eye.
I looked at Nic and he smirked knowing what I was going to do. He excused himself saying he had to do something. He walked out of the dorm and Aiden kissed my neck.
"Let's go before I decide to pin you to the bed," he said letting go of me.
I stood up and grabbed my boots pulling them on and left the dorm with Aiden. Nic was waiting outside for us.
"Do any of you know where Bethany would be?" I asked as we walked down the hall.
I was tying my hair up when Nic spoke up, "Most likely the lounge area of the dorm building. She likes to be on prowl there."
"Then that's where we're going," I said as we headed that way.
We got to the lounge area to see her desperate to get Veronica to forgive her. She looked bored and slowly getting annoyed. Her claws were out with her ears and tail.  She sniffed the air and locked eyes with me. I smiled evilly and looked at Bethany. She turned and saw me, and the blood drained from her face. Nic was already having shadows go her way. Soon she had her hands bound behind her. She tried to break free but couldn't. We walked over to her slowly and Veronica watched the scene before her slightly amused. I stopped right in front of Bethany and smirked.
"Saw the claw work you did on my mate Beth. Are you okay with me calling you Beth?" I asked.
She was about to say something, but I slapped her.
"Shut up I don't care what you have to say. Now I'm going to give you two options. First one you can say you're sorry and we'll leave it at that, and you have to mean it, or two Aiden here will make you mentally broken," I said smiling sweetly.
"What wrong Connor to scared to fight his own battles?" she said spitting out some blood.
I grabbed her by the throat, "If you so much as speak their names look at them even think about my mates, I'll kill you," I threatened her, "So are you sorry?"
"Yes, I'm sorry I messed up that fuck boy face of his," she said faking her emotion of sadness.
I looked at Aiden, "Break her."

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