Chapter Seventeen

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I was walking down the halls to the music room. I left early in the morning before my classes so I could get this out of the way. I found the music room and walked in only to stop in my tracks.
"Mrs. Kane?" I asked in disbelief.
The short Asian woman turned around and saw me and had a smile grace her features. She walked over to me with her walking stick and stopped in front of me.
"Are you here to sign up for the talent show dear?" she asked nicely.
I nodded my head quietly with a small smile. She led me to her desk where the sign-up sheet was. I sighed and wrote down my name along with my talent and what song I was singing which was Goddess by Avril Lavigne. I left the room after giving the teacher a smile and headed down the hallways. I texted the girls to meet me in the lounge. When I got to the lounge all the girls were there talking and smiling. Mia saw me and looked relieved to see I was better. I fell back into a couch next to Maple.
"Alright Mia you know what I want to ask about so that's why all you girls are here. Yesterday in vampire class I got attacked with a heat. Sophia and Mia helped me to my dorm and Kieran and Jasper met us there to help me. Maple you're a basilisk and you said Henry was a werewolf, right?" I asked.
Her eyes widened seeing what I was asking, "Oh yeah dear that happened to me too. It was intense I actually shifted at one point from the pain. After Henry and I had sex for the first time, and he marked me it went away. But didn't you and your shifter mates already do the whole thing? I wonder why you had a heat anyway."
Veronica's eyes were wide as worry crossed over her features and she glanced at her mate across the room who looked worried too. She quickly waved him over to us. I felt slight panic like there was something I didn't know. I looked at the other girls who just shrugged their shoulders.
"Um this might sound like a really personal question, but did they release inside you?" V asked chewing on her bottom lip.
I nodded my head, "Yeah I don't see why that matters I'm taking the tonic unless......." I trailed off.
Mia gasped and covered her mouth in shock. Maple's mouth fell open realizing what V was saying. Her mate started to slowly back away as a growl left my lips.
"Would Jasper know about this being a full blooded weretiger?" I asked in a deadly tone.
"He would but the poor guy was so overcome by your pheromones he probably forgot," Veronica's mate chimed in from a distance.
"What about Kieran?" I asked more calmly.
Mia spoke up this time, "He was raised in a streak but has been learning more about his hell side since he learned all about his tiger side last year. I doubt he knows but if he did, he probably forgot too. When I did the whole mating process, I was on the tonic too, but I also made Caspian wear a condom too because I didn't want to risk it. Your heat counters the tonic and it's when well for shifters are the most fertile so you might have been too."
"Lexi, Aiden told me you had a vision of you with kids eight years from now. You saw three and was pregnant with one. Are you sure there weren't others that you didn't just, see?" Maple asked making my eyes go wide.
Oh, Lilith no! My eyes turned purple, and I let out a loud growl through the whole room.
     "I'll see you guys later while I go strangle my two furball mates," I said and sped back to my dorm.
I burst through the door making all of them look at me. Jasper smiled at me only to pale when he saw my eyes and the look on my face. I walked to Kieran and grabbed him by his hair pulling him with me and grabbed Jasper with my free hand. I pinned them to the wall by their throats.
"Jasper, I know you know the answer to this question and Kieran maybe you know I'm not sure if you know. Jasper did you know the heat counters the tonic I'm taking?" I asked.
Connor sat up quickly while Aiden choked on his food. Nic spit out his drink as Jax stood still with his shirt still in his hand. Kieran went pale and glared at Jasper. All the guys stood up and walked over to where I was.
"Firecracker I swear I didn't know. I wouldn't have done that without a condom if I knew," Kieran said making me let go of him.
I trained my eyes on Jasper as he was very pale realizing the mistake we may have made.
     "Doll face you need to calm down and listen. I forgot I swear on my mother I forgot. I was clouded by your pheromones and lust driven I forgot. Like Kieran I wouldn't have done this if I was thinking straight," he said in a low voice.
I let him go and went to sit down. I stared at the floor as the possibility of being pregnant sank in. I placed my hand over my stomach and Jasper was pacing. This could not be happening I can't be pregnant. Not while this threat that was looming over us. Oh, Lilith help me! I shook my head and stood up as Aiden was watching me carefully. Kieran looked like he was about to pass out from this news and quickly grabbed his phone and left the room. I sighed knowing he was calling the only person he could trust with this.
   "Okay let's not panic yet. We don't know if Lexi is even pregnant yet. For all we know we could be stressing over nothing. Let's just take this one day at a time. If she is then we'll figure it out but if not then we can relax," Jax reasoned.
Bless him for being the logical voice of reason with all of us.
    "I can't believe that overgrown house cat and the dog are first to get her knocked up," Aiden mutters making Jasper let out a growl.

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