Chapter Nine

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     His older brother what the hell did he mean? I let go of the person as they gasped for air. They tuned and hissed at me until they saw my neck covered in mate marks.
      "Gorgeous this is my older brother, Alex," Aiden said coming to my side and kissing my cheek.
       "You never mentioned you had an older brother. I thought it was just you and Maple," I said staring at the guy who looked like Aiden but older and more deadly.
        Aiden led us back to the dorm while I stayed quiet and on guard. I didn't trust him mainly because I didn't know him, and he hurt my mate.
      "So, the man who claimed he never wanted a mate is mated to a hybrid and not just that but sharing her with other men. What kind of hybrid are you sweet cheeks?" Alex asked making Aiden growl at what he called me.
     "The kind that can kill you in your sleep. I'm vampire and succubus I'm also pyrokenetic. Lilith also chose all of my mates for me for a reason. Largest multi- bond to be made and recorded," I said pulling out my phone.
       I texted Nic saying I would like him to come to the dorm with Tane in control. I didn't fully trust Alex something just felt off.  He said he was on his way and Jasper was with him. I walked to the kitchen and grabbed a blood bag and poured it into a cup and heated it up as I watched Aiden and Alex talk.
      "Mom wanted me to come check on you and Maple before she came here tomorrow for the family event. Maple wasn't to pleased to see me as you can understand since I killed her last boyfriend," Alex said shrugging his shoulders.
     "It's what happens when that dick thought it was okay to hit her," Aiden said pulling me onto his lap.
      I took a drink from my cup and licked some blood of my lips. Aiden ran his fingers down the edge of my wing making me close my eyes from how it felt. The door opened and the air felt thick as Tane and Jasper walked in. Tane stopped and looked at Alex and came over to us. He grabbed my arm and led me away from them.
     "Never met someone half demon and angel," Alex said looking at Tane making him stop.
     "I'm not surprised you seem prejudice against other beings," he said before he sat down on the couch keeping me close.
     "Something doesn't feel right about him. I don't know what it is," I said watching him and Aiden talk.
     Aiden seemed tense his muscles in his arms tight and bulging the more his brother talked. I kept quiet and made it look like I was watching tv but listens to them talk.
     "Mom being here tomorrow has nothing with you being here. You're pissed. Maple has two mates and I have one, but you don't have one. You feel left out. You want a mate, but you weren't given one," Aiden said staring at his brother coldly.
     "Right because seeing our dad beat our mom and then for her to eat him makes me want to have a mate so badly. You never wanted a mate you always said yet here you are with a mate and sharing her. You don't share Aiden it's not in our nature. You're lying to yourself. I guess this what happens when a whore has mates though given enough cock to keep her satisfied," Alex scoffed.
     A loud growl came from Tane letting Alex know he heard him. Aiden looked at the door as Connor came in with Jax and Kieran. They all stopped and looked at Alex.
     "Who's the snake?" Connor said with a smirk when Alex glared at him and let out a hiss.
     "This is Aiden's older brother Alex who just called our mate a whore," Jasper said with his claws out.
     "Oh, really that's rich. Considering she only wants us," Connor said going over to me and claimed my lips in a rough kiss.
      He sat down next to me and looked at Nic to see Tane in control. He nodded at him with understanding.
     "So, these are who you're sharing with. An Angel demon hybrid an incubus a weretiger a siren and a hound of hell?" Alex said with a smirk.
     "Not only a hellhound, weretiger as well," Kieran muttered walking past him.
      "Oh, really what did your dad just force your mom to mate with him?" Alex sneered.
      Kieran growled and faced him and started approaching him and flames engulfed his body. I ran over to him with Tane following. I grabbed one of his arms getting burned a little and pulled him back as Tane grabbed his other arm the fire burning him. I pulled Kieran away as he tried to throw a fire ball at him nearly missing him.
      "Aiden get rid of your asshole of a brother now. If I see him again, I'll finish what I started," I said my threat directed at Alex.
     I pulled Kieran into the bedroom and made him look into my eyes. He took a few deep breaths the flames dying and his eyes a solid amber color. He let out a sigh as I heard a loud commotion coming from the other room and shouting. I let out a growl and left the room.
     Tane yelled for me, "Little one get back over here!"
     I left the bedroom to see Alex standing while Jasper was holding him by the neck and Aiden had a busted lip and Connor had a black eye forming. I had flames go up my arms and grabbed Alex with my tail replacing Jasper's hand and grabbed a fist full of his hair and grabbed the collar of his shirt. Jasper already had the dorm door open, and I threw him out of the dorm and into the opposite wall of the hall.
     "This could have gone smoothly but you hurt my mates insulted me and now have made an enemy of me. Stay away from us tomorrow or I'll be the least of your worries. My father is Samial of the royal family and he will kill you," I said before slamming the door shut.
      I let out a sigh and looked at everyone. Aiden licked his lip his cut healing as Connor was making an ice pack for his eye. Tane came out of the room only to stop mid step and his eyes turn blue and Nic was back in control. He rushed over to me and held me close looking me over. He let out a sigh of relief.
       "Charming brother Aiden," I said sarcastically.
       He grunted in response and ran a hand through his hair. I sat down on the couch only to have my phone vibrate. I pulled it out of my pocket to see a text from my mom.
     Mom: Hi sweetie can't wait to see you tomorrow and meet any friends you made.
     Me: Can't wait to see you too mom I think you'll be really surprised and happy with all the progress I made while being here.
      I put my phone away. Meet my friends my mom had no idea what tomorrow was going to be like.  I stretched and walked to the bathroom and turned on the shower. I pulled my uniform off as I waited for the water to heat up. Eventually steam filled the whole room as I entered the shower with the glass covered in steam. I closed my eyes as the water ran down my face and body. I felt all my muscles relax from the scalding hot water. I heard the door open to see a figure walk in. I sniffed the air and smelled smoke and ash, Kieran. I wiped the glass only so I could see out. He was shirtless and brushing his teeth as he locked eyes with me. I crossed my arms and gave him a seductive smile. He smirked at me before he looked at the door and walked over locking it. My eyes widened as he pulled off his jeans and boxers and entered the shower with me. I ran my eyes over his naked body almost wanting to die seeing how large he was. He had to easily be nine inches long and adequately thick. He pulled me close and kissed me. I wrapped my arms around his neck kissing him back as his length pressed against my stomach. I moaned into the kiss as he gripped my hips tightly. Kieran gripped my ass and lifted me making my legs wrap around him. He held me easily as he pressed me against the tile wall. His kissed down my jaw and kissed his mark making me moan loudly from the pleasure it sent through my body. He kissed me again as I felt the tip of him press against my entrance. I opened my mouth and tangled my tongue with his. He pushed into me making me break the kiss and lean my head back. He started to thrust into me making my back hit the wall roughly. I looked at him to see the water hitting his skin evaporate and just realized how hot his skin was. I was in too much bliss to notice or care. I kissed him again and he kept moving and moaned into the kiss gripping his biceps tightly. I felt him bite my lip and pull it making me growl and drag my nails down his arms. He pulled out of me and set me on my feet. His eyes had flames dancing in them as he stared at me full of hunger.
      "Get on your hands and knees Lexi," he commanded.
      I nodded my head and got down on my hands and knees as he kneeled behind me.
      "How did I know you would like this position," I said with my joke at him being part dog.
      A hard smack landed on my ass making me moan.
      "What was that?" He asked with a growl.
      I kept quiet only to moan loudly as he slammed back into me and leaned over my back. He thrusted into me fast and hard making me moan and pant. If I was being honest I've never done doggy style and I could feel him in me deeper from this position. Kieran grabbed my hair pulling my head back as he pounded into me. I could feel my orgasm getting close and moaned his name loudly. Kieran groaned loudly as I screamed from the power of orgasm I had as he spilled his cum into me. He pulled out of me and helped me stand up. I sat down on a bench in there as he cleaned himself off. He gripped my chin making me look at him before kissing me roughly and left the shower winking at me. I felt our bond strengthen but not fully form. I remember the book I read say for a multi bond to fully form I had to sleep with all of them at the same time. I stood up and cleaned myself off and washed my hair and ran a razor over my legs and lower area. I got out of the shower and pulled on my black fluffy robe. I walked out of the bathroom with my hair wet and got dressed in some shorts and a tank top. I walked into the lounge area to see Jax cooking in the kitchen and the others watching tv. I sighed and went to the kitchen to help Jax. He just patted a counter top before I could say anything making me sit on top of it. I watched him cook and thought about my mom seeing my dad again. I'm not sure how she would react. I mean overall she'll be happy just not sure what emotions will happen first. I wouldn't be surprised if she slapped him for not finding us sooner. I was broken out of my thoughts when I felt hands run up my thighs. I looked up and saw Jax standing in front of me. I smiled and wrapped my arms around his neck and hugged him. We pulled away and I got down from the counter and made the table so we could all eat. We all sat down and ate our food. We were all quiet in thought about our family members showing up tomorrow morning which I hated, not being a morning person. We soon finished our food and Nic and Jasper did the dishes.  I crawled onto the bed getting in my spot and soon the others followed. I rested my head on Connor's chest as Aiden wrapped his arms around my waist. I smiled before falling asleep.
      "I don't think waking her is a good idea," Connor whispered to someone.
      "What's the worst that could happen?" Aiden countered.
       "The last time I woke her she almost choked me to death," he defended.
       "I'm already awake because you two are talking. Connor seems to know what's good for his health," I said opening my eyes giving them a death glare.
        "Your mom is going to be here in an hour," Nic said handing me my phone.
       I looked at my phone to see the text from her. I groaned and walked into the bathroom shutting the door behind me. I turned on the shower and washed my hair and body before turning it off and stepping out. I pulled on my robe and grabbed my brush and plugged in my blow dryer. I dried my hair and tied my hair up in a messy bun. I pulled out my make up box and started to do my make up. I did a deep blue for eye shadow and then did eye liner and mascara. I decided to use a red lipstick and added some blush.  I walked out of the bathroom in my robe and entered the walk in closet. I pulled on a corset set I bought while out with the girls. I pulled on a denim skirt and a low cut tight tank top that was camo. I pulled on my army boots and walked out into the bed room. Connor was wearing all black with basic jeans and a t shirt. Jax had a band shirt on and ripped jeans. Aiden was wearing a wife beater with a hoodie and light blue jeans. Jasper was wearing cargo pants with a tank top on. Nic was in all black too with a hoodie and his hood up. Kieran was wearing a white shirt with dark blue jeans. We left the dorm room and went down to the courtyard where we were supposed to meet our family at. I walked out and saw my mom waiting for me. I smiled and hugged her tightly. I watched the guys walk off and greet their family.
       "Oh, Lexi I've missed your so much I...... are those mate marks on your neck?" she asked making me sigh.
        "Yes, mom um six to be exact. Before you meet the guys, there's someone I want you to see first," I said as the area started to get crowded.
        I looked around before smelling the air pin pointing my dad's scent. I saw him come through the crowd with his hair tied back wearing a t shirt and jeans with a leather jacket. He smiled when he saw me. I faced my mom as she stared at my father in shock. He got close to us as she covered her mouth with tears in her eyes. She jumped into my father's arms hugging him tightly. They pulled apart only for them to focus on me again.
      "Did you say six mates?" she said confused.
      "Lexi dear!" I heard a female say before being crushed in an iron grip hug.
      "Mom!" I heard Aiden yell rushing over.
      I was let go and gasped for air. Damn snakes and death grips I think I heard a rib crack. My mom looked concerned as the blonde woman was practically beaming at me.
      "I'm sorry Lexi I'm just so happy Aiden found a mate and not another basilisk like himself," she said with a smile.
       "I'm sorry did you say basilisk?" my mom said thinking of a large terrifying snake.
      My dad kept telling her to take deep breaths and led her to a stone table to sit down. I tugged on all the bonds telling the guys I needed them. My mom's eyes widened as she saw six guys approach me. We all sat down as Nic pulled me into his side and Jasper sat on my other side grabbing my hand in his.
      "Mom, Lilith has blessed me with six mates. It's called a multi-bond. Dad has met all of them," I said making my mom narrow her eyes.
      "Wait, you knew your dad was alive and didn't tell me? How long have you known?" she demanded.
      "Darling Lexi only found out a week ago. Her mate Aiden over there saw me watching her and followed me to my cabin until I threatened to turn him into a new belt. The council found out I can't be killed. I've been hiding since then. I told Lexi not to tell you about me being alive because I wanted to surprise you today," my dad said smoothing out her hair.
       "So allow me to do introductions. So this is Nic he's half angel and half demon, incubus to be exact. This is Jasper he's a weretiger. You've seen Aiden and he's a basilisk and yes in the sense you're thinking he does turn into a giant snake you'll see today during gym when we have to fight. This is Connor he's an incubus as well. Jax is a siren and yes I know you and I were both wrong on that thought of only being girls. Lastly this is Kieran he's a hellhound and weretiger," I said looking at my mom process everything.
      "So six mates four purebred and two are hybrids. Sweetheart I know you're a succubus but I don't even think you can handle this much," she tried to say.
      "Mom this isn't like a bloodmate. They were destined for me and chosen for me. If I couldn't handle this many mates, I wouldn't have been given this many. Aiden's twin sister Maple has two mates and I've read about one girl being mates to triplet alphas. Lilith told me this was needed, and I was gifted with the largest multi-bond to exist yet," I said trying to make her understand.
       "Honey I'm happy you found your mates I just didn't expect this large of a number," she explained her concern.
       Amber, Aiden's mom spoke up, "I believe what your daughter is trying to say she's been blessed with six men who love and adore her for who and what she is. You're daughter isn't very accepted by either of her species. Needing two food sources is unheard of it's either one or the other. Vampires don't accept her because she wasn't turned and have a sire or born as one. She used magic to become one she didn't have to go in search for someone to turn her like some here did. She didn't go through a painful transformation she just woke up that way. And her other side don't like how she needs blood to survive they believe sexual energy is enough of a life essence," she explained making my mom understand my struggle a little better.
       I looked at Aiden across from me, "Exactly how much about me did you or your sister tell your mom?"
       "Maple can't stop talking once she starts. I'm convinced it's a birth defect she has," he grumbled earning a smack upside the head from his mom giving him a pointed look.
       "So classes are about to start and the guys and I have to head to our dorm and get ready," I said smiling when mother looked at me in alarm.
       "Wait you all share one dorm!" she yelled after me.
        I shook my head as we all got up to leave only for a firm hand to land on Jasper's shoulder making him let out a growl.
       "You have one minute to get your hand off me before its no longer attached to you," he threatened.
        I looked at the man that grabbed him. I could feel the tension in the air and how agitated Jasper was through our bond. I let my energy flare as my horns wings and tail came out. I heard my mother gasp in the distance at how I wasn't in pain. I felt my fangs touch my bottom lip too as I stared at the man. He looked to be in his mid 50s and judging by his posture he wasn't the easy going parent. That's when it clicked his dad was an alpha. He looked at me and scoffed at me making my dad stand up with a growl.
       "Jasper you know our kind will never accept her. A hybrid let alone not even part feline or any animal for that matter. Reject her now or you'll lose your spot as the next alpha," his father told him firmly.
       "Then looks like I won't be alpha will I? You know that threat is empty right? Your beta is incompetent to lead your gamma is in a cell rotting for raping and force mating a teenage girl. You have no one else or son to take your place. So when you step down or die I'll take over the spot and our people will accept Lexi as their Luna. And before you ask about kids I don't care if they are born tribids or not if I have a son he will lead to if he wants to," Jasper said through clenched teeth and walked away.
       I followed Jasper to our dorm and as I went to touch his shoulder he pulled away from my touch. I felt hurt and slowed down and decided to walk beside Nic instead. He pulled me close and kissed the side of my head.
     "Just give him time to cool off. There's a reason he was upset his dad was coming here," Nic said into my ear.
      I nodded my head as we walked into our dorm room. I went into our bedroom and pulled on my uniform. The guys got dressed when I realized something.
      "So, how old are all of you?" I asked looking at them.
      Jasper froze as Aiden smirked and Nic rubbed the back of his neck.
      "Well, Jax and I are both twenty," Connor said first with a smile.
      I looked at Aiden, "I'm twenty-one gorgeous."
      "Nineteen," Nic said as he buttoned his shirt.
      "Twenty-one as well," Kieran said running a hand through his hair.
      I looked at Jasper as he hasn't said a word and wouldn't look at me, "Jasper?"
      Nic looked amused knowing Jasper's age and sat back wanting to see how this played out. Jasper mumbled something under his breath, but I couldn't hear him.
      "What?" I asked.
      "I'm seventeen," he said looking at the floor.
      Aiden was in complete shock as was everyone else except for Nic.
     "I was wondering when she was going to ask our age," Nic said walking past Jasper and hitting him on the back.
     "You're almost three years younger than me?" I asked stunned.
     "I don't look it do I?" he said looking at me finally.
      I shook my head and tied my hair up and we left for gym. We walked to the clearing to see all our family together except Jasper's dad who was watching me with a glare. We reached our parents, and my mom was leaning into my dad. I hugged them and was introduced to Nic's mom and dad as well as Kieran's mom and Connor's parents who smiled at me, please he found someone who was like him. Jax's family was pretty formal and found out his dad taught him how cook. We heard a whistle blow while talking and we all formed a circle at the edge of the clearing. We were about to start when there was a large blast a few feet away with flames and smoke. I sensed Kieran get tense as a large black canine approached us. As the beast walked, I heard bones snapping and cracking and next thing I knew a man in black robes took its place. He had fire red eyes and looked like Kieran. My jaw dropped realizing that was his dad. I heard a gasp and quick footsteps as Kieran's mom threw herself towards the man as he caught her easily. They shared a passionate kiss as his mom looked amazed.
      "How did they let you come here?" she asked.
     "I promised Lucy another hundred years if he let me see our son and spend a week with you," he said kissing her cheek.
     He walked up to us and saw the mark Kieran and I shared and gave him a huge smile. He hugged Kieran.
      "Why am I not surprised you happened to be mated to someone from the royal family let alone a succubus hybrid," he said with a laugh.
      He walked over to the rest of our families as the teacher started pairing people up. Jasper went up against a siren. Jax went against a werelion. Kieran went up against a vampire which he engulfed in flames making her scream. Aiden was next and he was faced with an incubus which ended quickly with a quick strangle wrap with his snake body. Connor was called and my eyes widened when I saw Mia join him on the grass. When it was over Mia's was bruised up and Connor was pretty bloody. I was next and I walked to the center. I saw Jenny the werepanther from before leaving the circle too. Oh, this was going to be just too easy. I cracked my neck as my body lit on fire and my fire crown appeared. I looked at my mom and she looked so proud. She gave me a single nod and I smiled with my fangs out. Jenny transformed into her animal form and let out a roar at me. I watched her get ready to pounce and I forced a blast of energy at her sending her flying. While she was in the air, I ran at her and dragged my claws down her side. She let out a hiss and swiped her claws across my arm. I wrapped my tail around her torso and shot into the sky. I threw her into the ground only for her to grab my leg with her teeth and take me down with her. We crashed into the ground, and I quickly rolled and put her in a head lock with my legs around her ribs and my tail restrained her back legs. I sank my teeth into her neck and engulfed her in flames. She out a roar that turned into a scream as she went back to her human form and had the fire put out. She glared at me breathing hard.
      "That was for slapping Jasper," I said as all my wounds healed before her eyes.
      I walked over to Jasper and kissed him on the cheek as I locked eyes with her. He hugged me and lifted me off my feet. Nic was called next, and his opponent was a werewolf and the teacher stopped them for a second.
      "Nicholas! I want you to use your demon side today I have yet to witness that," Mr. August said.
      Nic closed his eyes as a loud growl came from his throat. He opened his eyes, and they were fully black. Tane looked at me and gave me a wink and the battle started. Tane made short work of the fight as he released claws and almost gutted the poor werewolf girl. He walked back over to us in control and grabbed me by the waist kissing me deeply. I returned the kiss as he pulled me closer pressed against him. He weaved his fingers through my hair with one hand keep me pressed against him with his other hand at the small of my back. Someone coughed making us break apart as he turned his gaze to my dad who coughed. He had a smirk on his lips before his eyes turned blue meaning Nic was back in control. He gave me a quick kiss and nuzzled my neck. When class was over our family walked over to us. My dad smiled and hugged me glad training paid off.
       "See told you all that training wouldn't be wasted. I'm proud of you Lexi. You have the family crown of fire like me and you turn without pain, and you have more powers," he said as my mom looked proud too.
       Next class was fire class for me before I met with the guys again at potions. They all gave me a kiss before my parents followed with me to class. We walked through the halls when my mom paused looking at someone.
      "Lexi. Is that Dante and his family there?" she asked making me freeze.
      I went in front of her immediately, "Mom no he's dangerous and threat to everyone around him. We need to keep moving now!"
      "Oh, nonsense Lexi. Dante has been one of the nicest boys I have met let's go say hi," she said brushing me off.
      My dad and I shared a look as we walked with her approaching them. His mom saw us and gave a huge smile. Dante smiled at me but faltered when he saw my dad staring at him coldly.
      "Kim it's so good to see you. I didn't know Lexi went here," Dante's mom said hugging my mom.
      "Yes, she's a hybrid of succubus from her father here Samial and vampire from a spell she did at a young age," my mom said smiling at Dante and his siblings.
      I stayed a good distance away and moved back anytime Dante made a motion near me. His mom looked at my neck.
     "Those are some interesting tattoos Lexi," she said.
     I smiled, "They're not tattoos they're the marks of all my mates. I have six amazing men who are my mates."
      "And here I thought you and Dante would end up together," his sister Monica said with a smirk.
      "Lilith had different plans for me. She knew who was right for me," I said staring at Dante with a slight glare.
      My father spoke up, "Darling we should go don't want Lexi to be late."
      My mother nodded and we kept going on our way to my class.

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