Chapter Ten

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      I left fire class with my mom and dad with a headache. Kieran wasn't there today because that didn't count as a class and the teacher didn't feel the need for him to be there. Being near Dante fried my concentration in class and I couldn't focus. He made my skin crawl and feel nauseous. As we walked Kieran joined us with his mom and dad as he slung his arm over my shoulder. I leaned into him as we walked.
       "Bad class again?" he asked.
       "My mom saw Dante and his family and wanted to talk. My mind was fried after being near him," I said as Kieran let out a low growl at the mention of Dante.
      "Is he going to start anything today?" he asked looking at our parents talking.
      "I'm not sure but if he does, he hasn't encountered Tane yet and Nic has been letting him have more control so he might come out to play. He knows I'm marked by you guys but not fully mated. We need to soon which has me nervous too. Like my mom said I may be a succubus but I'm not sure if I can handle all of you in one night," I said looking behind to see Kieran's dad was listening by the smirk on his face.
      "Well, you can always feed off us for an extra boost. Pretty sure Connor will with all the sexual energy in the air," he said shrugging his shoulders.
       We entered potions class to see the tables more spread out and more chairs. Kieran and I sat down with our moms as our dads leaned against the wall near us. Connor next showed up as his mom and dad looked at me with a smile. His dad and mom sat down at the table. Jasper came in with his dad. He sat down with us and looked miserable. I grabbed his hand and held it. He leaned over and nuzzled my neck inhaling my scent to calm down. Jax entered and sat down with his family. Nic was next as his mom looked excited while his dad was very observant of everything. Aiden was last as his mom followed him. He took his seat next to me that was open, and his mom took the last available seat at the table. Our teacher looked around the room and locked eyes with my dad as he had a cold look on his face. The teacher looked away quickly making a smile play on my lips. We had ingredients placed on the table and had no clue what we were doing.
      "Today I thought it would be nice for us to try to make a supernatural truth serum," the teacher said.
       I froze and looked around at the guys. I had one secret that no one knew not even my mom. I bit my lip and looked at my mom next to me for her to smile at me. Oh, Lilith this was going to be a hard day. I'm sure the guys will understand my mom is another issue.
       "Love are you okay?" Nic asked looking at me.
       I swallowed past a lump in my throat feeling all the bonds be tugged on making me wince. It was going to come up eventually, I guess. We started mixing ingredients as Jasper sat back and watched. I heard his dad clear his throat here comes another issue.
       "Why is my son not doing any mixing?" he demanded.
       "Because your son tends to make potions blow up," Aiden said before the teacher could.
       I saw Jasper pale that Aiden spoke up with no respect in his voice. Can we have one day without conflict. My dad got off the wall sensing the tension and his mom was getting ready too. His dad turned his cold glare on Aiden.
       "You should show some respect you reptile," he said as Aiden's eyes turned to slits.
        Aiden stood up with a smirk on his lips, "I'll show respect when I believe someone deserves it. You not only insulted my mate but have been a dick with a capital D since you got here."
He started to walk towards Aiden as he stood there ready, and I could see his fangs poking out a little. I jumped over the table and got between them as Aiden's mom held Aiden back and my dad grabbed Jasper's dad. I stayed between the two taking a swipe of claws to my arm making Aiden more enraged. I faced him and made him look into my eyes.
       "Aiden breath. I'm okay alright I'm already healed. Just breath please baby," I said holding his gaze.
      He closed his eyes and took deep breathes before opening his eyes to see his pupils back to normal. His mom and I led him back to our table. I sat down as my mom looked at me. Getting back to mixing ingredients for the truth serum I noticed Amber, Aiden's mom seemed nervous. Was there a secret Aiden had that he was hiding and was it as severe as mine? The serum was done and wasn't clear or white like most truth serums this one was purple and had deeper purple swirling in it.
      "I would like everyone to take just a drop on your tongue that's all you will need. One at a time please," he said walking around the class.
       "I'll go first," Jasper spoke up making our table be first.
       He took a dropper and put a drop on his tongue. He made a face of disgust and then his pupils dilated. Oh, joy it's fast acting as well. He grunted trying to fight it until the words left his mouth.
      "I don't want to be the next alpha. I despise the idea of that position. I watched it tear my family apart and drove my mother away due to how busy my father was. I don't wish to do that especially now that I have an amazing mate," he said staring at his dad the whole time until he looked at me in the end.
      His dad looked furious and glared at Jasper the whole time. Connor was next and he looked at his mom and dad before placing a drop on his tongue.
      "I haven't fed off anyone since I slept with Lexi when she was starving. She's the only one I intend to feed off of. I've been starving myself actually," he admitted making me cover my mouth.
        "You idiot why didn't you say something?" I said smacking his arm.
       I pulled him into a kiss and felt my sexual energy leave my body as he fed off me. I felt a little light almost floating and sat back down. Nic was next and put a drop on his tongue.
      "Since I've been letting Tane my demon out more I've been having trouble keeping him locked away," he said looking ashamed.
      I gripped his hand and gave him a small smile. I was next and I didn't want to do this but had no choice. My biggest secret was going to come out and everyone will look at me differently. I put a drop on my tongue and felt it hit my system hard. I grunted trying to fight it and groaned in pain as I stood up.
      I looked at my mom before I spoke, "Two years ago I was pregnant. I was dating a human at the time mainly using him as a food source. He didn't know what I was, and I found out one day I was pregnant. I didn't tell any family or friends only him and I knew. Three months into it I miscarried. The doctor at the hospital said it was because my body wasn't able to hold the pregnancy and said I might never have children. He blamed me for losing our child and dumped me for it."
       I looked at my mom and she looked to be in utter shock. Everyone was staring at me while my mates stared at me too. I sat down and looked at my hands in my lap. I couldn't look at anyone. My mom had her heart set on grandchildren one day and I know my mates wanted kids eventually too. It was Aiden's turn, and he took a deep breath and put a drop on his tongue. His eyes dilated quickly into slits, and he looked at his mom as she nodded.
       "My mom didn't kill my dad. I did. I was fifteen when it happened, he was hitting my mom and was about to go for Maple next. I rushed at him and transformed and wrapped around him snapping all his bones and snapped his neck and injected him full of venom. He wasn't going to come back with a crushed skull and his lungs with pieces of his ribs in them and his spine shattered. My mom only took the blame, so I wasn't charged for murder," he said looking around the room.
       I looked at him in shock. His mom took the blame and covered for him. He looked at me as he sat down and pulled me close. I closed my eyes and leaned into him. He kissed the top of my head and held me in his arms. The rest of class kept going and Kieran said he hated his weretiger form because it mixed with his hellhound form. Jax said he used to use his powers to get amazing grades last year. When class was over, we all walked to the cafeteria. I grabbed some food and a soda, and we all headed to our spot outside under a tree. My mom and dad sat down with some food as well. Amber was quiet but smiled when Maple sat down with us and her two mates with their family. Mia saw us and came over with Caspian and his parents and her sire talking. All our parents were talking, and I could feel a pair of eyes on me and looked up and saw Dante watching us. My mom grabbed my attention making me look at her.
      "Honey why didn't you tell me about this? You know you can tell me anything. I can't believe you hid a pregnancy from me let alone a miscarriage! To make things worse they said you might not be able to have children," she said not realizing Dante was watching us and listening.
     I looked at him out of the corner of my eye and saw a huge grin play on his lips from what he heard. I sighed and let my hair down as it cascaded down my back and the red in it showing in the sunlight.
     "Mom it wasn't a big deal. Just a slip up and besides I wasn't going to keep the baby I just didn't have the money at the time I was saving it up or looking for a free clinic. I wasn't going to have a child like me. Half human half sex demon. Liam thought I was human how was I going to explain horns tail and wings to him. He thought my eye color were contacts. It doesn't matter," I said looking down.
      "I disagree," Jasper's father said approaching us.
      "And I thought we made it clear we don't care what you think," Jasper said with a growl.
      "If she is unable to bare you or any of you children she has failed as a mate. Rejection before being fully mated would be the wiser choice," he said looking at me.
      "That's where you're wrong," a voice said approaching us.
      A female wearing a red dress and raven black hair with sapphire eyes stopped before us.
      "Lydia I'm shocked to see you here," my dad said standing up.
      "Samial dear brother it's good to see you're well," she said with a smile.
       "Brother?" my mom said looking at him.
       "I guess that makes you my aunt, right?" I asked standing up.
        "Correct you must that niece blessed by Lilith I've been hearing so much about. Your dad and I are closer in age and bond than the rest of our brothers and sisters. Your father and I are the babies of the family other than you are now though. Like I was saying though. That overgrown house cat is wrong. You were unable to carry that previous child is because Lilith had plans for you. You were not meant to raise a tribrid like that. With your real mates you will be able to bare all of them a child. Be ready to have your hands full in the future. I myself can't imagine six children of multiple different species," she said looking at all my mates.
       I thought back to what she said and felt the blood drain from my face. Oh, Lilith what have you gotten me into? I sat back down and went back to my food and my dad and aunt caught up. I thought about all my mates. Connor's child was simple, sex demon and vampire like me. Aiden's was going to be basilisk and what I am. Same with Jasper and Jax. Nic and Kieran were a roll of the dice. Nic's would be sex demon from both of us with angel and vampire which is unheard of. Kieran was an even weirder mix hellhound weretiger vampire a sex demon. I sighed and looked at the guys to see them in the same deep thought I was in. We finished our food and led the way to our huge dorm. Maple and her mates joined us as well and Mia and her mate. Oh, this place is going to feel crowded quick. We entered our dorm and my mom gasped at how amazing it was and the size. I kicked off my shoes and walked to the bedroom. I entered the closet and pulled off my uniform. I pulled on an off the shoulder sweater with some sweatpants. I left the room and sat down on the couch to see Jax and his dad move around the kitchen cooking. His mom sat on one of the bar stools watching them. He had his red hair in a Mohawk today and smiled. My mom and dad were cuddled up on a couch while Kieran's parents were the same in a recliner. Jasper's dad didn't join us due to the fact that he wasn't welcomed by any of us. I see why he didn't want his dad coming. I've never seen even werewolves be that hard on their pups about taking over the pack or their parents' role. I looked at Connor feeling relaxed after feeding off me and he was talking with his mom and dad. Aiden was sitting with his mom and sister. I can't imagine being the age he was and taking down his father. He did the right thing though. He may be cold and ruthless and a sadist, but I have no doubt he will be an amazing father. He caught me staring at him and smiled winking at me. I smiled and shook my head at him. Kieran sat down next me and nuzzled my neck.
      "So, who's left in the list you haven't had your way with yet?" he asked lowly in my ear.
      "That would be Jax, Jasper, and technically Aiden. But I think tonight I'm going to have all of you," I said looking at him.
       I watched Jasper still at hearing my words and his eyes glowing gold for a second. Aiden noticed his eyes change and looked at me to see Kieran smiling. I felt Aiden tug on our bond, and I looked at him and sent a wave of pleasure through our bond. His eyes turned into slits making his mom smack his arm. He hissed at her only to dodge another hit. The others had no idea what I had planned for them.
       "Do you need anything?" Mia asked behind me.
       "You heard of course," I said with a smile.
       "Oh yeah and I know you're good in two areas, but do you need anything like candles music or anything else?" she asked looking at all the guys.
       "No, I'm fine thanks for the offer though," I said.
       "Alright well me and Caspian are going to head out and say bye to his parents and my sire," she said hugging me.
     I hugged her back before they walked out the door. I leaned against Kieran as he watched his mom and dad.
      "I can't believe he's here," he said kissing the side of my head.
      "Your mom looks really happy," I say watching them.
      "She's missed him a lot. Your mom looks thrilled. All this time she thought your dad was gone and now they get to be together again. My dad has to go back though when his time is up. That's the problem being a hellhound. We almost live forever and take our parents place when they step down. I don't have forever though because of my mom's DNA," he said.
       "I don't know about myself. Vampires live a long time and so do my dad's kind. I mean look at him he can't die," I said watching him and my mom.
      Jax announced dinner was ready. I found the table set as well as the counter with the barstools. I stood up and went to the fridge and opened it grabbing a blood bag and pouring it into a glass and heated it up. I sat down at the table and took a sip from my glass making Connor's dad grimace at that. So that's where he got it from.
      "Don't worry dad you get used to watching her drink it. I first witnessed her sucking it down from the bag itself which was a little worse," Connor said with a laugh.
      I smiled and we all started to eat complimenting Jax and his dad on the food.
     "So, Lexi Kieran's mom mentioned you're having trouble controlling your fire and he's been trying to help you?" Kieran's dad asked looking at me.
     "Yes, I've been getting better, and Kieran is the TA in my class but today my focus was a little fried due to encountering someone we all rather not enjoy and wish he was dead, but killing fellow students is frowned upon," I said dryly.
      "Oh, Lexi you're being dramatic," my mom said with a sigh.
      "No, I'm not mom. Something is not right about him. He has threatened my mates and even tried to hurt them without getting his hands dirty. I heard him one night in the woods during a fly I was taking. His sire wants me for some reason. He's a threat and everyone he associates with is too. I already broke one girl mentally I will do it to him!" I said glaring at her.
      "Aiden, what does she mean broke one girl mentally?" his mom hissed knowing his powers well enough.
      "Wait does she mean Bethany?" Maple asked.
      Aiden groaned and placed his head in his hands and Nic looked down quickly.
     "What did you do Lexi Lawrence?" I winced at the use of my full name.
     "I may have mentally broken a girl for slashing her claws across Connor's face," I said with a weak smile.
     "You mean asked Aiden to break her," Maple confirmed.
     "I wasn't the only one involved," Aiden said looking at Nic.
     "Aiden what did you do?" his mom demanded.
     "Let's just say she wants to scream every time she sees me. I don't want to go into detail, but I got a little high from how much fear she gave off," he said lowly.
      "She's mainly a shell of who she used to be. Not a slut anymore and going after my mates but I gave her a chance to say sorry. I gave her a choice say sorry and she'll be okay, or we broke her mentally. At least I didn't kill her," I said with a shrug making my dad cover a laugh with a cough.
      "Wait Connor she attacked you? Why?" his mom asked looking at him.
      "She's been obsessed with me since the minute she met me? She asked me to join her to her dorm I said no because I was already with Lexi, and she was also my mate. So, in her anger of being rejected she slapped me and sliced my face open with her claws. She was a werelion," he said with a sigh.
      "Look mom Dante is a threat and will remain one. Lilith told me there's a threat coming this way and the only way to defeat it is me being fully mated to my mates and learning to control all my powers," I said raising my hand and having a flame dance in my palm.
       My mom nodded and went back to her food. I sighed and excused myself for a minute. I walked into the bedroom and sat down on my bed. I felt bad mom didn't understand. She lived in a world my dad created to keep us safe and isn't aware being what I am there is a danger everywhere. Not with what I am but who I'm about to be. I heard someone's heartbeat get closer and looked up to see Jax. He gave me a small smile and sat down next to me. He held me close trying to comfort me. I leaned into him resting my head on his shoulder.
       "Don't take it to heart Lexi. Your mom was shielded from this world a long time and so were you. She doesn't understand the threats that are coming our way. Dante is playing nice today because your mom is here. He didn't expect to see your dad though. We'll figure it all out when we know more of his plan with his sire. Now want to tell me why Jasper and Kieran have been eye fucking you all night since dinner started?" he asked making me smile as he tugged on our bond.
      "I may have told Kieran I was ready to finish the bond with all of you tonight and Jasper overheard me with his really good hearing," I said biting my lip.
      "Bite your lip again," he said with a lust filled voice.
      I looked at him as I bit down on my lip again making him groan and close his eyes. I smiled and kissed him tenderly before getting up and taking his hand. We left the bedroom holding hands and we sat back down. I took a sip from my glass and kept eating our dinner with friendly conversation.
      My dad was laughing at a story my mom was telling about me. One I hated her telling people.
      "When Lexi was maybe five years old, she would be having her school call me at least once a day. Whether it was a tantrum she had or like one time I was called to get her because a boy pushed her off the slide at school. So, in return I have no idea why she did this, she saw him on the monkey bars and threw a cup of water on the bar he was holding to make him lose his grip and fall. He dislocated his shoulder and I had to come get her and find her a new school," she said with a smile shaking her head.
      "Oh, that's nothing," Connor's mom said, "When Connor was about eight years old, he flew up for the first time only to get stuck in the branches of the tree above him. His father had to climb the tree to get him down and help get his wings unstuck. Or another time Connor actually allured a poor girl he liked. It backfired and made the poor girl follow him all the time at school and try to kiss him!"
     Connor groaned and ran a hand through his hair.
     "Please that's nothing compared to Kieran setting the shed on fire during a tantrum," his mom said shaking her head.
     "Has he made you spend a fortune on alarm clocks because he throws a fireball at them every morning when they go off?" my mom countered.
     "So, it's just not people you hurt for waking you up," Connor said making everyone look at me.
     "I may have choked him for waking me up from a dream," I said taking a drink from my cup.
     "Just a dream?" he said with a smirk.
     "Connor! I'm sorry dear we've told him it's not best to wake a starving succubus from those kinds of dreams," his mom said glaring at him.
     "Don't worry mom I helped her," he commented.
     I groaned and started to collect dishes from everyone to avoid my mom's puzzled and disturbed look. I felt eyes lingering on me and looked at the the table to see Jasper, Kieran and now Jax staring at me and sexual hunger through the bond. I felt someone touch my waist and I looked to my left to see Connor.
      "Something I should know why they reek of lust?" he said before kissing his mark on me making me fight a moan.
      "No idea. It's getting late though I think we should all call it a night though," I said kissing him.
      He nodded and went over to his parents to say goodnight. Aiden's mom saw and hugged her kids before saying goodnight. She came over to me and gave me a hug to making sure not to crush me this time. I hugged her back and said goodnight. We all said goodnight to everyone. I hugged my mom and dad and told them to be safe. I yawned and finished cleaning up the dishes before walking to the bedroom. I grabbed my robe and tucked a lingerie set into so none of the boys saw and went to take a shower. I washed my hair and ran a razor over my legs and lower area. I washed my body and turned off the shower. I grabbed a towel and dried off my body and used some heat from within to dry my hair faster. I looked at the corset and thong and garter stings to go with the stockings. I put on the red thong first sliding it up my legs before putting on the matching corset that hugged my body with black lace up the sides. I pulled on the black stockings and attached them to the garter strings. I pulled on my satin robe and opened the bathroom door to see Jasper laying on the bed shirtless. Kieran was leaning against one of the dressers facing me. Jax just smirked at me from his spot against a wall. Aiden walked in and froze seeing me. His eyes turned yellow and into slits. Connor was here in no time smelling the sudden boost of lust in the dorm. Nic followed and growled when he saw me in the bathroom doorway and noticed my stockings.
     "Want to show us what's under that robe gorgeous?" Aiden said eying me like prey.
     I untied the sash and held his gaze as I let the robe fall to the ground. They all groaned and closed their eyes. I walked over to the bed and climbed to the center of it.
They looked at each other before looking at me. Jasper rolled onto his side and ran his fingers up my leg. I looked at Jax and smiled as he pulled off his shirt as he walked over to me. My eyes trailed over the tattoos that covered his arms and neck. He got on the bed and claimed my lips as Jasper started to kiss my neck. Connor was starting to stroke himself letting my mates that haven't had me yet go first. I locked eyes with Aiden and motioned for him to join us. He smirked before taking off his shirt and removing his pants too staying in his boxers. Jax moved behind me and Aiden claimed my lips and Jasper was still attacking my neck. I closed my eyes and weaved my fingers through Aiden's hair. I moved my lips with his and pulled him closer. Jax reached in front of me and started to massage my breasts through the corset. I moaned into Aiden's mouth and arched my back. I felt the hooks on the back of my corset start to become undone and Jasper pulled it off kissing his mark making me moan loudly. Aiden broke our kiss and undid the garter attachments on my stockings pulling them down my legs leaving kisses down each leg. Jasper turned my head to kiss him. Aiden kissed back up my legs before settling between them with his boxers off. I looked at his size and let out a moan when Jasper kissed his mark and Jax did the same. Aiden claimed my lips as he slid into me. I moaned into the kiss as he pushed all the way in me. I gripped his biceps and wrapped my legs around him. I closed my eyes in pleasure as he thrusted hard and fast into me. Jax kept massaging my breasts pinching and twisting my nipples too. I let out a loud moan at the pleasure running through my body. I could already feel my orgasm building inside me. I focused on Jasper's lips on my skin Aiden moving in and out of me making me moan as Jax's hands roaming my body. I moaned and buried my head in Aiden's neck as I screamed his name as my orgasm ripped through me. He thrusted a few more times before stilling and spilling his seed into me. He kissed me roughly before pulling out and rolling away to lay on his back. Jax moved from behind me and pulled me onto his lap with his chest against my back and his erection rested against the folds of my sex. Reverse cowgirl was another position I haven't done but wanted to try. Jax kissed his mark before lifting me up and lowering me onto his cock. I moaned at how large he was stretching me. I closed my eyes as he thrusted into me starting slow at first and then picking up his pace. I gripped his forearms, and he moved me up and down his length quickly. My breasts bounced with how fast he was moving me, and I let my head fall back in ecstasy. I moaned his name making me cry out when he kissed his mark. I could feel another climax building and my breathing increased and got faster as it kept building. I heard Jax groan and bury his face in my neck as he swelled inside me, and I came as he released inside me. We stayed like that as I felt him pulse and twitch inside me. He pulled out and helped me off him. Jasper waited for me to catch my breath before kissing me deeply.
     "Sorry dollface hands and knees," he said.
      I rolled my eyes and got on my hands and knees for him. He groaned at how my body looked bent over for him only to hear Nic and Kieran groan as well already knowing I looked good in a bent over position. Jasper removed his sweats and lined himself up at my entrance and applied pressure to my back making my upper half go flat on the mattress. I laid my head down sideways on a pillow and watched Connor Nic and Kieran as they stroked themselves watching us. Jasper started to push into me making me moan loudly. He was a lot bigger than I was expecting in thickness and I could feel myself being stretched to my limit. Jasper was going slowly and stopping every now and then so I could adjust. Once he was fully in, I took a breath before he almost pulled out until just the tip and slammed back into me. I moaned loudly as my hands gripped the sides of the pillow tightly. He started slowly and gradually picking up speed and thrusted harder. He gripped my hips tightly as I felt his claws dig into my skin, I could smell my blood enter the air around us making my fangs come out. He kept thrusting hard making my body move slightly with his thrusts and making moans and growls leave my lips. His balls kept quickly hitting my clit adding the stimulation that was only making my climax build again. I locked eyes with Connor to see him stroking himself quickly watching us. I was going to have to feed off Jasper after this. I closed my eyes as I felt my climax about to crash over me.  I let a scream as I felt my orgasm hit only to hear a roar leave Jasper and lean over me near my ear. I turned my head and waist just enough to kiss him and feed of his sexual energy draining him of it making both our orgasms last longer. He pulled out and collapsed on the bed breathing hard his claws retracting and him staring at the ceiling. I felt more energy in my body after feeding off Jasper and look at the other three boys and rose a brow at them. I moved to the edge of the bed to see who would be next. I looked at Nic and smiled. He smirked at me and pulled off his shirt and clothes before picking me up with one arm. He pushed me up against a wall and bound my hands above my head with shadows and held me up with his hands cupping my ass. He pushed into me with no warning making me groan in pleasure. He started to thrust into me keeping me pinned against the wall firmly and he moved one hand up my body and grabbed my neck applying slight pressure. I moaned as I felt my intake of air slightly restricted. I kept moaning as Nic kept thrusting into me hard and fast. I went from moaning to becoming a panting mess. I felt my orgasm approaching fast only for Nic to say something.
     "Not yet love I'm not quite there hold back just a little longer. Don't cum until I say you can," he grunted as he kept pounding into me.
      I let out a frustrated growl as he let go of my neck to land a slap to my ass at my attitude making a moan leave my lips. He kept thrusting with breathing hard and his wings expanded, and he groaned.
     "Cum for me love," he said.
      I screamed in pleasure and sank my fangs into his shoulder drinking his blood making him moan again and release a second load in me. I pulled my fangs out of his skin and his wings relaxed and pulled out of me. He helped me steady myself on my feet until he was sure I could stand on my own. His blood gave me an extra boost that I needed from the exhaustion he put me through. Kieran stepped up and licked his lips as his eyes trailed down my body covered in hickeys, claw marks from Jasper not fully healed yet and Nic's blood coating my lips that I licked off. He led me to the bed that the boys cleared off of to make room. He made me lay down and kissed my neck before kissing me. I wasn't expecting this side of him. He quickly kicked off his boxers and slid into me slowly making me moan in pleasure. He thrusted into me slowly but started to get faster as his skin became burning hot. I could see the sweat on his skin becoming steam and then his arms and back became aflame. I used my powers to start a fire to manifest on my hands and arms as I wrapped my arms and legs around him. He smirked at me before kissing me as he thrusted into me. I could feel another orgasm approaching and could feel Kieran swell in me before we both found our release together. Kieran rolled off me as Connor approached the bed with his wings tail and horns out. I smiled and let out my wings tail and horns too. He smiled and laid on his back gesturing me to be on top. I climbed on top of him and kissed him deeply as I lowered myself onto his length moaning into the kiss. I broke the kiss and I started to ride his cock and he sat up taking my nipple into his mouth kissing and sucking on my breasts. I moaned loudly and weaved my hands in his hair keeping his face to my chest. I kept riding making sure to move right to add stimulation to my clit too. I could feel my orgasm already building from the stimulation and Connor wrapped his tail with mine as he used his wings to stroke the edges of mine making me moan loudly as I felt my orgasm wash over me and he buried his face in my chest as I felt him release in me and feed off my sexual energy as well. I rolled off Connor breathing hard pretty sure I wouldn't be able to walk tomorrow. I felt my bond with all of them strengthen and fully form. I could feel all their power and emotions more clearly. More surprisingly even their thoughts. Oh, that was going to be a little intrusive. All the boys hummed in agreement hearing my thought. Aiden was the first one to sit up in shock.
      "Oh, come on seriously? No one said the bond would connect all of us. Maple left that part out on purpose," he growled out.
     I laughed at him, and everyone got into bed in their spots before we all fell asleep with me naked and all the guys wearing boxers or gym shorts.

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