Chapter Fourteen

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Jasper's POV:
      After Lexi left gym class and I was done with my fight which was easy I went searching for Aiden. He shut us all out and the heartbreak Lexi was feeling had me and Alister in a rage. I tracked his scent to the lounge area. I saw him on a couch talking to a girl who was twirling her hair around her finger as he flirted with her.
      "Maybe you and I could head back to your place. You look good enough to eat," he said with a smirk.
        I let a loud growl making everyone look at me including him. He rolled his eyes with a sigh and started talking to the girl again. I walked over to them and glared at the little pup sitting there.
       "Leave," I said baring my teeth.
         She quickly ran making Aiden sigh in irritation, "That was my lunch."
         "No that was some whore thinking you don't care about your mate who is heartbroken crying her eyes out to Connor and her family. She thinks you hate her and don't love her anymore and is going to reject her. Now either go convince her that's not the case now or I will drag you there," I threatened.
         "And maybe she's better off without me! I never wanted to lay a hand on someone I love. I refuse to be my father and I ended getting my ass handed to me by her. She went red eyed again and lost control fucking look at me!" he yelled making me punch him across the face hard.
      His head whipped to the side and wiped blood from his mouth. He turned his deadliest glare on me with his eyes in slits.
     "We're gonna do that huh furball? Okay let's do this I've been waiting for a good fight," he hissed standing up putting his hands up in fists.

Lexi's POV:
     I sat on the couch as Connor did the best, he could to comfort me. I felt rage through my bond with Jasper before he cut me off too. I held my knees to my chest as my Aunt Lydia held me. My uncles left to go look for Aiden and Jasper while the boys went to potions class. My aunt Josie was trying to calm down Annabelle who seemed really upset. I sighed and sat up wiping my tears away.
       "Can I try to soothe her?" I asked looking at the poor thing with her face all red from crying.
      "Sure, I've done all I can think of," she said with a sigh and handed her to me.
      I held her and her blue eyes locked with my purple ones and stopped crying. I let my traits out causing her to giggle and grabbed my tail when I showed it to her. I held the little girl in my arms as a smile played on my lips. Connor was watching me with absolute adoration in our bond. I glanced at him as he gave me a look with a huge smile. Annabelle yawned and cuddled close to me falling asleep in my arms. I sat down on the couch as she slept holding onto my tail.
      "Oh my god she's quiet. I can't believe it," Aunt Josie whispered shocked, "She's been so upset since we left the castle and we had to leave James, her hellhound."
       I looked at her, "What do you mean her hellhound?"
      "Each offspring of the royal family has a hellhound to keep them safe and protect them for life. If we knew about you before your father was taken you would have had one too. You have your own hellhound though and as a mate," she explained.
       I nodded my head as my grandfather sat in a recliner reading my textbook for my vampire class.
       "Your grandfather isn't familiar with vampires as you can understand why our species doesn't get along. Which is why I had a look of disgust on my face when I saw your neck," my aunt Olivia said as my grandfather nodded.
       My ears tuned into voices in the hallway and arguing.
      "I swear to god she's going to kill you both when she's sees what you two look like," my uncle Hunter said with a grunt and what sounded like a hiss.
       The door opened only for Josie to give a warning look and point at Annabelle asleep in my arms. I looked over and saw Aiden and Jasper bruised and bloody. Aiden was covered in claw marks and bruises with a few cuts on his face. Jasper had one eye swelling shut his lip split in three places and just covered in blood and bruises covering his face and a mark going around his neck.
       "The snake was choking him when we found them," Uncle Axel said shoving them into the dorm more.
       Jasper saw the little girl in my arms, and he let out a purr at the sight before him. I rolled my eyes with a small smile and handed her back to Josie. I had to pry her little fingers from my tail as she made a face, only to smile when her mother let her hold her tail.
      I looked at Aiden as he glared at me, "Bedroom now we need to talk."
      He growled and followed me closing the door behind us. I spun around and slapped him hard across the face sending him back a few steps. He cupped his already bruised cheek I hit and looked at me.
       "What the hell is wrong with you? I piss you off and you go flirt with another bitch a shifter at that. You need to figure out what you want Aiden. You either want me as your mate or reject me right now," I sighed fighting back my tears.
       He sighed before sitting down on the bed, "I wasn't trying to hurt you in gym Lexi. You went red eyes and let loose on me look at the corners of my mouth and what you did. That shifter bitch was going to be my lunch I needed to feed off some fear to heal. I don't want anyone but you gorgeous especially after seeing you holding a baby."
       I rolled my eyes at his last comment as he grabbed my hands and pulled me to him. I stood between his legs as he held my hips.
       "I only want you Lexi Lawerence. I'm terrified of being like my dad that's why I got upset because I never want to hurt you. It's another reason Jasper and I cut you off when fighting we didn't want you in pain from our hits. I'm sorry I acted that way, but we have to tell Mr. August, we can't fight each other or at least you fighting us. Look like I said I only want you. I want you as my mate, my wife, the mother of my children and for the rest of my life until my last breath," he said kissing my stomach as he lifted my shirt.
       I pull away from him and make him look at me, "I know how much you fear being like your dad, but I know you won't Aiden. Your mom raised you right and everyone may see you as this cold ruthless person, but we all know you're not like that all the time. You're not soft that's for sure but you are the perfect mate for me. I needed someone to bring out my dark side when needed but can also balance me out when I'm being too nice."
      I kissed him before we left the bedroom. The rest of the boys then came into the dorm to stop seeing my family and a sleeping Annabelle. They then glanced at Jasper and Aiden with wide eyes.
      "I'm guessing they fought?" Nic said coming over to me and kissing my temple.
       I nodded when Annabelle started to fuss. She opened her blue eyes and found mine and tried to get away from her mom.
       Josie laughed handing her to me, "I guess she has a favorite relative now. She usually isn't okay unless me or her dad are holding her or James."
      I let Annabelle play with my tail again as she got comfortable in my arms again. I smiled down at her as she focused on my tail. I sat down as she got this little determined look on her face while looking at my tail before she bit down on it. I grunted in pain making my fangs come out. Nic covered his laugh with a cough while the other guys didn't bother hiding it. She spit my tail out with a disgusted face and played with it again.
      "Yeah, she's teething and will bite anyone and anything right now," Lydia said showing the teeth marks on her arm.
       "I see that. It's going to be a long time before I have any though. Jasper is only seventeen I turn twenty soon and the guys are in the same age range as well. I'm not thinking of any of that until at least twenty-five or twenty-six," I said making Aiden choke on his drink with him being the oldest.
      "I would like a little longer I'll be only twenty-two or twenty-three," Jasper pointed out.
      I shot him a glare, "And will your stomach be growing and rearranging your organs to bring in a new life more than once?"
       He got quiet making Jax snicker. He went to the kitchen and started cooking since I missed lunch, and it was getting dark out.
      My grandfather stood up and cracked his neck, "I'm afraid we have to get back my dear granddaughter. The realm of Lust doesn't run itself and I'm sure James misses Annabelle," he said taking the little one out of my arms making her upset.
       Aunt Josie sighed giving Annabelle her tail to play with, "Thank you I would have never thought of my demon traits calming her down."
       I smiled as I walked all of them to the door saying goodbye and hugging all of them. Once they left, I let out a sigh and fell back laying on one of the couches.
       "If I'm the only one who loved the image of her holding a baby then the rest of you are stupid," Connor said as the guys agreed with him.
      "Oh, Lilith stop like I said not for another five to six years guys!" I groaned.
      "We're just saying you're going to look so hot carrying our kids and such a great mother," Jax reasoned from the kitchen.
       "Don't worry gorgeous we'll still ravish your body with a growing belly," Aiden said in my ear before running a forked tongue up my neck.
       I stood up, "Okay then I'm going to take a shower and let me know when dinners ready."
       I walked to the bedroom removing my clothes on the way making the guys groan. I entered the bathroom shutting the door and turning on the shower. I looked at myself in the mirror. I turned to the side and ran my hand over my flat stomach and my perfect D cup breasts. I'm not staying in this school another year. I'm going to achieve what I need to and take on the battle coming and finish it before it can spread and then I'll find a place my mates and I can enjoy. I entered the shower washing my hair and body. I stood under the water with my eyes closed. I wouldn't ever utter these words to anyone but holding my cousin, holding a baby it felt right. Like I said I'm in no rush, but I don't fear having kids and building a family. What I do fear is the threat that will come for them. Mostly because they'll be tribrids and powerful as hell and like me unable to die. I'm turning twenty but plenty of people mistook me for a teenager. I age very well, and I thought it was because the vampire side slowed my aging but now, I know, it's because I'm immortal. I turned off the shower and wrapped a towel around my body. I left the bathroom to change into a pair of shorts and one of Nic's dress shirts. I buttoned it and tied it off at my hips. I walked into the living room to see Jax finish cooking. Nic glanced at me only to stop what he was doing.
      "Damn love. You look good in my clothes," he said as his eyes trailed over my body.
      "She looks good in any of our clothes. Although I like this outfit. Those shorts tight across that perfect ass of hers those beautiful boobs straining against the shirt a little. Good enough to eat," Aiden said making everyone look at him for his choice of words.
      I glanced at him for him to give me a lazy smile. We all grabbed our food as I brought a plate to Connor with food as well. I was eating my food as I wasn't really sure what was playing but the guys liked it. My phone vibrated and I looked at it to see a text from Veronica asking me to meet her in the lounge area. I texted her back that I would be down soon. Something in my gut felt off and I was starting to feel on edge. I finished my food and cleared off my plate. I told the guys that V needed to see me, and I would be back in a few. I pulled sweatpants on over my shorts and pulled on some shoes. I left the dorm with my traits out and my fangs out too. I entered the lounge area to see it empty. I slowed my pace and had fire go up my arms.
      "You stupid bitch!" Dante's voice echoed.
       I looked around until I saw his red eyes in the shadows. He stepped out of the darkness holding Veronica by her neck with her phone in his other hand. I tugged on my bonds to the guys hard. I felt them tug back and say they were coming. I kept my distance from him as he held onto Veronica who had tears running down her face. I clenched my hands into fists as a growl left my lips.
       "You just had to involve your family and the queen of your kind. You're a sad excuse for a half vampire Lexi even a day walker would be disgusted by you. You side with shifters and demons more than vampires something you're part of! You outed me to Sophia, as soon as she smelled your blood on my breath, she dropped me and said she's lucky she never blood mated with me!" he yelled as his fangs slid out.
        The guys ran in only to stop seeing the situation we were in. Jax let out a growl as his teeth grew pointed. Aiden cracked his neck and knuckles. Jasper was half shifted as was Kieran. Nic had his wings flared as his eyes swirled of blue and black with shadows running up his arms.
       He smirked, "You're one short Lexi."
       "You're still out numbered. Where's all your friends?" I taunted.
        He let out a whistle as Cyrus, Valerie, Jenny, another vampire girl, and a hybrid of demon and shifter, as well as another shifter, werewolf actually came from the shadows. I looked around wishing I had Connor with me.
Look up angel.
       I glanced up to see him in the rafters fully healed. I glanced at all the guys to sense their sexual energy drained......
No power on this world will make us tell you gorgeous.
       My eyes widened only for a smirk to play on my lips.
        "What's it going to be Dante a gruesome fight in the school? I doubt Viktor would approve it goes against all his plans. I suggest you let her go before Viktor isn't a sire to you anymore. I can't die you can," I warned.
      Connor let out a whistle making Dante look up to see Connor hanging upside down from the rafter above him with his tail. He looked around seeing an even fight but if V got out of his arms without damage he would be outnumbered. He let out a growl and let her go and she rushed over to Jax.
      "Smart choice. I suggest you go before I decide to kill you," I said as he turned to leave.
      "Hey Dante?" Connor said dropping to the ground making Dante face him.
      Connor had his claws out and dragged them down his face, "That's for getting me mauled," he said as Dante was on the ground holding his face., "Those were covered in powdered silver and deadman's blood."
      He walked over to me and pulled me close to him. The other students left seeing there was no fight needed and I walked over to the guys. I eyed all of them and smelled all of them on each other.
      "Not a fucking word Lexi," Aiden growled out.
       I rolled my eyes as we walked V to her dorm. She stopped when there was a teacher outside her dorm. He was a werewolf who taught the class on the occult for witches and others in this school. He glanced at her before his eyes turned gold.
       "Mate," he said making Veronica cover her mouth with a gasp.
       "You gonna be okay?" I asked her as she nodded very quickly.
        I gave her a hug before walking off. Connor wrapped his tail with mine as Jasper pulled me close and Jax on my other side. Kieran and Aiden were walking behind me while Nic walked in front of us. We went back to our dorm, and I was feeling exhausted. We all went to the room as I kicked off my shoes and pulled the sweatpants off. I crawled onto the bed with the guys happy to be sharing the bed the correct way with Connor and Aiden. Aiden held me close as I rested my head on Connor's chest listening to his heartbeat. His was fast like the fluttering of a hummingbird wings I guess he got a lot of juice from the guys. I wonder what they did.
       "No power on this earth," they all said at the same time.
       I smiled as Connor chuckled to himself. I closed my eyes as sleep consumed me. I was sitting on a couch as I saw three children run towards me. A girl had sapphire eyes and tears running down her face.
       "Mommy Kaden broke my doll!" she cried showing the doll with the head popped off.
        "I didn't mean to!" a boy yelled from behind her.
       He had green eyes with his pupils in slits. The other boy had gold eyes and shaggy brown hair watching everything. I sighed and held my hand out for the doll. She handed me the doll and I popped the head back on making the girl giggle happily. I groaned as I stood up and placed my hands on my big stomach.
       "Kaden sweetie can you go get daddy Nic?" I asked and he smiled running off.
       "Come on Melanie let's go play outside!" the other boy said and ran off.
        "Wait for me Jackson!" she yelled and ran after him.
        Nic came into the room only for me to receive a hard kick. I winced as he came over to me and rubbed my stomach. He kissed me before I heard someone call my name.
       "Lexi? Lexi wake up," Aiden said.
        I sat up gasping for air. I looked around and realized it was a dream. I ran my hands over my stomach and felt a small amount of panic. If I've learned anything my dreams are never just dreams. I couldn't have been older than twenty-eight and the girl had to easily be five while the boys were both four. I looked at Aiden so see him looking at me.
      "You okay Lexi?" he asked tired, "your heart rate changed suddenly in your sleep."
       "Yeah, I'm fine don't worry just a dream," I said kissing him.
      He cuddled me again as I laid back down. I looked at Connor, Aiden, and Jasper. The roots of Jasper's hair were showing and were the same brown color of the little boy. So, my first child would be Connor's and the twin boys one being Aiden's and the other Jasper's, and then Nic's. I sighed and closed my eyes. My future is going to be a rollercoaster. The next morning our alarms went off making me groan. I got up with a yawn and ran my hand through my hair. I looked at Jasper as he seemed deep in thought.
       "Hey Jasper does the name Jackson have any meaning to you?" I asked curious.
         He stopped mid step and looked at me making the others look at me as well.
         "It was name of my older brother the golden boy to my father. He was killed by hunters," he said looking down, "why do you ask?"
          "It's probably nothing but I had a dream last night like eight years from now. I was in a house there were three kids. A girl who was five with sapphire eyes named Melanie and twin boys one with green eyes with his pupils in slits with the name Kaden and then a boy with shaggy brown hair with gold eyes and his name was Jackson. The boys were maybe four. And I was also pregnant with Nic's child," I said smiling a little.
        "Are you saying that you had a dream of our future and I knocked you up at what age....... Twenty three?" Connor asked in disbelief, "As in three years!"
       I looked down only for Aiden to pick me up and spin me around making me squeal. He put me back down with a huge smile in his face. I guess he was ecstatic about that news. Nic had a small smile playing on his lips when I looked at him as his eyes trailed down my body.  I shook my head and walked into the bathroom to take a shower. I turned on the shower and pulled off my clothes as the room filled with steam. I entered the shower and closed my eyes as the water hit my face and soaked my hair. I opened my eyes when I smelled all the guys walk into the bathroom. I wiped the glass to see them all naked and staring at me. Oh no. Aiden entered first, and we were all in the shower. Jasper moved my hair aside from behind and kissed his mark making me moan from the pleasure. His cock rested against my ass as Nic stood in front of me and kissed his mark as well. My eyes rolled back in my head as they all kissed their marks on my neck.
       "We want to try something new love. Would you be up for it?" Nic said in my ear before biting it making me gasp and nod my head frantically.
        "Good girl," Aiden said before slamming into me.
        I let out a moan as he laid down making me ride him. I felt Jasper push into my ass from behind making me stop moving and go tense.
       "Relax Lexi it's okay," Nic said kneeling beside me.
         I took a deep breath before gasping as Jasper slid into me. They started moving in and out of me at the same time making me moan loudly. Nic led my hand to his cock making me give him a hand job as Connor made me do the same with my other hand. Kieran came up to me and grabbed a fistful of my hair making me look at him before bringing my mouth to his cock. I took him in my mouth as he moved his hips making me gag a little before I relaxed my throat a deep throated him. He groaned with the guys as they all felt the pleasure build and multiply through the bond. Jax was watching breathing hard as he stroked himself. Aiden groaned and took one of my nipples into his mouth making me moan loudly. I moaned with each thrust Aiden and Jasper made into me. Kieran groaned with each moan I made, my throat vibrating around his cock. He started to fuck my face faster until he let out a roar and came down my throat. I swallowed every drop as he pulled out and Jax came over stroking fast and moaned spilling his load on my face. I licked what I could off my face with my tongue and moaned at the taste.  I heard Nic moan loudly as he came on my chest coating my boobs. Connor made me move my hand faster and Aiden and Jasper picked up their pace. Jasper pulled me back, so I was sitting up and riding them both at the same time. I moaned as they moved me up and down their cocks as Connor let out a load moan and came on my chest too. Jasper let out a roar as Aiden hissed loudly as they swelled inside me and came both biting their marks making the largest orgasm, I've ever had come crashing over me. I moaned loudly as I felt multiple orgasms happen one after the other making me coat Aiden to the point his and Jasper's thighs were covered in my juices. They slid out making another one come over me. Jax rolled his eyes and picked me up before making me sit on his face and I moaned again as his tongue brought me more pleasure. I rode his face as his tongue dipped inside me causing me to moan again all the guys were breathing heavily as they were hard again watching me come over and over again on Jax's face. He kept me moving and riding as he licked up all my juices moaning against my clit making me scream out his name. I felt a final orgasm come over my body just as the guys came again covering me in their cum. Jax helped me off his face and I fell to the floor breathing hard with my legs shaking and feeling exhausted.
       "Did anyone keep count?" I asked with a light laugh.
       "Twenty-five times angel," Connor said with his eyes shining brightly.
       I sighed and we all quickly showered as I cleaned myself off of their seed, I knew I would still reek of them. After we were done, I quickly dried my body off and went to the bedroom to get dressed. I pulled on a thong and bra before pulling on my uniform. I tied my hair up and quickly did my make up in the bathroom. I was pulling on my boots when there was a knock on our door. I rushed over hopping around to pull on my last boot. I opened it to see the nurse with a vial in her hand.
      "Miss Lawrence I just wanted to give you this the monthly tonic. It's been a month since you arrived and took the first one," she explained and saw Connor walking around fully healed, "I'll tell Connor's teachers that he's back to full strength too."
       I drank the tonic making a face at the taste. I said goodbye and closed the door grabbing my bag. The guys and I left our dorm only for everyone to look at us or mainly me and know what happened. I kissed the guys before Connor, and I went to our species class. We walked in and all eyes went to us. Connor froze when some students bowed their heads at me as did the teacher.
       "Yeah seeing the royal family has caused this now," I said keeping my head down as I walked past some students.
       "I can see that," Connor said before sitting next to me.
         I started taking notes as the lesson started and the teacher was talking about an exam we had coming up. I over heard one girl talking to another girl.
        "Can you smell all the sex on her? I'm surprised she's even walking after fucking all her mates," she whispered.
        "You know I can hear you right?" I said looking at them and my fangs came out, "I'm part vampire my hearing is very good."
        They paled and went back to writing their notes. Connor laughed and shook his head before making me kiss him. I smiled into the kiss before I smelled the air and glanced around the room looking for the source. Then my eyes landed on Valarie and she looked shooken up. She kept rubbing the upper side of her arm hidden by a long sleeve under her uniform. I smelled the air again and all I could smell from her was fear and a hint of blood like a healing wound.
      "Connor stay here," I said before getting up and going over to her.
      She saw me and her eyes widened, "I didn't do anything I swear!"
     "Hey, I'm not saying you did. What's wrong with your arm? You reek of fear, and I can smell blood," I said in a calming voice.
      She looked around before pulling up her sleeve to her shoulder to show a bite mark on her inner arm. I covered my mouth as I looked at it. She pulled her sleeve down.
     "Dante?" I asked and she nodded her head.
     "He was mad I failed and then chose someone different. He said he wanted it to be Kieran for a reason. Said that mark removal and betrayal would be the most painful. He said shifter marks are the most painful when someone cheats," she said quietly.
      I nodded my head and went back to my seat. Connor glanced at me, and I filled him in through mind link. He nodded and kept writing down notes. Class finished we packed our stuff.
      "So now he's leaving bite marks on girls," Connor growled out as we headed to gym.
       "Seems like it," I said walking past two incubi who bowed their head at us.
      "Still can't believe your grandfather is Asmodeus. Then again I'm sure your not the only one. Yet you're a direct descendent of Lilith the mother of our kind!" Connor said still in disbelief.
        I smiled and shook my head as we met up with the others. Aiden had a big grin on his face that hasn't left since I told him about my dream.

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