Chapter Fifteen

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     We were inside for gym this time as we all sat on bleachers with the combat mats out. The teacher was calling names and made sure not to pair me with any of my mates after we had a talk with him.
      "Connor and Jax, let's go," he said.
     They stood up and walked to the mat and started to spar and fight. Nic was distracting me by running his fingertips up my arms. I glanced at him for him to give me a smile and he nuzzled my neck. I winced at the sound of bone crunching when Jax got punched in the face having his nose break. I guess they had an unresolved issue but who knows with those two. Jax backed up as Connor watched him before Nic quickly covered my ears as Jax made a high-pitched whistle sending Connor to the ground covering his ears and used his wings to block the sound more. Connor used his tail to hit the mat. Jax stopped with a smirk on his lips. He gave Connor his hand and helped him up. Jax wiped the blood from his broken nose and Connor rolled his shoulders and had a trickle of blood coming out of his ear. They sat back down as a few more fights continued.
     "Lexi and...... hm, I don't know who to pair you with today," the teacher said.
     "I'll volunteer!" Dante yelled from the far end of the gym.
     All the guys growled or hissed as other students started to whisper. The teacher looked at me and I stood up. He sighed and waved Dante over to the mats. I thought of something for a minute and jogged over to the teacher.
      "Mr. August this is going to be really bloody. I have workout clothes in my bag can I go change in the locker rooms really quick?" I asked.
     "Sure, be quick," he said nodding.
      I grabbed my bag and sped to the locker room. I quickly changed into a sports bra and some spandex pants and tennis shoes. I jogged out of the locker room and felt the guys' lust in our bond. I got to the mats and stood across from Dante. I already had my traits out with my fangs. I cracked my neck flared my wings and flexed my hands with my claws. He looked me over and smirked. The whistle blew and Dante charged at me as I dodged him, I wrapped my tail around his neck and flipped him over me and into the ground. He pried my tail from his neck and bared his fangs with his eyes red. I stood there ready, and I watched his foot movement. I saw him hesitate in his steps and ran at him. I flipped over him and got behind him. I got him in a choke hold and wrapped my tail around his feet. I shot into the sky and sank my claws into his neck making blood rain down below us. He let out a yell and grabbed my horn with one hand and my wing with the other. I yelled out as he pulled hard, and we started to fall to the ground. He twisted and flipped us, so my back slammed into the ground instead of him. I groaned as he got on top of me and started throwing punches. He got me in the jaw, and I dodged the next one dragging my claws down his chest and then I sat up flipped us and sank my teeth into his shoulder I pulled away spitting out his blood and a chunk of skin. He yelled out in pain and just as I was about to snap his neck wouldn't kill him but would end this fight. He threw me over him and went behind me and got me in a lock and made me drop to my knees and arched my back. We were covered in blood, and I groaned as my spine strained with my back arching. I flared my wings out and sent him flying as I fell on all fours. I heard his footsteps before I rolled jumped up and kicked him in his back sending him falling to the floor. He rolled over quickly and grabbed me in time and sank his teeth into my side ripping the flesh open. I fell to one knee holding my side and blood fell to the ground past my hand. I let out a growl and blasted him across the gym. I rushed him and grabbed his hair and dragged him back to the mats and made him kneel as he looked at everyone as he struggled, and I snapped his neck and let his body drop. Everyone was in shock staring at his mangled body along with mine losing a lot of blood. I looked at my mates and they had a smile proud of me while Mr. August cleared his throat and pointed to the lockers. I walked in there with a sigh and grabbed a blood bag from my bag and drank it as I changed and wiped all the blood off me and threw my bloodied clothes away. I walked out of the locker room with half a blood bag left I was drinking to see Dante sit-up groaning after his neck healed. He glared at me as I smiled and walked over to the guys.
       "Well done, Lexi. Knew how to take out your opponent without killing them. A vampire can always be subdued by a broken neck leaving them well dead for a moment until their neck heals," the teacher said as Dante stood and walked off.
         I finished my blood bag and threw it away in a nearby trash can. I sat back down as more fights were called and the rest of the guys went. I got a sudden idea in my mind and pulled on my bonds. The guys tugged back, and I started imagining me with each of them differently but same thing me on the couch with one of them at a time sitting on their laps straddling them as I rode them with my breasts in their face. I smirked when they all groaned and looked at me in lust.
       "Someone's feeling naughty," Aiden whispered in my ear.
        The guys kept taking turns touching me in sensual ways and even brushing their lips over my marks. When class was over, we started to head to potions class. I was walking with Aiden holding me close to his side as he nuzzled my neck. I smiled and leaned over and bit the shell of his ear before running my tongue over it. He let out a low hiss.
      "You're gonna pay for that," he said in my ear making a shiver run up my spine.
      I bit my lip looking at him only for him to groan. We walked into class and took our seats and waited for class the start. I stopped when a female vampire approached us. She looked a little shy under all our eyes.
      "I just wanted to show you this and wondering if you wanted a copy. I know he's been obsessed with you, and I thought you would enjoy this picture," she said showing me the screen of her phone with a picture of Dante on the floor with his neck snapped and all his wounds not healed yet.
      My jaw hung open, "Oh I would so love that!"
      I gave her my phone info and she sent it to me before sending it all over school. A few phones went off and the vampires in class snickered and gave me a nod. I smiled feeling a little more accepted by the other part of my species. I glanced at the table not recognizing any of the ingredients today and shrugged my shoulders. The teacher walked in seeming flustered. His hair was disheveled, and he seemed distracted. I watched him carefully before he composed himself.
     "Today we are doing a glamour potion. This is a potion where you drink it while having an image of what you want to look like and your body will change into it," he explained.
     We started mixing everything and I looked at Jasper. I measured something carefully and then handed it to him. I gave him a smile as he carefully poured it in with the other ingredients. Once the potion was done, we were told to test it. I chewed on my bottom lip. I didn't want to look different or like anyone. I came up with one idea to make my teacher maybe faint. Some girls made their hair color and body image change while guys did the same or enlarged parts of themselves. It was my turn, and I kept the image of how Lilith looked before drinking the potion. I opened my eyes as people gasped and stared at me. I glanced at my teacher as he was very pale. I made wicked smirk play on my lips as my teacher looked like he was about faint. Soon the potion wore off and I was back to how I looked originally. Class went on with other students changing how they looked but not as drastically as I did. When class was over, I let out a sigh we left the room. I had my vampire class next, and Dante had me in his crosshairs after what I did to him. I walked to class to see Mia and caught up to her.
      "Hey girlie I heard what happened in your gym class. Pretty wicked and that picture that was sent out was priceless. I saved it. One of my pure blood friends is going to print it out as a few posters and post them around the school. That girl who sent out the pic is pretty ruthless to rookie vamps and loves to bully them. She also best friends with Sophia and she's been pretty heart broken when she found out Dante tried to force blood mate you," Mai said with a wide smile.
      "Great more reason for him to hate me and want me dead even more," I mumbled when we passed Sophia.
      We locked eyes and she gave me a small smile, "Lexi good job knocking him down a few pegs."
     I smiled back and everyone entered class. A few vampires came to my desk when they walked in congratulating me. This one girl who I noticed as Cyrus's girlfriend came over to me.
      "Lexi I just want to say thank you. After what you did gave Cyrus and I the courage to tell my mom of our relationship and she accepts it! We also told Dante that Cyrus will be an enemy of his from now on. If you need anything let me know I'll make some calls," she said.
      Wow if I knew taking Dante down like that would cause this, I would have done it sooner. I felt so relieved and accepted both by vampires and succubi and incubi I never thought it would be possible. Dante walked into class, and everyone went quiet and stared at him. One guy leaned over and said something to a girl making her snicker. He glared at them and bared his fangs. Mia was sitting next to me, and he locked eyes with me. I sat in my seat confidently and gave him a smirk with my eyes narrowed. He let out a growl and sat down behind me as I heard him start chewing gum. Great now class is going to be harder with him chewing blood flavored gum and the smell filling the room. I felt my fangs come out as others who were turned did too. Those born this way had better control but even they seem irritated at him. The teacher walked in and started the lesson. My fire class got pushed back and was after this so I wasn't looking forward to that, but Kieran will be there. I was writing my notes when I felt my hair being touched and something being stuck in it. I heard Dante chuckle and sit back in his seat.
      "Paybacks a bitch Lexi," he said under his breath.
      I touched the back of my head and felt the gum stuck in my hair. I let out a growl so loud the whole class stopped and stared as I looked at the chunk of my hair covered in gum. All the girls gasped as all the guys in class glared at Dante who was the only one smiling. I locked eyes with him as I grabbed a pocketknife out of my bag. I took the knife and cut a chunk of hair that was covered in gum off. I put the knife back as he stared in shock, and I threw my hair away in the trash can. I walked back to my seat before a guy on Mia's other side got up and handed my bag to me.
      "Take my seat I'll sit here," he said giving me a nod.
      I gave a small smile in thanks and took his seat. I tried writing my notes as I could feel Dante's eyes all over me. I felt violated and dirty and like he could see past my clothing. When class as over I said bye to Mia thanked the guy again and left class to see Kieran waiting for me. I jumped into his arms kissing him. He kissed me back pushing me against the wall. He ran his fingers through my hair only to stop and look at my hair see a good amount missing.
      "What happened," he asked still looking at my hair.
     "Dante is still mad about gym and put gum in my hair I had to use a knife and cut it out," I explained making a witch stop and look at my hair.
       "I'm sorry but I couldn't help but overhear, may I?" she asked gesturing to my hair.
      "Sure, I don't see why not," I said shrugging my shoulders.
      She grabbed my hair and looked at it before saying something in Latin and I watched the hair grow back to its original length it was at. I stared at my hair wide eyed and then at the young witch girl.
      "Oh, my Lilith thank you!" I said in amazement.
      "My mom is a witch and hairdresser she taught me a few tricks. I'm Trixie," she said suddenly pulling me into a hug.
      "I'll see you tomorrow we have Hell lore together," she said before walking off.
      Kieran shook his head and pulled me into his side, "Let's go before we're late."
      We walked down the halls to see a poster of Dante on the ground with his neck snapped and covered in wounds and blood being hung up. I smiled and shook my head.
      "People are going to be talking about this for a while. I even overheard Mr. August bragging about how great you are even after the short time you've been here. Hell, a lot has changed for you from you first here to now. You could barely control or knew all your powers. You found your mates found out your dad was alive able to change without being in pain. You also met your family from your dad's side found out you are royalty and now you can fight know more powers and you've gained respect from both sex demons and vampires. Now let's get your fire under control and you'll be unstoppable," Kieran said as we approached fire class.
     I took a deep breath and walked over to my area. Today was to start a bon fire but yet controlled. I stared at the pile of sticks and did my best to stay calm. I took a deep breath and closed my eyes feeling my body heat up. I snapped my eyes open and saw a small flame in the middle begin. I focused on the flame as it slowly got bigger, and it licked at the wood making it catch fire as well. I stared at the flames as the bon fire grew and got bigger. I locked eyes with Kieran as he nodded at me to keep going. Soon enough I had a full bone fire and was keeping it at the consistent size and from getting out of control. My teacher walked over to me and looked at my progress and how I wasn't trying as hard to control the fire as I used to but getting better at it being second nature. The teacher nodded at me letting me know I can put it out. I relaxed more and waved my hand over the flames making them go out. I looked over at Kieran to lock eyes with him. He had some student pressed up against him as he was stuck against a wall. Her boobs were pushed against his chest as he pulled on our bond asking me for help. I sighed shaking my head before walking over to them. I got close to him and grabbed his face giving him a passionate kiss with our tongues tangled together. When I pulled away, I looked at the girl who had her jaw hanging open.
           "Sorry honey he already has someone to control his flames. I suggest you leave and next time look for a mate mark," I said yanking the collar of his shirt exposing it more.
       She walked away with a pout and Kieran inhaled my scent burying his face in my neck. I ran my hand through his shaggy hair and shook my head. When class was over, we walked back to our dorm only to pass Veronica. She waved us over as her mate glanced at us.
       "Hey V, is that a mate mark?" I asked seeing a triple crescent moon on her neck for everyone to see.
        "Yeah, Matthew and I completed the whole process last night," she said with a blush.
         "Impressive. If only I could have gotten Lexi to do that," Kieran said nudging me.
         I rolled my eyes while shaking my head, "You're the werewolf teacher that teaches the occult class, right?"
        Her mate put down the book he was reading, "Yeah I am. You're Miss Lawrence that took down my student in gym."
       "Dante is in occult studies?" I asked making my blood run cold.
       "Yes, took a lot on me not shift and rip him to shreds after using my mate as bait for you," he said with a growl at the memory.
        "He's been making my mates and I a target. His sire wants me and to give him a child to raise as a killer with the bonus of not being able to die like me and my father. He's going to keep trying," I said my eyes flashing red.
       "Anyways was nice seeing you guys but Matthew and I were heading out to town to eat," Veronica said with a huge smile.
      I waved bye to them as Kieran, and I kept walking to our dorm. I stopped when I saw Cyrus and his mate in the halls holding hands looking happy. I smiled glad someone got out of this tangled web involving Dante. We finally got to our dorm and opened the door to see Jasper and Nic wrestling around as Jax was cooking and Aiden and Connor were watching the tv. They all looked at me to see how stressed I was. I gave them all a kiss before I headed to the bathroom. I decided to take a bath. I filled the tub with some bubbles before sinking into the water and relaxing. I closed my eyes and leaned against the back of it with a towel folded up for my head. I grabbed my phone and played some music to relax more. I closed my eyes again as I hummed to the music and began to sing it. I always felt self-conscious of my voice when I sang so I never did it unless I was alone. One song came on that hit me hard, and I sang my heart out to I Will Be by Avril Lavigne. When the song was over, I opened my eyes to see the guys in the doorway.
       "Didn't know you guys were there," I said pulling the plug on the tub to drain it.
      "Didn't know you almost had the voice of a siren," Jax said grabbing my robe for me.
      "Trust me that's a compliment coming from a siren. We didn't know you could sing," Connor said grabbing my hand and helping me out of the tub.
      "It's not that good of a voice. I was told my whole life I was tune deaf then again, I was human back then. I haven't really sung since I changed," I said looking down with a blush coloring my cheeks.
       "Well, your voice is amazing love," Nic said before they left the room.
         I sighed and walked to the closet before pulling on some sweatpants and an oversized t shirt. I left the bedroom and went over to Connor and cuddled up next to him on one of the couches. He pulled me close and draped his tail over my shoulder. I wrapped my tail with his. It was so nice being able to actually sit with him and not worry about him hurting or in pain.
      "Does this school even give holiday breaks?" I asked wondering since I never read about the school.
      "Only major holidays like Christmas and Thanksgiving. Depending on species. Witches and such even get breaks for season equinox and such like that. If a shifter group have something coming up, we get our break for it just like vampires have the month of the blood moon off and I don't know much more than that," Jasper said with a yawn.
      I nodded my head and rested my head on Connors shoulder as Jax kept cooking. We all eventually ate dinner and we're watching tv. I had a lot on my mind and knew I wasn't going to be getting any sleep tonight. We all got in bed and the guys quickly fell asleep. I slowly got out of bed and was pulling on some pants when a voice stopped me.
       "Going for a fly?" Nic asked from the bed facing me.
        I nodded knowing he could see in the pitch-black room. He sighed and got out of bed and started to get dressed.
       "You're not going alone with Dante putting the biggest target on your back. I'll go with you I haven't gone for a fly in a while anyways," he said opening the bedroom window.
      I finished pulling on some shoes and I leaped off the windowsill and shot into the air as I waited for Nic to join me.  He flew past me with a smirk, and I flew after him as we flew around the sky doing a few laps around the building of the school. We were flying around laughing and talking.
       "So, what's been on your mind so much?" Nic asked as we kept flying.
         I saw the clearing I was at last time with a small stream. I landed there with Nic landing beside me. I sat down on the ground as he did the same.
        "Nothing in particular just I guess I'm worried. I have a good idea of what Viktor wants but how and what is his plan of attack? He got Connor almost killed, tried to break my bond with Kieran which would have severely hurt or killed me but led to Jax's bond with me almost breaking instead, And then gym. If he got the upper hand I would have been screwed. I can't die but......" I trailed off.
        "He could have hurt you badly. No one else saw this but he kept trying to reach for your chest. My guess? He was going to rip your heart out," he said laying flat on his back looking at the stars.
       I laid down with him resting my head on his chest as he held me close. I felt his chest move as he laughed at something.
       "What are you laughing at?" I asked with my eyes closed.
        "Remember what happened the last time we were alone together?" he asked making me smack his chest earning another laugh.
        "This is nice though. With everything going on none of us have been able to relax and just have a moment of peace. I like coming to this spot to clear my mind or think," I said listening to Nic's fast heartbeat.
        Nic hummed in response and effortlessly pulled me on top of him. I laid on him and rested my chin on the top of my hands as I looked at him. He smiled and cupped my cheek before kissing me gently. I kissed him back weaving my fingers in his hair as he placed his hands on the small of my back. Our lips moved in sync as he swiped his tongue along my bottom lip. I opened my mouth as our tongues swiped at each other and a small moan left my lips. He smirked into our kiss before flipping us over. He ran his hands up my side cupping my breasts. I broke the kiss letting out another moan as he left a trail of kisses and bites down my neck. He found his mark and licked it making my back arch off the ground. I pulled his hair making him groan in pleasure and connect our lips again. I lightly bite down on his bottom lip pulling it making him let a growl in approval. Lost in our moment I didn't know someone was watching us until I heard someone say something.
       "Isn't this sweet," a male voice said.
        We broke apart and a man walked out of the shadows. He had red glowing eyes with large fangs. I stood up only to have Nic shoving me behind him and shielding me with his wings. There was a blur of movement that tackled Nic and showed Dante holding him in a choke hold as he struggles to get free.
       "Not here for a fight but if you make a movement to cause harm my boy there will snap his neck and you'll only have five mates left," the man said making me lower my hands to my sides.
        "I'm guessing you're Victor?" I asked keeping my guard up.
         "Smart girl I can see why you like her Dante. She's got spunk smart and beautiful. You're a lot like your father can't even die just like him. Let me make you a deal here. If you come with us willingly right now I'll leave your school and mates and friends alone all you have to do is give me a child and I'll set you free after or you and your mate can run off and I'll burn your school to the ground kill everyone and then force you to give me a child and then hand you off to Dante," he said with a sick twisted grin.
       "Not a chance in hell. I'll kill you or die trying before I bring a child into this world that doesn't belong to my mates or to be raised as a killer," I growled out as I quickly lashed my tail out and wrapped around Dante's neck.
      Nic threw his head back getting free and going to my side. I kept my cold gaze on Viktor as Dante struggled. I threw Dante into a tree, and he slumped to the ground. Viktor sighed at him before walking away telling Dante to follow him. Dante glared at me as he followed his master. I sighed once they were gone and fell to the ground. Nic sat down next to me and held me close as his neck had a deep purple mark across the front.
       "I'm not going to able to save everyone. People are going to die Nic. Students kids someone's child or brother or sister someone who is loved by people," I said as a tear slid down my face.
       He kept holding me close as a I cried into his shoulder. I felt all my mates tug on the bond wondering where Nic and I were. He helped me to my feet, and we flew back to our dorm window. The light was on, and Aiden was pacing. We reached the window, and I got in first. Nic followed behind me and they all looked at us. They saw Nic's throat, and they looked at me.
       "What happened?" Jasper growled out looking at Nic's throat more closely.
        "We went for a fly, and I told Lexi I wouldn't let her go alone. We were having some time together in a little clearing when we got interrupted by Dante and Viktor. Dante blindsided us and tackled me and held me by the throat while Viktor talked to Lexi. Said if she tried anything Dante will snap my neck and she'll have five mates left. He wanted her to go with him willingly and if she did, he'll leave the school and everyone alone and let her go after she gave him a child. If not, he'll burn this place to the ground and kill everyone and then force her to give him a child and then let Dante do what he pleases with her," Nic said before laying down on the bed.
        "I told him not a chance in hell," I said feeling tired.
        The guys nodded with a sigh, and we all went back to the bed until Aiden spoke up.
       "Do you know when he will attack?" he asked in the dark room.
         "Soon my guess when the snow sticks to the ground I have a feeling it's going to be around winter break, so we have about two more months. I could be wrong though and it could be sooner," I said with a sigh.

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