Chapter one

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      I woke up to my alarm blaring only to throw my hand towards it making it burst into flames. I groaned and waved my hands at the flame making it go out. My name is Lexi and I'm a hybrid of succubus and vampire. I'm also pyrokinetic right, how is that possible? Well, I was just half succubus at first but unaware of that part, being a stupid preteen, I found witchcraft and tried a vampire spell, it worked. Except it only turned my human side that's from my mom. I never met or knew my dad mom says he died before I was born. He was sentenced to death for being a traitor and falling in love with a human. They weren't mates but he did love my mom. She said he looked like an Angel stepped off a movie screen even though he was a demon an incubus to be exact. So that's how I'm the hybrid I am, and my fire abilities is just something I've learned and mastered over the years.
     My mom came bursting into my room because she smelled smoke. She saw my clock burned and not working. She sighed and grabbed it and went to throw it away.
      "Lexi get up! You have three hours before you start your first day at Hell Hall. I can't help you control your powers and hunger anymore you need to be around people like you," she said opening my curtains.
      I groaned and pulled my blanket over my head to shield my sensitive vampire eyes. I heard my door shut and I sat up in bed. I ran my hand through my long wavy brown hair. My hair had natural beach waves and was like an almond color with natural deep red highlights that blended well and couldn't see unless in the right light. I got out of bed and entered the bathroom across from my room. I got in the shower washing my hair and body and shaved my legs. I got out of the shower with a towel wrapped around my body and hair as I walked to my room. I opened my suitcase and started packing all my clothes using my vampire speed to save time. Once everything I needed was packed, I started to get dressed. I pulled on thigh high black stockings with a denim skirt that stopped two inches below the top of my stockings. I pulled on a black push up bra, but I didn't need it. My chest was very full to begin with. I grabbed a low-cut tank top that was black with corset strings on the sides and had the words sinner written across my chest. I pulled on some simple army boots and headed downstairs with everything. My mom was in the kitchen eating her breakfast and reading a book. I made myself a plate and ate quickly before I saw a sleek black car pull up outside the house. I chewed on my red lipstick covered lips as I watched a man and a younger man get out of the car.
     "Lexi it won't be that bad. I've heard some students find their mates at this school," she said trying to give me hope.
      "Mom I'll be lucky if I don't get in trouble for setting someone on fire," I said as there was a knock on the door.
      I sighed and my mom got up to open the door. She welcomed the men inside as we all walked into the living room. I sat down next to my mom and locked eyes with the younger man who seemed a year older than me. He had sandy blonde hair that was a little shaggy and tan skin and was easily taller than me and had lean muscle all over him. To explain I'm nineteen. I know right how can I be an adult and be going to a school. In the supernatural world the rules are different. I can drink at sixteen because it's harder for us to get drunk we have a higher tolerance to alcohol. If you're like me who ever is head of the council in your area, they have a say in your life and they thought I needed to go here to learn control and learn more about my kind. As I looked at the guy, I gave a seductive smile and bit my lip as I crossed my legs making my skirt rise. His eyes darkened and a deep growl came from his chest. My mom smacked my arm giving me a glare.
      I rolled my eyes and listened to the older man explain everything to my mom. The older man told the other man to put my things in the trunk and asked me to follow him. I got up from the couch hugged my mom one last time before walking out the door of my home. I got into the back seat of the car to see the younger guy in the back as well. The older man got in front and started the car.
     "Now Miss Lawrence, I believe you are a unique type of hybrid am I correct?" the older man asked me.
     "Yes Mr......" I said wondering his name.
     "I'm Mr. August I teach gym class but supernatural version which is learning how to fight in supernatural forms as in shifters or how to use your powers," he said introducing himself.
     "Yes Mr. August I am a hybrid of succubus from my father and vampire. Neither species accepts me because I require blood and sexual energy to survive. I can't just choose one or the other. I'm also pyrokinetic and able to control create and manipulate fire but smoke is deadly to me," I said eyeing the younger man looking at me with interest.
     "Your mom is human so how are you half vampire?" the younger man asked me.
     Mr. August looked at me in the rear-view mirror wanting to know the answer as well. I let out a sigh and ran a hand through my hair.
     "When I was thirteen, I liked to mess with witchcraft and spells. I was pretty good and powerful at it. Weather storms were the easiest for me. I found a vampire spell to become one. So, I waited for a full moon on a clear night, and it said to say the spell three times while looking at the moon, but I said it ten times and an addition of saying it's my will so mote it be. I felt a rush go through me and my body felt energized. Nothing was different until I woke up the next day. I was looking at myself and my skin was clear of any acne I had, and my hair looked flawless and longer and healthy. Any bruises I had the day before were gone. Then I saw my eyes they were purple not red and then my fangs. When my mom saw she quickly brought me to the kitchen and placed a stone in my hand that caused me extreme pain and unbound my succubus side and let my powers loose too. I have to tell you feeling your wings tear free from your back ripping your skin open for the first time is extremely painful as well as horns and a tail," I said glaring at the younger man.
     "Forgive Kieran he's very curious of hybrids he recently discovered he is one as well. Not many people have human parents and are hybrids unless their other parent was a hybrid. So, you were half human with your succubus side locked away I'm sure a witch helped your mother with that when you were born. Not many people are able to do transformation spells and work. But you knew three times wasn't going to be enough and your will most have been very strong and wanted to be a vampire enough. But it only turned your human side. Your eyes were purple because succubus despite hair color have sapphire-colored eyes and the red eyes for vampires mixed. Hybrids have the unique quality of eye colors mixing creating a unique color of their own. Kieran here is a hybrid of..... what was it again?" Mr. August asked Kieran.
     He let out a growl, "Hell hound and weretiger."
     "Was your dad a brave tiger or was your mom?" I asked curious.
     "They're mates but because of what my dad is my mom had to raise me on her own while my dad guards the underworld," he said looking at me as his eyes turned colors and looked like his eyes had real flames in them. 
     "Now Lexi when we arrive, they are going to ask you to release your supernatural traits so they can log it along with your human body info. Call it a physical," Mr. August said still driving.
     I leaned my head on the window watching us leave town. Eventually we pulled up to a motel to stop for the night. I sighed grabbing luggage as Mr. August got a key for one room that had three beds. I felt my fangs start to ache and lengthen a little pricking my tongue. I looked around the area as we walked to the room and saw a few people around. I didn't pack any blood bags not thinking straight. I was going to have to hunt tonight when everyone was asleep. We got in the room, and I took the bed closest to the door. I laid down on the bed and looked at the ceiling. I grabbed my suitcase pulling out some sweatpants with an oversized t shirt and went into the bathroom to change. I climbed into bed and pretended to be asleep. I waited for their breathing to slow with their heartbeats and then slowly got out of bed. I took a hair tie off my wrist and tied the back of my big shirt back and up a little bit. I took the key card off of the dresser where Mr. August left it and quietly left the room. I put the card into my pocket and started looking around the parking lot. There wasn't a lot a few drug addicts to stay away from. People on drugs was never a good thing for vamps. I saw one man following a girl a few feet behind her. I narrowed my eyes as she looked scared. I walked over there, and I yelled to get the guys attention. I walked over to him as he saw my clothes and smiled.
     "How can I help you sugar?" he asked looking at me with lust.
     "I got locked out of my room and the office is closed," I said placing my hand on his bare arm letting my allure flood his system, "Can I stay with you?"
     "Sure thing follow me," he said leading me towards an alley.
    I smiled and waited until we were at the alley, and I let him push me against the wall. I smiled at him seductively as he started to kiss my neck. I felt my fangs fully come out as I gripped his shoulders tightly and sank my fangs into his neck. I felt the warm blood enter my mouth and coat my tongue. I drank until I felt I had enough. I let go of him and looked into his eyes.
    "You won't remember this, and in the morning you'll think you got lucky, and the woman was a little rough. Now leave," I said compelling him.
     He walked away slightly weak. Damn I took more than I should have. I walked back to the room and came back in quietly. I turned around to see Kieran's eyes glowing in the dark.
     "Late night snack?" he asked looking at me.
     "I didn't pack any blood bags and I needed to feed," I said heading to the bathroom.
     I turned the light on and turned on the water and using a cloth to wipe the blood off my chin and lips. Kieran stood in the doorway and watched me.
     "Is the person alive?" he asked.
     I growled at him my eyes flashing purple.
     "Yes, he is alive. He was some sleazeball following a girl who looked scared. I grabbed his attention making the girl safe from him. I lured him with my succubus powers and then drank from him and made him forget," I said wiping the last of the blood off me.
     I glared at him with my arms crossed. He moved out of my way, and I turned off the light and headed to my bed. As I got comfortable Kieran said something quietly, but I heard him.
    "I would have killed him snap his neck," he said and got back in his bed and fell back asleep.
     I closed my eyes and fell into a dreamless sleep. I then woke up to someone talking quietly trying not to wake me. I kept my eyes closed listening.
     "The headmaster is going to be very hard on her. He's always hard on new people. I've been there for a year and he's just now leaving me alone. For someone running a school he's very hard on mixed breeds," I heard Kieran say.
     "She's strong enough to handle it. Seeing her file and with her powers as strong as they are with little control she doesn't kill when she feeds if needed. Has taught herself to stick to blood bags and for her side born with her she's never killed anyone during intimate interaction since her mom unlocked it. Headmaster will ask many questions but she's bullet proof," Mr. August said reassuring Kieran's worry.
     I yawned and stretched arching my back making it pop.  They looked at me and Kieran had a knowing look in his eye saying he knew I was listening. Shit this animal was getting on my nerves.
     "Well look sleeping beauty finally woke up!" Kieran said sarcastically.
    "At least I don't pee on fire hydrants," I said back making a dog pun at him.
     He growled and started to get up making Mr. August stop and tell him to go cool off in the shower.
    He looked at me, "That's not wise to say to someone who's part hell hound and can tear you to shreds."
     I shrugged my shoulders and grabbed my clothes out of my suitcase. I pulled out some ripped blue jeans and a green tube top. Kieran left the bathroom in only his pants and shirtless. I had to bite my tongue to remind myself he's a dick. He was very muscular and built. Damn shifters they always were built. He had scars all over his body and what looked like burn scars too. Guess he's not fully immune to fire. I walked into the bathroom and changed. I came out and pulled on some socks and my army boots. We packed everything up and left the motel and waited in the car as Mr. August turned in the key card. I sat in the car with Kieran glaring outside the window.
      "I know you were listening to that conversation," he said with a sigh.
      "Why does he hate mix breeds?" I asked.
      "I wouldn't say hate but he's harder on us. Like he expects us to succeed and do better than the purebreds. He's also a purebred himself. Headmaster Atticus is very powerful. He's a warlock. I've never seen magic like his nor have I seen anyone able to master all the elements either like him," he said making whip my head towards him.
       "All of them?" I asked making sure I heard him right.
       He nodded his head as Mr. August got in the car and started driving again. I thought about what Kieran said about the headmaster. Able to control and mastered all the elements. I heard some of the strongest coven leaders have never mastered all of them, two at most maybe three. I was able to do air when I thought I was still human doing magic. I can do some fire but I'm still learning it obviously and it took a lot of meditation and unlocking more than 10% of my brain to do it. After I'm not sure how many hours we came up to a place so massive it would give Hogwarts a run for its money. The walls were stone and brick. Statues of the first four most powerful supernaturals were in front of the building by the entrance. Alistire the first ever and alpha vampire, Lucian the first werewolf and alpha as well, Dahlia the most powerful witch and coven leader to exist and then the mother of all other creature, who created every demon and monster and supernatural being to exist, Lilith. To me she was more than just the creator of all but also the first succubus to the purest form.
      "There's more alpha statues inside but these were the first species to attend for a long while," Mr. August explained.
      We all got out of the car. I slung my duffel bag over my shoulder while Kieran carried another bag for me and his own and I was wheeling my suitcase behind me. We walked through the large wooden doors and was greeted by a huge lobby floor made of white marble with black and grey swirls in it. Students in their uniforms walked by looking at us before they kept walking. No one was hiding their forms much. Vampires had they're red eyes on display some even had their fangs out. Some were animals were half shifted with ears and claws out. I saw a few demons with tails or horns out. Even a few angels with wings out. We walked to the front desk, and I gave the lady at the desk my name. She smiled brightly at me and handed me a paper with the map of the school and my class schedule with my student id that had money on it to buy food among other stuff. She handed me a uniform in my measurements that my mom gave them. Mr. August said goodbye and Kieran nodded at me before walking off. The lady led me to the nurse's office to get my physical done. I walked in to be met by two pairs of eyes. One was an elderly woman who is aged but not a lot it looks like she could still throw me across the room, and another was a young male with eyes that looked like melted silver. They smiled before welcoming me in. The woman began asking me questions and the man wrote everything thing down.
She sat down in a chair while I sat on one of the beds.
      "What's your name dear?" she asked me.
      "Lexi Lawrence."
      "Hybrid of succubus and vampire."
       "Okay lets start with your human body physical," she said grabbing a tape measure.
       She measured my body and took my weight and height. She did an eye exam which was perfect and my hearing and reflexes. Finally, she asked me to release my wings tail horns and fangs. I took a deep breath and relaxed feeling my energy flare out. The sound of flesh tearing filled the room and my grunts of pain. My horns tore open the flesh of my forehead showing their black pointed selves going towards the ceiling and curved over my head. Blood dripped down my forehead from them. My spine stretched and added more vertebras as my tail came out and the skin down my spine to my tail turned purple. My canines lengthened to their full length touching my bottom lip. My nails grew and turned into claws making me unclench my hands. Finally, my wings pushed against my flesh tearing it open and blood dripped onto the floor as my purple wings spread out with spikes on the tips and bottom of them. I looked at the both of them to see the woman unfazed and the man stunned at my transformation. She measured my fangs, horns, wings, tail and my claws. She asked what type of blood I prefer I told her B positive, and they said I'll get a weekly supply dropped off to me in my dorm. They said I could leave my wings tail and horns out if I wanted and was easier for me. I nodded my head, and the woman took my uniform shirt and made a cut on the back for my wings. I folded my wings in and let my fangs and claws retract.
      "One more question dear," the older woman asked.
       "Do you plan on being sexually active here. I know it's silly to ask with what one of your species, but it has to be asked. If so then we have a tonic we give to everyone who is active monthly," she explained.
       "I would believe so I would be active at some point so yes I would appreciate that," I said slowly.
       "Good the tonic prevents pregnancy and the possibilities to get STDs," she said before saying I was dismissed.
     I went back to the lobby tracing my steps back to be greeted by the girl again. She smiled and led my to the headmaster's office. I knocked on the door and an older man opened it. He had pure white hair cut short dark brown almost black eyes and he had a stern look on his face. He opened the door making room for me. I walked in and sat down in a chair in front of his desk. He sat down in his chair and looked at my file that was sent to him. I stayed quiet until he spoke.
       "Now Lexi I see you're a hybrid of two species needing two different things to survive. Now I'm going to tell you now no drinking from other students and no alluring for any favors of any sort unless in gym and classes that let you use your powers. For your need to feed off sexual energy anyone that you feed of off most be aware and agree to it. Understood?" he asked me.
       I nodded my head and looked at my lap.
       "I would also like to inform you so you're not shocked the dorms here are co-ed and species mixed I hope that is okay," he said looking more closely at my file, "You will also have a mini fridge brought to you to store your blood bags in next to your bed or somewhere you and your roommates can agree on."
      I was dismissed and started to follow the map to my dorm. I grabbed my key and opened the door. I walked in to have three sets of eyes land on me. A girl quickly got up and helped me with all my bags. She placed them on the bare bed and faced me with a smile. She has very tan skin with curly blonde hair and vibrant blue eyes. The other two people were both boys. One boy sitting on his bed had jet black hair and sapphire eyes which meant he was an incubus. The other boy had fire red hair obviously dyed and eyes the color of gold. No clue what he was but I'm sure I would find out. The boy with gold eyes had tattoos going up his arms and up to his neck. His hair was also done in a mohawk as well. I looked at the ground being quiet.
       "Well let's start with introductions, shall we?" The girl said looking around at everyone.
        They all looked at me waiting for me to speak. I cleared my throat and looked at them.
        "I'm Lexi and I'm a hybrid of succubus and vampire, but I'm also pyrokinetic and don't have full control of it yet so do we have a fire extinguisher in here?" I asked looking around.
        "It's under the sink in the bathroom and there's also a few outside in the hallway. I'm Veronica I'm a hybrid too. My mom was a tiger while my dad was a lion. So, I'm a liger," Veronica said with a huge smile.
        That's why she's so bubbly most shifters are, especially feline ones.
       The guy who was an incubus spoke up next, "I'm Connor as you can tell by my eyes, I'm an incubus and I'm always here if you need to be satisfied," he said with a wink.
       I looked at him and bit my lip making his eyes focus on that.
      "I'm Jax I'm a siren," the next boy said.
      "Oh, I thought-" I started to say but was cut off.
       "Beautiful women who lured sailors to their death. Yeah, not true sirens can be men too," he said with a smile.
       "So, another hybrid in this dorm and a female and a succubus at that. What are the odds?" Connor said running his tail up my arm.
       I stepped away and pointed my dagger tipped tail at his throat. Unlike my tail having a dagger tip his was like a lightning bolt. He held his neck away from my tail as I glared at him.
       "Doesn't like to be touched. Duly noted," he said looking at my tail before I lowered it.
       I looked around for a dresser or closet for my clothes. Veronica bounced over to a door and opened it showing me a closet with a good amount a space still. I started to hang my clothes up only for Veronica to show me the dresser drawers under my bed for my bras and underwear.
     "Thanks. Just odd being here. I mean the coven in my town tried to help me but they couldn't since my fire isn't magic related. It's mental and connected to my emotions. It's only been my mom and I. She's human so she couldn't help much," I said making the bed with some sheets Jax gave me.
     They were simple and black no big deal to me. I pulled out my favorite blanket I brought from home and put it on my bed.
     "Wait if your mom is human was your dad a hybrid?" Connor asked.
     "When I was born I was half human and half succubus. My mom had a witch help her bind my demon side until my mom believed I was ready. When I was thirteen I found a book on witchcraft and got into it and did some really good spells. I did one to become a vampire and it worked except it turned my human side. The next day when my mom saw what I did she gave me a stone that unbound my demon side so here I am. My dad was an incubus that fell in love with my mom. He was killed for falling in love with her because they weren't mates. He was called a traitor to the underworld and a sad excuse for a demon," I said with a sigh.
     "I'm sorry. My parents got killed by poachers while in their animals forms. I was taken in by my dad's pride and they looked after me," Veronica said with a sad smile.
     I rubbed my temples not used to my horns being out this long.
     "First time having your form longer than a few seconds?" Connor asked looking at me.
     "Yeah, had to hide it a lot and the pain of releasing it is painful and I don't like experiencing it," I said wincing when I tried the ease my sore body.
     "Come on we'll wipe the blood of you first and then I'll show you what helps me. Plus the more you transform the less painful it gets," Connor said getting up from his bed making me follow him to the bathroom.
     We walked into the bathroom with a large tub and a full see through glass shower. Connor grabbed a washcloth and wet it with warm water. He started wiping the blood off, his fingers sometimes touching my horns making a shiver run down my spine. My horns were extremely sensitive to touch as well as my wings. He tried his best not to touch them but still every now and then. When he was done, he made me turn so he could do what was exposed of my back and shoulder blades from my top.  When he was done with my back, he stepped away from me.
     "Try retracting them," he suggested.
     I chewed on my lip before taking a deep breath. My horns retreated and the skin healed back over. My tail became short and was soon gone as well as the purple stripe down my spine. My wings were last and the most painful. As they retreated into my back the spike on the top and bottom ripped my skin open going in. I groaned in pain as some blood fell to the floor. I was on the floor gasping from the pain. Connor was behind me trying to help me. Soon I calmed down and let out a loud sigh. He stood up and helped me off the floor.
     "If you want everyday I'll help you practice doing that until it doesn't hurt anymore," he suggested and with him being the only one of my kind I know I didn't see any other choice.
     "Sure that would be great," I said and walked back to my bed when there was a knock on our door.
     Jax got up answering it to step out of the way showing a mini fridge and a cooler with my supply of blood bags. I told them to put it by my bed that didn't have a nightstand. I opened the cooler as they left and starting putting away my blood bags.
     "You use blood bags but not blood capsules?" Jax asked.
     "I tried that and it tasted horrible like watery blood. Think of someone watering down your favorite drink or lack of seasoning on your favorite food," I explained.
     "Do you ever drink from people?" Veronica asked.
     "On a rare occasion. I had to last night because I didn't pack any bags with me. After I was done, I compelled him to forget and think he got lucky with a girl who was rough. I never kill anyone I drink from, and I have yet to kill anyone I've had sex with either. I take an inhale of their energy while they're in orgasm and then done deal I still get to enjoy it myself too," I explained shrugging my shoulders.
      Connor stares at me intensely while I cleared my throat and tried to ignore him. I was on my bed looking at the map and the classes I had to go to. Gym was first followed by classes involving potions. I had one specific called fire control great. Let's see how this goes.

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