Judge: "As of right now, she will be moved to a facility with children her own ages until we can find a permanent foster placement"

All the sudden, Kinsley frantically bolted out the door. Hailey and Maeve immediately got up and follow her. The judge called for 30 minutes recess as people watched the event unfold. Kinsley continued to run until she found an empty dark room. She hid behind the filing cabinet and wraps her arm around her knee, whimpering. Hailey finally got caught up to her and slowly entered the room, seeing Kinsley's small body curled up in a fetal position, crying. Hailey puts her hand up to stop Maeve from entering the room. She noticed that Kinsley still have her hearing devices on, so she slowly sat down in front of her.

She whispered softly to her, "Hey, what's wrong?"

Kinsley didn't move, she stayed still, her head on her knee.

Hailey reached her arm out to rub Kinsley's arm, "It's okay"

Kinsley immediately climbs into Hailey's lap. Hailey wraps her arm around her tightly, rocking her.

Maeve and Jay watched Hailey comfort her from the door.

She gently stroked Kinsley's hair and continued to hold her tightly. After ten minutes, Kinsley slowly stopped crying, sitting there in silent before looking up at Hailey with tear-stained cheeks.

Hailey asked softy: "What wrong?"

Kinsley's voice barely above a whisper, shuttering: "I- I don't w-wanna go back"

Hailey tried not to sound pressuring: "Can you want to share why?"

Kinsley shakes her head.

Hailey nodded and whispered: "It's okay, we will tell Maeve"

Kinsley tighten her grip, holding on Hailey's shirt: "Stay please!"

Hailey pulled her closer: "I am not going anywhere, but we need to go back to the courtroom"

Kinsley screamed: "No!"

Hailey: "I am right here, you are okay"

Hailey looks over to where Jay and Maeve was standing, "I want you to meet someone. He's very nice. I promise"

Kinsley slowly nods, staying still. Jay slowly walks over to where Hailey was sitting, "Hi Kinsley, my name is Jay"

Kinsley whispered: "Hi"

They slowly started a conversation, getting to know Kinsley better.

Jay: "What's your favorite animal?"

Kinsley looked up at Jay, her eyes puffy and red, "I-I like horsies and doggies"

Jay: "I like horses and dogs too! They're so smart and playful! Have you ever seen horses?"

Kinsley shook her head, her grip loosening on Hailey's shirt.

Jay: "Maybe one day you can see horses"

Kinsley's eyes widen, still leaning against Hailey's chest.

Jay got up and walked over to Maeve, "Does she need to be back in court"

Maeve: "Yeah- hey do you ever think about fostering?"

Jay's eyes widen in shock: "Uhm- I uh. Kinsley is all Hailey ever talks about. She really cares about her. But I uh never thought about that"

Jay looks over at Hailey, who is still comforting Kinsley.

Hailey slowly got up, still carrying Kinsley. She turns to Maeve, "We are ready to head back"

Maeve nodded, leading the way back to the courtroom. Hailey held her hand as they walked back to the courtroom.

The meeting continued until the Judge paused: "....Unless, Detective Halstead, you rescued the child. Isn't that right?"

Hailey stood up, unknowingly: "Y-yes, your honor"

Judge: "You're the only one who's taken a consistent interest on his behalf. I seen how you comforted her. It really shows that she trust you and your husband. Is there any chance you might like to become a foster mother to this child?

Hailey stood there, looking at Jay in shock. Jay squeezed her hand and nodded with a smile on her face.

Hailey turns back to the judge: "Y-yes"

Judge smiled and hit the gravel: "Alright, if everything look in order, I am approving a foster placement for Kinsley with Mrs. and Mr. Halstead in a week. Kinsley will be placed with a temporary foster family until then. The meeting is adjourned"

Kinsley turns around from her seat, her smile widening and her eyes widening in excitement.

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