Chapter 11

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As Kim raced to the bathroom to look for Hailey, the rest of the team gathered in the hallway, discussing their next steps.

Kim: "Hailey?"

Hailey walks out of the bathroom stall with tearstained face with puffy eyes. She walks over to the sink and took a deep breath, trying to steady herself. Her hands trembling.

Kim approached her and gently placed her hand on her shoulder: "Hails, talk to me please"

"Hailey, are you having flashback?"

Hailey look up from sink and looked toward the mirror, "Brody didn't only hurt Sophie, Blaire, and Sofi. He hurt so many other girls and trafficked them!"

Hailey's world around her became blurry and distorted. The sound of her own heartbeat echoed in her ears and the wall started to close in, threatening to swallow her whole. Her vision became narrowed and tunneled. Hailey slid down the wall, her body curling into a fetal position. Hailey's breathing was ragged, her chest rising and falling rapidly as she struggled to regain control

Kim tries to catch her as she falls: "Hailey, I am right here! You're not alone Hails. I am right here"

Kim's voice became firm:"We're going to bring him down, Hailey. We won't let him get away with this."

"We need to go rescue those girls. We need to take down this trafficking ring"

Hailey nodded, her grip on reality slowly returning. She wiped away her tears and took a deep breath. She slowly got up with the help from Kim.

H: "Thank you Kim"

Kim nodded and wraps her arm around Hailey.


Kim and Hailey quickly got into their vehicle to catch up to the unit. The sound of sirens filled the air as they weaved through traffic. As they got closer to the house, they turned off the siren and when they arrived at the house, they were met by Voight, their unit, and SVU, who had already secured the perimeter. The team with backups quickly exited their vehicles, their weapons drawn and ready for action. They approached the house cautiously. Voight and Capt. Benson signaled the team before entering the house.

Atwater used the pry bar to open the door, "CHICAGO PD!"

The unit quickly spread out and search every single room. Men inside the house panicked and attempted to flee, but they were quickly tackled by police officers. Suddenly, a muffled cry could be heard. It was coming from the basement. The team rushed toward the sound without hesitation. The basement was filled with small, dirty mattresses, and there was girls huddled together in the corner. In another room, Rojas found Natalia tied up and gagged, tears streaming down her face.

Rojas: "Natalia?"

The terrified young girl looked up, her eyes widen with fear, but filled with hope, "Y-yes?"

Capt. Benson: "You're safe now, we are police. Policía"

One by one, the team quickly moved to free the girls, providing them with comfort and reassurance. Outside the house, paramedics were waiting to help the girls with blanket and medical assistance.

Hailey's attention was drawn to a whimpering sound coming from a closet. She slowly walk toward it and carefully slides the door open. There was a small girl, sitting on the floor, rocking back and forth.

Hailey: "Hey, you're okay. You're safe now. I am right here"

The girl didn't respond, so Hailey tries to wave to get her attention. The girl looks at Hailey and jumped. She moved further into the corner of the closet.

Hailey: "You're okay"

The girl studied Hailey's clothing and facial expression, her eyes landing on the badge Hailey wore. She slowly raised her hand to her ear and points at it.

Hailey realized that the girl couldn't understand her, she was deaf. She tried to look back on basic sign language she learned years ago. She puts out her palm and made a closed fist with the other hand to sign "help".

The girl's eyes widened with relief as she understood Hailey's gestures. Hailey gently reached out her hand, offering it to the girl. After a moment of hesitation, the girl cautiously took Hailey's hand and allowed herself to be led out of the closet.

As they emerged from the closet, Hailey noticed that the rest of the team had finished freeing the other girls and was now comforting them outside. Hailey walked the deaf girl towards the group and knelt down in front of the girl and signed, "You safe"

The girl nodded, tears streaming down her face. Hailey gently wiped away her tears and gave her a comforting hug. From that point forward, the little girl never let go of Hailey.

Meanwhile, the rest of the team continued to secure the scene and gather evidence. As more ambulances arrived to transport the girls to the hospital for further care, Hailey held the deaf girl close, making sure that she felt safe and supported. She wanted to be there for the girl every step of the way and knew she would be scared going to the hospital.

Once all the girls were taken to safety, the team regrouped outside the house, their emotions running high. They had successfully rescued the girls and brought down Ramirez's operation, but the fight for justice was far from over.

Capt. Benson: "We did it, but our work is not done. We need to ensure that Ramirez and his workers are held accountable for their actions. We will work closely with the District Attorney's office in New York for his charges there to make sure justice is served."

Voight: "We will too"


In the back of the ambulance, Hailey cradled the little girl in her arms, gently rocking her to provide comfort. As they traveled, Hailey glanced out the window and noticed the sun beginning to set, casting a warm, golden glow over the crime scene they were leaving behind. She took a deep breath knowing that the girls was safe.

Hailey look back down to the girl in her arm, "Excuse me, can I have a paper and a pencil?"

The paramedic kindly gave her a paper and a pen. Hailey immediately started writing, "What your name?" She then showed it to the girl. 

The girl, still visibly shaken, reached out and took the pencil from Hailey's hand, and began writing, "Kinsle-"

But before she could finish writing her name, Kinsley suddenly lost consciousness, her hand falling limp.

Hailey's heart raced as she watched Kinsley's hand go limp. The monitor started to show Kinsley's heart flatlining. Panic surged through her veins, 

Hailey: "No! No! She passed out!"

The paramedic rushed over, his face etched with concern, and together they worked to stabilize Kinsley's condition.

As they frantically tried to revive her, Hailey couldn't help but feel a surge of fear and desperation. She had grown attached to this little girl in such a short amount of time, and the thought of losing her was unbearable. Hailey whispered words to urge Kinsley to fight, to hold on.

Minutes felt like hours as they fought to bring Kinsley back. Finally, a faint pulse registered on the monitor, and relief washed over Hailey. The paramedic quickly radioed for the nearest hospital, and they prepared to transport Kinsley for further medical attention. Hailey gently cradled Kinsley in her arms once again, her heart filled with a mix of gratitude and hope. Hailey was ready to fight for this little girl's future. Hailey gently brushed a strand of hair away from Kinsley's face and whispered, "We're going to get through this, Kinsley. I promise."

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