Chapter 6

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In the waiting room (General POV)

Kim paced back and forth, waiting to hear news about Hailey. Vanessa was sitting against the wall in the corner, breathing shaky breaths. The rest of the team sat in the waiting room, looking at each other with fears.

Voight: "Has anyone been able to get in touch with Jay?"

Everyone shook their head slowly in response.

Kim: "Hailey haven't been able to contact him for the past 2 weeks..."

A few minutes later, Will walked in from talking with Hailey's surgeon. Kim was the first one to notice.

K: "Is she okay? Will she be okay?"

The rest of the team gathered around Will.

W: "Surgery went well. Hailey will be okay, but she has gone through a lot, physically and mentally. We had to put her on feeding tube since she hasn't eaten for the past two days and she will be intubated until tomorrow morning. Thankfully, her brain did not have any swelling or bleeding. She will have to stay for a few days, but after that she should be able to go home. There was also an IV put in her to clean out her system from when she was drugged"

Trudy: "Can we see her?"

W: "It's best that Hailey rest right now-"

Kim ignores him and sets off across the room.

Kim entered Hailey's room and immediately collapsed into the chair in the corner of the room after seeing Hailey laying in the bed. All of her emotions running down her cheeks. Hailey's body looked so small with all of the monitor stickers and tubes attached to her. 

Adam place his hands onto Kim's cheek, "She is okay, Hailey will be okay. She is safe now Kim"

Adam pulled Kim closer to his chest and comforted her as she lets it out.

Adam: "Let go home to Makayla"

Kim slowly nodded. Both of them slowly got up and went home. 

The next morning

She sat bolt upright and found herself somewhere completely unfamiliar. Everything in the room was bathed in white, from the walls to the blankets on her legs. The only pops of color were the abstract painting on one wall and the blue t-shirt of the woman sitting at her bedside. When she realized where she was, she quickly started to pull the IV tubes and monitor stickers (electrodes) off her chest and arms. She felt a hand on her arm, trying to stop her, but she just kept going. Her vision disfigured, as if she were looking through a fish-eye lens. Her breathing increased, and her chest tightened. Stop! Stop, pleaseEverything is spinning. Stop! Stop this pain!  She braces, frozen by the fear flowing in her hearts. A faint sound of her name was heard.

Trudy: "Hey- Hey Hailey"

"You are safe Hailey. Hailey! Hailey- look at me"

Hailey opened her eyes, trying to catch her breath, holding on the rails of her bed. It took her a few moments to realized how much pain her shoulder was in. But, she was able to look into Trudy's eye.

"Good, now make a fist", she told Hailey. She saw her do as told, though shakily. "Now breathe in", she performed an inward motion with her hands. "And out," she breathed out with Hailey.

Natalie rushed into the room after hearing her monitor going off. She began rechecking her vitals. 

Natalie: "You're safe, you're in the hospital. You just had surgery"

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