Chapter forty four

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"Going once.... going twice....."

The world was a fucked up place, so fucked up that fucked up things are normal. People want to turn a blind eye to it because they're scared of what these fucked up people would do once they judge your thought process. I was one to never care. I was allowed opinions, papà taught me that. But when I was taken from him, I was forced to forget everything my Papà taught me, and was forced to learn new things. As an assassin, I had to mind my own business and keep out of businesses that didn't concern me. I may be ruthless but this was something I couldn't turn a blind eye to.

I reached Italy, somehow and didn't question anyone the whole journey through because I knew it would be futile. Santos was in the next room in the jet, and that was the only thing that kept me sane on that flight until we got off because I haven't seen Santos since. Apprehension fills me, until my stomach hurt but I was determined that Santos wasn't going to be up on that stage, waiting to be brought by some sick asshole. As I'm being pushed around by the Conti's men, I inspect the surroundings and watch as a live auction was taking place. Men as old as sixty join the audience with their partners as they're eyeballing each person that reluctantly gets on that stage, choosing their pick like they're choosing a fucking pet. Each men were thirsty, depraved and had a fucking death wish as they've attended this absurd private event, thinking they'd go home today buying a child for whatever depraved fetish they want to feed to. I was disappointed in myself that it took me so long to realise what kind of people the Conti's were, especially when there was a time in my life where I thought these people were noble for taking orphans into their care, caring and good people.

Ever since I've arrived, I haven't seen anyone familiar, yet. Ricardo and Alfonso was nowhere to be seen but I knew they were going to be here, to watch as they sell Santos off but I was going to make sure that doesn't happen. Nico was going to make sure that doesn't happen to because he was going to be here today. My stomach turns as I think of him, and what he may be feeling today. He's going to get his son back today, I was going to make sure he does.

Right now, I was ordered to get ready for the auction. I entered a studio with rails of dresses and a vanity desk. It took about an hour to get ready to whoever's standards because as soon as I was done getting ready, I was told to wait. I'm wearing a long, black and backless dress with my arms covered with the long sleeves. My hair was tied into a low, clean bun and my makeup was subtle, yet there was a lot going on. I wasn't sure why I was getting dressed up, but as I'm waiting in this studio, tension closing my judgement until I feel nauseous, I come to a realisation that put me in a situation to think quickly, to make a decision there and then, a decision that could quite easily fuck things up, or save Santos.

My glare darts to the door when I heard a soft knock. I clench my fists and step back until my rear is pushed up against the vanity desk. I had no weapons on me, the Conti's stripped it all off me the second I set foot on that jet. So, I was weaponless. I had one less thing to defend myself with but it didn't matter as much if I knew how to fight. I've managed to kill without any weapons, I will be fine as I fight this motherfucker.

But as the door creeps open, and a presence slides through, my breath hitched and my venomous mind dissolves. Santos slides through as his eyes frantically wandered, searching for something as he quickly enters and closes the door. When his eyes landed on me, relief rushes through him and his eyes lightened up, while mine softens. A small smile reached his lips before he rushes over to me and engulfed me into his embrace. I wrap my arms around him and close my eyes, feeling my heart beat violently against his.

"Ilaria." He breathes, holding me tight. "I'm so glad you're safe. Are you okay?" He asks, pulling himself away from me yet he still held me, afraid that if he lets go, he'll lose me.

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