Chapter thirty two

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⚠️ Trigger Warning ⚠️ this chapter contains distressing topics, (mentions of trafficking/rape). Highly recommend 18+ readers. (You've been warned.)


Death is written for everyone but the question is, when?

That's for God to decide, many believe this, I once believed that but when a man decides to challenge a Torricelli, I play with his fate. It's the right punishment to endure, a satisfactory one and usually, it's me who puts a bullet inside that person, or tortures the person until they're screaming but today, I left it for the assassin to finish the job.

The same assassin I've been watching for the past eight years because I know she'll do it right. She will kill Edurado today and I was going to watch.

Gentle music tends in the back as I remain seated, I lean back on the chair and observe the scene in front of me. Not many people occupied this room, everyone was wherever Eduardo told them to go, which was downstairs where the event took place. I loosen my collar a little as I exhale out a breath, wearing a suit wasn't as comfortable as everyone makes it out to be, but I had to look presentable. There was alcohol everywhere but whiskey. The party was too formal for my liking because a party hosted by the Torricellis was never like this, it didn't make sense for me to be here. But when Eduardo personally invited me, I couldn't deny my invitation to seal his fate.

"You enjoying the party?" Eduardo turns his head to me and speaks, but he tends to the little cancer stick that he tries to light up. His strong Italian accent made my jaw clench, I was killing my own people but they were not my people when they've fucked with a Torricelli.

"." I nod with a glare. I wanted this to be over and done with already.

"Niccolò, we've been here for an hour already and I haven't yet figured out why you're here." Eduardo says.

I couldn't think of a better setting. Right now, I seemed to be alone with Eduardo, does me really have no idea who I am or is he just stupid? I went for the latter because he knows why I'm here. I glance at Eduardo from across the small table that sat between us. He is a businessman, not entirely involved in the nefarious world of organised crime syndicates, but definitely does dabble in it whenever he's running short of money. A desperate man is all I see because he wouldn't be here, sitting in front of a stranger trying to figure out why that stranger was at his own party.

"Eduardo, I'm here because you invited me." I say.

", I know but I didn't think you'd actually come." He states, smoking his cigarette. He exhales out, smoke billows from his mouth and into the air, polluting it with a disgusting stench that I couldn't stand. "You're not the type to invest in the business I'm interested in, or are you?" He asks.

"It depends actually." I exhale, I glance at Eduardo and catch him staring at me. "What business are you interested in?"

"Well, it's one of a kind really. Not many want to invest in it because it gets messy but that's never the case for me." He says, a light chuckle vibrates from him as he exhales out, sending a violent urge to slit this motherfucker's throat. "My brother has a quality business, takes orphans or troubled children and gives them a home, a shelter for them to use to their advantage. Once they have the skills, they're then... traded." I furrow my brows, indicating that I didn't share the same thought he had on this, but also, I wanted him to explain more, to get an insight of what his brother truly gets involved in. And so, naive Edurado continues, like he no longer wants the Conti bloodline to procreate. They won't be, once I get my hands on every single one of them. "Truth is, these kids, as young as two, are found abandoned or they're taken. They're then taken to a camp, more like a slum house for the thirsty dogs, who have a creative imagination, for sale. But no one talks if money is involved, everyone shuts up and goes about their days. It's a first come first serve basis, anyone gets to pick and take what they want. The ones that are left behind are the ones that are shipped overseas. My brother makes sure he gets the good ones, so he can train them in his base."

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