Chapter thirty five

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"Your father? I thought you said he doesn't have anything to do with you?"

My mouth never fail to amaze me, even in situations where it was appropriate for me to shut the fuck up. Stella blinks at me with a look of despair, like she already wanted to move on with the conversation but doing so wouldn't really help me understand anything she wanted. All I know is that she wants me to kill her father, who I really thought was dead.

"Yeah, until recently. He found me, and suddenly, he's a rich man."

Stella's need to get rid of her father was difficult for me to understand, and though I'm stood right in front of her, waiting for her to further explain, she doesn't. Does she expect me to understand without communicating? Does she expect me to kill her father without an explanation? Well, that is how my job is done however, her request wasn't on a business basis, it was a personal one which means, I'd need to know why I'm doing this.

Stella was becoming more and more agitated and I've never seen her like this before, it was unusual for her to be like this. It seemed she was in fear of her life, and the only way to get out of it was to get her father killed. She wasn't exactly thrilled when she spoke about her father the last time, but I didn't know it was this bad. I remembered she said he was a deadbeat, that he was barely in her life. But that's not what surprised me, I was surprised at her request and wasn't sure what to answer to that.

"Stella.... why do you need him killed? Your father being rich and finding you doesn't sound like he deserves to die." I say, though a little hypocritical of me to say. But I didn't give a fuck, a jobs a job. Anyone I killed deserved it. Stella glances at me, her face twists in offence, as if whatever I said, she did not like at all.

"Why do you care anyway? You kill people for a living." She grunts, her tone was sour. The look on her face was sour, and she was in disbelief. I wasn't siding with anyone but if I had to, of course I'd side with Stella but she wasn't letting in any context so I said what I said.

"Yes, I do because it's my job. But if I do this for you, it's a favour and I don't do favours." I counter, which immediately silenced her, "If you're so desperate, get your husband to do it." Stella watches me with apprehension. Her bottom lip quivers before she exhales out a tired breath and then, she slumped over my island table.

Sure, Stella's father must be a piece of shit if he was deadbeat and barely present in her life, that would've been a good enough reason to kill him but something tells me that it was much more than just what Stella was letting on right now. She didn't want her father dead just because he's back and now wealthy, she wanted him dead for another reason. And I wasn't going to know until Stella disclosed it to me, but what I did wonder was if she's spoke to Stefano about this.

"I can't tell Stefano, he'll fuck it all up." She murmurs, "I'm just so tired and... scared."

"Stella," I call her out, sitting on the seat opposite her. She lifts her head up and glances at me, I face her with a questioning glare, hoping she'd be fucking clear with her words. "you're asking me to do something that's irreversible. What's the matter, Stella? What are you scared of?"

"I got a call last week from my father, asking to see me. Mind you, I haven't spoken to or seen him in fifteen years so I told him I wasn't interested but then, he started telling me how much he knows about my life right now, that I'm married to a criminal and he'll turn Stefano in anytime because he has the power to do it, whatever that means." Stella explains, shrugging like doesn't believe a word out of her deadbeat father's mouth. But then, all the colour in her face drains out as she continues. "I'm not scared of him but my father once had money in his life, and when he did, he was insane. He was impulsive, psychotic, irrational, not just with drugs or alcohol, but everything else. He told me to meet him at a conference party he is attending, he wants me to meet some of his partners."

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