Chapter forty two

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If there was ever a purge, I know where I'd be heading to.

Last night was strange. Last night was haunting. And I didn't have the chance to soak it all in because I woke up alone in bed. Nico was long gone as his side of the bed was cold. And then, the rest of the morning I spent trying to get in contact with him but to no avail. I felt empty, a dull ache resided all morning in the pit of my chest because I wasn't expecting Nico to leave so soon and unexpectedly. I wanted him here, by my side, in my presence, telling me all he can with his sweet words. Touching me with his hot skin, protecting me like he always does. I could still feel him, everywhere on my body, inside and out. I could still smell him on me, even after a good wash but I never get tired of being tied to a person like Nico because it's what I desired.

I thought what it would feel like to have Nico in another world. Would it be the same? Surely not, but in this world, he was perfect, at least for me. Believe it or not, he makes me happy, content, satisfied and much more but the list goes on and on. When I'm with Nico, I don't need anyone else.

As I'm thinking so deeply about a man that's disappeared on me after he fucked the living shit out of me, I reach his penthouse because I want to see him one last time, before I take that flight with Alfonso. After a heavy debate with myself, I've decided that I'm going to Seattle because it's time I see Santos. I thought over and over again that this may well be a trap to catch me, but even if it is, I'll fight and get a good cause out of it, that I'm getting to see Santos and if he's in trouble or not. Nico's elevator pings softly, indicating that I've reached my destination. But as I step inside his home, I'm faced with a person I'd never spend my time with, even if it was my last.

Stefano sits on Nico's kitchen counter as he's chewing on something while he's scrolling on his phone. I despise the man and as I'm staring at him right now, wondering what the fuck he's doing here, I despise him even more. I might just set Nico's penthouse alight, with this ungrateful motherfucker in it. Thoughts run along my mind, thoughts about his pregnant wife that probably needs him right now, but she's nowhere to be seen. As I'm watching him from the distance, Stefano finally lifts his gaze from his phone to me and when he does, surprise flashed his face.

"Where's Nico?" I ask, clenching my teeth shut as I resist the urge to pounce on him and beat the fuck out of him until he was black and blue. However, surprisingly, Stefano doesn't react the way I expected him to. Instead, he sets his phone down and watches me.

"Italy." He answers, "He left this morning."

And suddenly, it occurred to me that I wasn't entirely prepared for any of this. I knew Nico had left for Italy to get Santos but he never said anything before he left. Perhaps I should've mentioned what Alfonso said to me last night but it wasn't worth saying anything if Nico was not going to allow me to go to Seattle to check up on Santos because apparently, I'm incapable of protecting myself. If Nico truly did ask Santos to go to Italy, I'll make sure Santos gets to Italy and be there for Nico to take Santos. If Alfonso and Ricardo wants to fight, I'll be ready to fucking fight.

I stare blankly at Stefano because I had nothing else to say, and as seconds pass by with the two of us just staring at each other with blank thoughts, it getting unbearable to handle. So, I turn to leave.

"Wait!" Stefano calls. I halt in my tracks and freeze as I wait for him to speak again. When he doesn't, I glance over my shoulder and look at him. Stefano jumped on his feet before he stalks towards me. "Where are you going?"

I turn my entire body and watch Stefano with a confused expression, double taking on what I heard because I wasn't so sure if I'm hearing correctly. Incredulity fills every corner of my face, and I made sure Stefano got to see this. I turn to face him and Stefano seemed hesitant at first but when he reached me, he sighs.

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