Chapter thirty three

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⚠️ Warning ⚠️ this chapter contains sexual content. Recommended for 18+ readers.


The elevator pings softly, indicating its queue to move.

The sound of the elevator's arrival was loud and unsettling, when did they become so loud?

I've never felt rage as much as I did today, and I didn't even want to accept the rage and deal with it because I know it'll only get worse. That was my problem. I never knew when I developed that stupid problem but I never have or had the courage to face my problems, instead, I run away from it. Even watching Eduardo sip on the fucking whiskey didn't help soothe my anger because the cause of this blazing anger sat right across. I tried to avoid him, even when we left the party, I parted with Stella because her shitty fucking husband wasn't with us but when Nico reached for my wrists and practically forced me to part with him, I had no choice but to get into his car and leave the party with him.

We've left the stupid party about half an hour ago and now, we were at my condo building, making our way to my door. The party wasn't worth for me to dress up like a wealthy and classy whore. Me dress was short and I barely offered up any modesty covering any intimate parts of my body, all because of Stella. She literally used me as her toy, dolling me up. When I first saw myself in the dress, I resisted the urge to tear this shit off my body. I wore a black sparky dress, that wrapped around my body, hugging my curves. Nico didn't attempt to keep his eyes off my all night. I've never spent enough time to know what my preferences are in fashion because I've never had the time. Perhaps, it's a good thing I had Stella, she may just be my personal stylist.

I stood in front of the elevator door in silence but I could feel a presence just weigh everything down. Nico stood next to me with his eyes fucking glued to me, and I couldn't bring it up to myself to face him and glare at him because of how angry I was.

Stefano was barely at the function because apparently, Nico might've bruised his entire face. Stella admitted it like it was nothing but I know that deep inside, she was going to plead to Nico one day to stop harming Stefano the way he does. Considering they're family, I'd never thought Nico would do this. I don't know how they're family but if Nico and Stefano grew up with each other, as Stella claims, then they were definitely too close to be beating each other like this everyday. I don't want Nico to batter Stefano up for my sake, I can handle him myself.

I walk into the elevator with the sounds of my heels clicking on the floor. I was never fond of heels, only for this reason. It drew a lot of unwanted and unnecessary attention. Perhaps if men learn to lower their gaze or mind their business, I might like wearing heels but that can never happen in this world. Imagine what can happen in this world if men didn't just exists?


Nico follows in with me and eventually, the elevator doors slide shut painfully slow. My heart's beating at a normal and steady speed, but I can still feel Nico's burning stare penetrate through me, burning me. He was being studious and it annoyed me. Just as I turn my head to tell him to stop staring, Nico steps closer to me and reached for the panel of buttons on my side, his finger punched the emergency button and as soon as it did, the elevator carriage reaches a screeching halt, violently shaking. The stop was so abrupt, if Nico wasn't standing right in front of me, I'd be down, with my face planted on the floor.

"What the fuck, Nico?" I scowl, my hands automatically clamped around the rails behind me and my feet felt like they were glued to the floor. I glare at Nico and finally face him, I wanted to be nasty to him. But I didn't know what type of nasty I meant, wreck his face or have my way with him? Either way, I'd have my way with him, no? Just as long as he is whimpering and suffering from pain. I was sick to think this but Nico was far more psycho than me, that's for sure. He proved that he is when he admitted that he's been watching me for eight whole fucking years, and that too with hard evidence.

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