Chapter forty one

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In my entire existence, I've accomplished every hardships until today. Today's hardship felt impossible to overcome because it felt like I was leaving a part of my body behind.

And with every hardship, comes with ease, no? But this one didn't feel like that, this one felt permanent, like a disease, waiting to taunt the living fuck out of me. I clench my jaw and scowl under my breath as I'm on my way to the jet, that's taking me to Italy.

I was going to get Santos.

My boy, I haven't seen him in three years. And by now, people may think it's impossible to wish for something that doesn't exist but the Torricelli's never go without a fight. My Santos has only survived today because he was taught to fight. It's the only way to survive. I reach for my phone as it buzzes in my pocket and turn it on, aggressively tapping on the screen as I put in my password, I received a text from Stefano.

Stefano: The auction is taking place in Milan, on Friday at 8pm. I've sent an informant there, he'll notify us to confirm whether Santos has made it.

I exhale out a tired breath as I read the words off the screen, nothing should go wrong because everything has been meticulously planned. We undertook every risk possible and found that there may be a few risks, only if a few people knew what we were doing. There couldn't be any sort of risk at all, it was now or never. I needed Santos now, or it's never going to happen. I'll lose him forever.

I clench my jaw and glare at the screen, before I'm aggressively tapping on it again as I switch between the apps. I fish for the security app that I use to keep an eye on her, and I couldn't stop watching the footage from last night.

Last night, Alfonso visited her condo and touched her right in front of her door, while I was inside waiting for her. The cameras outside her apartment were all installed and controlled by me, just so I could watch Ilaria and watch out for situations like this. Last night, I was too occupied to even watch the footage live, I just wanted to see her but when she took her sweet time, I began to investigate. Upon my investigation, I found this footage. I knew he visited, but I never got to know why. When I asked Ilaria about it, she chose to lie to me which meant she has something to hide. It angered me, it blinded with so much rage that I wanted to hurt her, to teach her a lesson but I couldn't do it. I know it wasn't her fault that Alfonso ambushed her in front of her door and touched her like she was his. It was all his fault, which meant I'd have to do something about it.

I return to the chat between me and Stefano and type out a reply.

Me: Good, all will go well. Keep an eye on Ilaria, she must not return to Seattle. That's all I ask of you.

Stefano: Sure thing.

I inform Stefano of this, and practically begged him to keep an eye on Ilaria for the time period I won't be there to physically watch her and protect her. At first, he refused but eventually, the motherfucker agreed. It was clear as day that Stefano hated Ilaria as much as she did to him, and both parties were not discreet about it. I couldn't care less if Stefano was looking out for Ilaria out of spite, all I cared about was that he was looking out for her. He was doing me a favour, returning one favour for all the ones I did for his wife. But this favour was the one he despised. I don't give a fuck. I'd deal with the consequences from him later, once when all this is over.

Even when this is all over, I'll always have a problem. A problem that I'm willing to endure for the rest of my life.

My sweet little assassin.

My stomach turns as I think of her, as I'm travelling miles and miles away from her when I should be holding her right now, kissing her beautiful and soft skin, worshipping her body like my fucking life depends on it. Before I left her this morning, I watched her as I hold my breath, only hearing her gentle snore. It was like music to my ears. Who would've thought a lethal assassin like her could easily just take over my entire life? She was fast asleep, curled up against her comforter, facing me. Her hair was sprawled everywhere on her pillow, smelling like a dream. Her gentle and sweet scent fills my nostril, taunting me with the taste of her. God, she was so sweet. She had no idea how much of my strength it took to wake up before her and leave her behind just like that. It ached to leave her alone in that bed. I wanted her to wake up to me, I wanted to kiss her again and most of all, I wanted to be inside of her.

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