Chapter 27

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We have been walking with breaks in between. Walk for a few hours and take a break, walk for a few hours and take a break. I have no idea what time it is. The sky has become dark, hiding the sun behind the layers of clouds. A light dances across the sky and I cover my ears with my hands waiting for the thunder. The roaring sound makes me flinch, even though I was expecting it.

Considering how Merfond is such a lively city, it's peculiar to see the rural areas being abandoned. The road continues for miles and when there is finally a town, it's abandoned. I can barely call it a town- far from everything and there are barely any people left. Everyone probably wanted to have a better life and decided to move. Now, it's just trees, bushes and buildings, most of which are in shambles.

If I die here, I would be pretty upset.

"It looks like it'll rain soon, we should find somewhere to stay the night." Annabel says, looking up at the sky.

"Most of the buildings aren't stable enough." Dalion says.

"There must be some place good enough." Annabel places her backpack firmly on her back and walks ahead. We follow her suit, examining the rubles of bricks and concrete. I notice a three-story wide building in the distance. There is tall grass surrounding the building. The condition of the place doesn't seem that bad. Most of the windows are broken and there are metal gates placed outside the ones on the first floor. but the structure stands tall. The walls are brown and the roof a darker shade.

A sign is on the ground and I pick it up. The letters have faded over time, but I still can make out the words.

Old City Mental Asylum.

"No! No! No!"I shake my head. "We can't go in there."

Dalion looks at the abandoned asylum without saying anything. Annabel glances at me with apologetic eyes and starts looking around, deciding on which direction we should go next.

A raindrop touches my head. I look up and another one falls on my cheek. The drops become more frequent and I look around in panic.

We have to find another place. I don't want to go to an asylum again. I don't want to go there. I will stay here in the rain. I won't go in there. I can't go in there!

"If we stay out here, we will get sick." Dalion says. I take a few deep breaths and start walking towards the entrance.

"Fine. But we are leaving as soon as the rain stops."

Annabel stays behind me for a while, that is until she suddenly rushes by my side, gripping my arm tightly.

"What happened?" I ask, instinctively wrapping one arm around her shoulder.

"I just felt a chill run through my body. I don't like this place either." Annabel says and looks around. Around us nothing moves. There is no one, but even I feel unsafe as well.

The door is already open and we enter. The first floor is mostly empty. No furniture, nothing left to imply that this was a hospital.

The rain has gotten more aggressive outside and the wind howls and rushes from the windows. The stairs have holes in them, reminding me a lot of the place we stayed in when we found the message on the wall. They creak with each step and I hate every moment of it.

The hallway of the second floor is mostly empty, only for a few huge picture frames, the pictures of which I can't identify as they are so old and ruined. The hallway is almost a replica of the one in Ainsworth. Inside the rooms however, is where I really start to have flashbacks. There is one bed for each room, they are small and dirty, the sheets torn to shreds. The walls are damp and moldy in some corners and there is no wallpaper.

We come across a padded room and Annabel stops on the spot. There is nothing but a chair and a dirty straightjacket on the floor. She slowly steps inside the room, looking around shaking.

"Who do you think was kept in here?" Her voice breaks as she looks back at me with teary eyes. "Do you think they were innocent?"

"A lot of people here most likely were innocent."

Annabel opens her mouth to say something, but is interrupted by a loud bang downstairs. We all jump from the noise.

"The wind probably pushed the door." Annabel laughs awkwardly. "I-I will go check."

She rushes past us, on the verge of a breakdown. She spent so long in a place like this. I was at least allowed to leave my room, but I can't imagine not stepping foot outside.

"I feel bad for her." Dalion says and I pat his back at him showing kindness to Annabel. We leave the room and as I'm closing the door, I hear Annabel scream. Dalion and I look at each other before bolting downstairs.

I skip two stairs at a time and almost rip. Right in front of the door, Annabel is on the floor holding her left upper arm. Blood streaks down her arm and she is breathing heavily. Annabel stares up at us and we run to her.

"He is here!" 



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