Chapter 10

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(Felix's POV)

Today was rocky for us. The fact that Chad is after us makes me anxious on so many levels, but now that the police are looking for us again, paranoia is following me every step of the way. There wasn't anything new about us in the news, it seemed that no one knew our location, that is what I thought at least. Someone knows we're here and the more terrifying fact is that they were so close to us, that they were able to put that note in Cora's pocket, and we didn't even notice.

"Cora, did anyone come close to you?" I grab her shoulders, but it's too late. She looks up at me with confusion.

"What are you talking about?" It's Isa. I let go of her and run my hand through my hair.

"What happened?" Isa looks at all of us for answers, then looks down at her hand at the piece of paper and her eyes widen.

"What happened while you were outside at the shop?" I ask Annabel, who is visibly shaken by the situation.

"We finished up and walked here. No one talked to us..." Her words trail off and there is a sudden realization in her eyes. "Someone bumped into Cora."

"Who?" Dalion says.

"I-I don't know. She fell into my arms and when we looked back, they were gone."

We are going to die. Someone wants to harm us. Someone is after us. We will get caught.

"It's Chad." Dalion mumbles.

"How can you be so sure?" Isa tells him.

"He is onto us! He himself said he will personally take part in catching us. He knows we are here and is playing games with us." Dalion puts his head in his hands.

"Don't you think he would have told the police already?" Annabel says.

"I bet he won't, just so he can kill us." Isa kicks the table out of anger.

Chad will kill us. He hates us. He wants us to die. It's over. It's over. It's over.

I sit on the floor and start shaking. My palms are starting to get clammy and I start trying to take deep breaths to calm me down. Someone sits next to me and caresses my back.

"It's going to be okay. We will find a way to get out of Chad's sight." Annabel comforts me. I nod and keep breathing, Annabel stays by my side as Dalion and Isa are talking.

"We need to pack everything and get out of here. Someone knows and we aren't going to wait and find out." Dalion says and starts grabbing our bags. I get up and help as well. We decide to be as quiet as possible on our way out. We lock the door, walk downstairs, leave the room key on the front desk and head out.

It'll be only a couple of hours until the sun comes out. We walk in the dark streets, every step taken with caution. Dalion halts in place, while staring at one corner of the street. I follow his line of sight, but there is no one. He takes a step back and I take his arm.

"How about we go this way?" I point in the opposite direction. I take Dalion with me as he's a little shaken. Annabel glances once in a while at Dalion. I remember when things like this would first happen, she would be so confused, but she might be catching up.

Isa has been quiet for a long time, I look at her and she seems in deep thought so I direct my focus elsewhere. Not a lot of time has passed when Isa lets out a scream.

We all turn only to see Isa in a chokehold by a tall figure. She kicks and shakes, but to no avail. A street light keeps flickering and in the fractions of the seconds when I can see, I make out the familiar face.

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