Chapter 18

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Laughter echoes in the living room. Rose keeps going on and on about how she missed the birthday party.

"Can you imagine all of the friends I could have made?" She throws her hands in the air and crosses her arms, pouting.

"I'm sure there will be more opportunities." Annabel tries to make her feel better, still trying to hold back her laughter.

"Can we throw parties for our birthdays as well?"

"Sure but I have one rule," Dalion puts up a finger. "No clowns, I can't deal with them."

My eyes are heavy and my body is numb, being around so many people took a lot of energy off of me. "I will go to bed. Good night everyone!"

As I'm at the bottom of the stairs ready to make my first step up, I hear Annabel's loud voice.

"Isn't that Benji?" I stop and sprint back. Annabel is pointing at the TV and Dalion has the remote in his hand, turning up the volume. On the screen a young man with raven hair is talking. A young man I know too well.

Everything around me disappears at that point. The room becomes empty and it's only me and the screen. I listen to his voice, something I thought I would never be able to do ever again.

"All the news is getting out of hand. How did this go this far? It started as police shutting down an asylum because of how poorly it was treating its patients and now you are following down four of those patients like they are murderers." Benji looks straight to the camera with a stern look.

What is he talking about? He isn't the one to talk. It's his fault I'm in this situation. It's all your fault. Don't act like the good guy. It's all your fault.

"Some of these people are considered dangerous." A reporter, who is interviewing Benji, says.

"Have you ever tried to take the time to listen to them? No. You put an incompetent police officer in the case and expect them to just come to you? The mistakes you made have consequences. I know people will say that I'm just talking like this to protect my brother, but that's not the case. I've made mistakes like this in the past that now I'm unable to fix. I want to put this out there, hoping at least one person will consider changing their minds."

You have made so many mistakes. You deserve to feel guilty. You ruined my life. You are at fault.

"Well, thank you for this interview." Benji is about to thank the reporter, but stops and looks into the camera again.

"Felix I know you are out there and listening to this. I want to say I'm sorry and I hope you live a better life than the one I caused you."

"Turn it off!" I scream and fall on my knees. The TV shuts off, but I can still hear his voice ringing and echoing in my head.

You aren't sorry. You aren't sorry at all. You have never been sorry. Why are you now? Liar. Liar. You are a liar!

At a moment like this maybe joy would rise in me. The joy from finally getting support from my brother. However I'm feeling none of that. I feel rage. Flaming rage going through every part of my body.

"Felix?" Rose pulls at my shirt, but I don't look at her. I don't want to say anything that I'll regret or lash out. I get on my feet and look at the others. They are all in front of me, giving me looks full of pity and empathy. I don't want any of that right now. I just want to be alone.

"I'll be upstairs if you need me." I mumble and drag my feet up the polished wood stairs.

I open the door to my room and don't even bother turning on the lights. I changed my clothes earlier today and I'm wearing shorts and a baggy black shirt. I throw myself on the bed. Even though I'm exhausted, I can't sleep.

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