Chapter 3

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During my time in the hospital, there was only one person from my family who visited me - my older brother, Benji. Of course it would be considered as a very sweet gesture, if only I hadn't had to force him to come.

A month ago, since I had been so good, I was given the chance to send someone a letter and potentially meet them. I chose to write to Benji, knowing the burden of guilt he carried. When we finally met, we struck a deal. I asked him to help me escape, and in return, I promised to never contact him again. He agreed without hesitation. I suppose he hates me as much as I do him. After our agreement, I immediately set the date and time for the escape, and we haven't spoken since.

What if he hasn't come? Oh no, he probably isn't here. No, he is coming. This is too much of an opportunity for him to lose.

I can still hear the distant shouting coming from the building. Those guards must be realizing that we're making a break for it. And then, the worst sound of all - a piercing siren, the code red signal. They know patients have escaped, and they're going to be after us. It's a race against time now, and we've got to move fast if we want to get away.

One part of the fence is cut, making a big enough gap for us to pass through. Not far away there is a subtle silhouette of a car. Dalion is the first one to go through the gap, then Isa, Annabel and me. The sharp edges of the fence almost poke me right in the eye, but I pulled my head back in time.

The trunk opens automatically for us as we approach. We shove our bags in it and get inside. I sit in the front seat next to Benji. He is disheveled. His dark hair is a mess, an unshaven stubble, bags under his eyes and he isn't looking at me in the eye. His gaze keeps ahead, while he clasps the steering wheel so hard, his knuckles have turned white.

"I thought you said there would be three of you." Benji looks at the rearview mirror. The rest are being squished in the back seat with Isa sitting between Dalion and Annabel.

"There... There was a sudden change of plans. " I look at Annabel as she immediately puts her head down. Benji just lets out a frustrated sigh and starts the engine. He is grumpy, but I don't care much. He owes me this anyway.

The road is narrow and full of bumps. The car shakes with every passing second so I hold on to my seat.

"I'm driving until the place you said and then you are on your own." Benji says sternly and I nod. We just needed to set a good distance between us and the hospital and the forest seemed like our safest bet. If we were to go to the town, the people there would recognize us and report us back. My family has since moved out, but a lot of people still remember us. That's just how it is with small towns - everyone knows everyone.

When the muddy road ends, Benji turns off the engine. The others open the doors and get out without wasting time, but I stay in my seat. Benji takes an envelope from the compartment and hands it to me. I open it and count the money.

"Good?" He asks.


"Now get out of my car. We are done. And don't contact me again!" I do as he says. The others have already taken our bags out of the trunk. I get close to his window, but he doesn't roll it down. We lock eyes through the glass, taking one last look at each other. This is the last time I see him. I open my mouth to say something, but nothing comes out. I want to say that I'll miss him, but I won't. It's not good to lie.

Will he miss me? He doesn't care. He never cared. But, maybe he feels bad after everything.

After everything he put me through, I could never forgive him. I take a few steps back and he leaves without saying a single word. I feel tears welling up in my eyes. I blink several times to not let them fall.

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