Chapter 22

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When my family abandoned me and put me in the asylum, my world shattered. I didn't eat, I didn't speak. I did nothing. I would lay down on the small uncomfortable bed and stare at the ceiling for hours on end. It came to the point, where I was so sure I would never see them again, that I considered them dead to me. This time though, I actually don't have a chance. I'm never going to see Cora ever again, no matter what I choose to believe.

Police didn't allow us to bury her body. They needed to examine every detail possible, so they could find the person responsible as soon as possible. We finally buried Cora in the city's cemetery. That was the last day I stepped foot outside.

I've been spending my days just like I did at the asylum. Alone, not wanting to even see anyone. Dalion and Annabel haven't looked me in the eye since. Even during the burial they kept their distance. I know they blame me, even if they don't want to and so do I.A part of me didn't even want to go to the burial. It's my fault, I didn't deserve to be there. Grandma Dotty dragged me out of the house, telling me that if I don't go I'll regret it until the day I die.

I've had nightmares, countless nightmares for the past two weeks. The image of her on the ground covered in blood is carved permanently in my memory. I feel a constant heaviness on my chest. To know that I will never see her again. .

I've reached the point where I don't cry anymore, there are no tears left. I'm just numb. All I can think of is how it's my fault. That is the only thought in my mind and I've really come to believe it. In the beginning I defended myself a little, but now there is pure hatred toward my whole being.

It's been three days since we have gotten any news from the police and I know they aren't even trying. We have barely been here for a month. We are the lunatics who escaped from the asylum, therefore they don't care. Needless to say, none of us started working, which was sad since Miss Mary was so amazing to take me in, but I know that if I went I wouldn't be giving it my all.

I could have done something. I didn't look hard enough. I should have done better. I shouldn't have rested even for a second. I didn't look hard enough. Did I sleep well today? Did I even sleep? How many hours did I sleep? One? Two? One and a half! Yea, that sounds about right.

There is a faint knock on the door, but I don't bother answering. The door creaks open and Dotty peaks in. She scans my stiff body on the bed and then at the tray of food she left this morning that has been left untouched. I know how terrible I must look. Disheveled hair, bags under my eyes, yellowish skin.

"Oh sweetheart, you have barely eaten. You will get sick if you continue like this." I don't answer and just keep glancing around the room, looking at nothing in particular.

She replaces the tray with another one; this time hot soup. She caresses my hair, covers me better with the blanket and leaves the room. I wait three seconds before deciding to get up. I grab the tray and place it on my lap. I lift the spoon and it almost falls off my hand. I make my grip tighter and dip the spoon in the warm liquid. I lift it and place it in my mouth. I count to three before swallowing it and I already feel full. I try to eat another spoon, but I can't. The tray gets put back in its place and I lay back down. I think I'm growing roots on this bed.

I turn on my side and stare at my new best friend; the clock. I have been watching it extensively these past two weeks. I pick it up and examine it intensively. I touch the cold metal and then the glass.

Throw it out the window. Throw it. Throw it. Throw it.

I lift my arm and direct it to the window. I'm ready to throw it when the door opens. I immediately put it down and turn around. It's Dotty again.

"There is someone at the door who is looking for you."

"For me?" Dotty nods and leaves the room.

I put the clock back in its place and get up. I walk down the hallway and pass Annabel's room. A faint sound comes from it and I press my ear on the door. Muffled cries are heard from the other side. I can't listen so I back up and go downstairs. Dotty is in the living room, seated on her armchair knitting something.

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