Chapter 11

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With the bags on our back, panting from running so much we enter another parking lot. I keep pressing the unlock button in all directions to see if the headlights of any of the cars light up. This is the third spot we've been looking through and this is the last big parking location in the city. If we don't find it here then we'll have to run all over the streets. We don't even know what his car looks like. Suddenly we notice light coming from the very end of the lot.

"Guys, look!" I point towards it and we start running. I then hear the engine starting and I immediately stop myself, almost tripping. The others also notice and we duck behind a truck. When the car leaves we get up and keep searching.

"I don't think it's here." I put the key back in my pocket, defeated.

"What if it's close to the place he attacked us in? That would make sense."

"No, no, we aren't going back there. He is still looking for us." Isa says.

"We have to try, come on." We go back to where we first came from.

We have to move quickly since the night is our best disguise. It has to be around 3 am right now and the people that are walking on the streets are either drunk or homeless and none of them give us a second glance. Every once in a while I press the unlock button just in case.

The alley where we hid before comes into view and I keep clicking.





"There!" Dalion points ahead of us but this time we control ourselves and walk normally towards it.

It's a dark blue Benz, with no one sitting in the front seat and no shadow wandering around the car. I reach for the door handle and pull it. With one click it opens.


Dalion puts the pill in his mouth and drinks a sip of water before starting the engine again. We took a little break since he has been driving for hours now. Sometimes I think the pills aren't helping him, but from what he has told me the hallucinations are much worse without them. The shadow figures turn into more coherent and actual people, but the clown never leaves.

Out of all of us I think he is the strongest. He never shows when he has hallucinations, auditory or visual. From what he has told me, his schizophrenia started gradually. He first thought it was a brief psychotic disorder, but then things got worse. Seeing demons and shadowy figures. The pills allow for those things to appear more human and less dangerous.

In the back seat, Annabel shifts a little but doesn't wake up. Both her and Cora are sleeping, leaning on each other. Cora has her head on Annabel's shoulder while holding hands. Cora has been switching a bit more than normal today. Yesterday must have taken a toll on her.

Annabel has caught up to Dalion's illness gradually and even though Dalion hasn't confirmed anything to her, he isn't going out of his way to keep it a secret. He doesn't like any of us mentioning it, let alone him talking about it himself. It took him months to open up to me even a little bit.

Since we arrived in the Capital, Dalion had told me about a plan he had in mind. Dalion used to live with his grandma for a long time and from what he has told us, she was the only one who refused to take him to Ainsworth. When she passed away, he was forcefully taken to the hospital.

According to him, his grandma had a very close friend, who he would call grandma Dotty. Her and his grandma used to live together. She had told him that he was always more than welcome to stay with her and after his grandma passed, he was going to, but had no time as he was taken away.

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