Chapter 9

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(Cora's POV)

I never knew I could experience such joy again. I try to always look at the positives, but it was difficult at the asylum. Now, everything is getting better. I'm here with my two best friends and I think Annabel is getting quite fond of me as well. I like her, it's nice to finally have a girl around.

We are eating eggs at a small dinner. I look up at the TV once in a while. This is the biggest TV I've ever seen, maybe as big as our table.

"Now, let's move on to the next big news. A police officer from Fouville has given our city police a report." The woman on the news says. When a familiar face appears on the screen, I choke on my water.

"Are you okay?" Annabel slaps my back lightly a few times and I, still coughing, point at the TV.

"I am Chad Mitchell, and I am here to give a warning to everyone." He keeps his posture straight and a poker face on. "There are four patients from the illegal asylum in Fouville that have escaped. There is a high possibility that they might be dangerous. If anyone sees them, please report them. I, just like most people, want to give them the help they need, so please be cautious and stay calm. I will personally make sure that they won't cause any trouble and are brought in and given the help they deserve as soon as possible."

Then they show four pictures of us on screen. We are terrified and lower our heads. People start to talk about us, oblivious in our presence. Felix quickly gets some cash from his pocket and puts them on the table before we leave. We rush to the small alleyway at the back of the restaurant, our heads down, trying not to grab anyone's attention.

"What the hell are we supposed to do now!" Dalion shakes his arms up in the air. I look towards Felix, who is trying not to show any panic.

"I don't think he knows our location yet, he didn't mention we are here." He says. "But a lot of people will recognize us now."

We start to think of a solution, when a light bulb lights up in my head. "I have an idea, but it will take some time and money."


We decided that it would be a good idea for only Annabel and I to go to the drug store. If we walk around as a group we are more likely to get recognized. Annabel put her hair under her hoodie, since her waist long hair is an attention grabber.

The lights keep flickering and there aren't many people around at this hour. The products on the shelf are all cheap and knock offs of expensive and well known brands. We don't have the money or the confidence to go to a professional, so these will do.

"So we are going to need these." She picks up a pair of scissors. I nod, making a mental note to not keep them close to Felix, so he doesn't feel uncomfortable.

"This too," I pick up a comb from the shelves. "Are you really sure you want to help me? It's going to be a pain to get done, I don't want to tire you."

"I've done it before a lot actually on myself and considering the monster hair I have on my head, working on yours shouldn't be so difficult." Annabel says and I smile.

"Was it fun to dye your hair?" I ask her, looking at my boring black hair.

"I guess it was pretty fun, but it was also kind of a necessity." She picks up another thing from the shelf and puts it in our little shopping basket.

"A necessity?" I question.

"This will sound very stupid, but dying my hair was a way to show my stepmom that she didn't have full control over me." I look at Annabel as she scans the aisles mindlessly. It must have been hard for her not to have her father's support and to be mentally abused by her stepmom. Every day I am more and more grateful for my dad.

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