Chapter 13

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I don't know what I was expecting when I woke up. I knew I wasn't going to wake up in a comfortable, king sized bed with warm food on the table waiting for me. Definitely not that, but a scream wasn't what I thought I would wake up to .

It woke me up in an instant. A high-pitched, deafening scream. I jolt awake and look around frantically. Annabel and Dalion are also woken up by the scream. Cora is in a sitting position, her hand shakily pointing at the wall. I follow the direction of her hand and my heart stops.

Carved on the wall, in messy lines there are giant letters. A message.


I jump on my feet and sprint to the wall. I trace the carvings with my fingers, as if to check whether or not they're real.

"No...No, NO!" I crunch down in panic. "How did this happen?!" I point at the wall and look at everyone else, like they have the answer.

Someone was here. Someone was here. Someone was here. They could have harmed us. We didn't even hear them. They could be here. They could be here. Someone knows we are here.

My mind runs a thousand miles per hour. I grab my hair in desperation.

"Felix, calm down." Dalion tells me.

"Calm down?" I cry. "Someone was here with us while we were sleeping and you are telling me to calm down." I didn't notice it when Annabel and I were awake but it was dark.

"What if they are here right now?" Cora says, crying.

"We...we have to leave." Annabel starts grabbing our belongings and shoving them into our bags. Cora and Dalion do the same, but I on the other hand am frozen on the spot. I keep staring at the words. On the floor there are many pieces of glass and one of them has a pointed edge that is tinted a pale blue, like the color of the walls.

"Could it have been Chad?" Cora says in a rushed tone as she zips her bag.

"If it was him, why not attack us like last time?" I mumble, grabbing their attention.

The memories of last night loop in my head. Annabel thought she heard Cora walking around. Did she actually imagine it, or did it really happen? I try to think rationally, but soon my head starts making assumptions.

What if it wasn't Cora, but one of her alters? What if it was Loralai? Could it be Loralai? She can kill us. She can kill us all.

She is a psychopath and would enjoy killing us. She can be playing games. It's Loralai. She will kill us. We will die. Is Cora safe to be around anymore? Loralai can come out any second and kill us.

"Felix, let's go!" Cora shouts. I spin, grab my bag from Annabel and we head downstairs. We pass through the hallway, peeping into the rooms, but everything is the same as yesterday. Cora is a little ahead of us, limping her way through. Right before Cora steps foot on the first stair, there is a crash heard from above us.

Cora shrieks and slips down the stairs. I run to her side, help her back on her feet and we run outside.

"What was that?" Annabel pats, trying to catch her breath. From one of the windows on the top floor, I can see a cloud of dust.

"The ceiling must have collapsed there." I point at the window from which the dust is emerging.

"I need to sit down." I help Cora sit on the pavement. "I think I've twisted my ankle."

Cora massages her ankle and Annabel starts to inspect it. It was already wrapped from when she got hurt yesterday. Our bus starts at 1pm and according to Dalion's watch it's only 7 am. We are all shaken, sitting down on the curb like Cora.

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