true or not, something is happening in my head

450 11 7

tw: violence - referenced torture/torture - referenced character death (and DR leak spoiler for Jay)

(take this oneshot as a second part for the last one that i wrote, it would make a tiny little bit much sense)

It was night, late, and the sky outside was pitch dark. He was on guard duty and had been in charge of controlling the entrance to the kingdom, and if necessary, also the gardens. But he knew it would be just a night like the usual. Grave silence and the wind, gently whipping on the sides, his red hair.

he was alone this time, without his colleague Michael or anyone else. Jason was not the most sociable, or indeed, he was not even on the list. He was always on the sidelines, and when someone cast an eye on him, a sense of awareness made him always turn. Jason had no idea what his expression was when the owners of the eyes were found above him, but they either turned around pretending they hadn't even looked at him, or kept their eyes straight at his. as a challenge.

But he didn't put too much weight into it, he wasn't interested in getting to know the rest of his colleagues or making friends. Every day his task as soon as he woke up, was to work and take care of carrying out the orders of the boss, nothing more nothing less.

It wasn't something that bothered him anyway, he was always willing to do anything. Besides, what would he have anyway?

and even if he knew the answer to the question would it be nothing.. The night before falling asleep, the question did not hesitate to show up in his thoughts as soon as he was about to close his eyes from sleep.

Sometimes he could ignore the question and sleep, and other times he would work with red dark circles that highlighted more the ones he already had under his eyes.

It was complicated, and when he thought he heard answers on the tip of his tongue, they froze every time, didn't come out, and stayed heavy on his chest.

He knew something was deep inside. it was really there, and it couldn't wait to give Jason the answers he asked for so much, but then as if they had given up after so much effort to get into his mind, from his stomach, they stuck in his throat. And the next day it did not forget to continue to weigh every second of the day.

The view above him was almost magical. The sky had unnatural hues, with magenta mixing with the usual black sky. The stars were brighter than ever, reflecting on his eyes.

"sleep well, little canary" 

An important voice, big and mischievous echoed, swaying in one ear and in the other. It disturbed him, and make him turn around, but no one was there.

just the silence of the night. along with some crickets who sang in chorus among nature.

But he let it go. He had been hearing and dreaming things for a week now. Jason had no idea what it was, but the faceless people he saw didn't help.

But this voice was new. He usually dreamed only of the girl with dark hair and strange, but familiar robes.

But this new voice was able to frighten him somehow. A fear he had never felt, or remembered. it sound confident and with an accent strongly associated with that of a pirate.

And despite that night, alone, under only the moonlight, when his shift was over after four o'clock in the morning, he had not been able to get some sleep for at least until seven in the morning. Feeling heavy sensations like hands all on him, endlessly.


The morning was hard, a few hours of sleep had become present under his eyes, along with his tired body. and yawns that had not been passed unnoticed.

☯︎ 𝗻𝗶𝗻𝗷𝗮𝗴𝗼 𝙟𝙖𝙮𝙖 𝘰𝘯𝘦-𝘴𝘩𝘰𝘵 ☯︎Where stories live. Discover now