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After what seemed like endless years of solitude, everyone trying to reunite with the rest of the team. they didn't lose their grit, especially after Lloyd found Kai, and then found Nya as well.

for the short time the three siblings had separated for the mission, and Nya had chosen to stay in the library of the Clouds Kingdom, in both three ninjas, a feeling of fear twisted their stomach, causing Kai and Lloyd to hope that Nya would not disappear again, or something would happen to her. and the same was Nya's for the two.

but once Zane had been found by Kai and Nya, hope seemed to be reborn, becoming something stronger, which united them in continuing not to waste time and find the rest of the team lost among the many merged realms.

and then they had also found Cole. Initially they were taken by surprise, seeing only as a mech made of only stones and lava proudly loomed in front of them, but then they discovered that he was underneath and that it was a very useful new power. Cole couldn't help but admit that it was also a comfortable way to travel or fight.

For a few weeks now there were five of the team, plus the new two, but three were still missing. and the last ninja still couldn't be found anywhere, and this was starting to make them worry.

and so, a single day was no longer allowed, except for sleeping or eating. they didn't have long before all of Imperium came up against them for a rematch, and if they wanted to be stronger, they had to be fully booked first.

In the bounty, everything seemed to be as if nothing had happened. As if this merge were normal and that all realms had been united for millions of years. And probably it was. they were always connected somehow.

The thousand colors shaped in the sky made the view chaotically relaxing to observe, despite not knowing if time was necessary to know if an end was near or not, and this was disturbing. But the similarity of the polar lights next to the other resembling colored moon, in a way, certainly deserved a photograph for exhibition in a museum.

The sky was over Magenta, with some darker clouds, from red to blue. it made Ninjago look like it was in a negative photo, distorting the normal colors from the unforgettable drawings of little Wu. colorful and messy.

Green rays illuminated their flying ship, which did not give up in changing color or saturation when they dodged some piece of the city floating in their way.

"we are about to arrive" Zane warned, breaking the questionable silence on the bridge.

"What will it be today?" Nya asked, continuing to look forward and hold the helm. She was tired from her tone, but it was more frustration, or despair. They continued to cross realms, but in each of them they found nothing and no one.

Either they were completely abounded by civilization, or they found nothing of their target.

"strange. this realm has no name.." Zane replied, surprised to find no information about where they are going to anchor.

"well, reassuring" Kai joined, showing his arms folded over his chest and casually looking around from the ship's ledge.

"let's just hope there's nothing too dangerous this time" Lloyd recalled an adventure of a few weeks ago. Just as they were looking for the Black Ninja, before finding him, they had found something else much bigger and harder to knock down easily.

"oh don't worry Lloyd. remember? I have a new power and.. although I still have to put a lot more hand into it, I am much stronger than with my lava-fists" Cole smirked, slamming his fists together figuratively.

☯︎ 𝗻𝗶𝗻𝗷𝗮𝗴𝗼 𝙟𝙖𝙮𝙖 𝘰𝘯𝘦-𝘴𝘩𝘰𝘵 ☯︎Where stories live. Discover now