coming back together

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spoiler ninjago: dragon rising

post- part 1

It seemed to be coming back together. They seemed to be returning as their usual unit family, finding each other among the various unwanted errands or missions that popped up like mushrooms. it was a bit unlikely not to find themselves in risky situations, but together with the two teens ninjas, of whom Nya seemed amazed at their skill in such a short time, the little adventures vanished within a few hours.

the hope in the three siblings continued to grow stronger and stronger, once after reuniting with Zane, they had found Cole within a few weeks.

Nya couldn't be more than happy that the team was reforming, but the worry of a missing ninja was what prevented her from getting a few hours of sleep in bed in her room at the monastery.

they had decided to make a small stop again, and the new master, Lloyd, took the opportunity to train the fresh two ninja in the time available, while the rest rested and prepared supplies of all kinds: food, water, weapons, armor and perhaps more than two first Aid kit for each emergency.

especially for Arin, who seemed to hit himself more often, than the updated and increasingly complicated obstacles.

but progress began to be known, finding more balance in Arin's moves, and self-confidence in Sora, being more serious with her element so too complicated, and not putting any problem not to show up in time of need. But she was putting her hand on it a bit.

Nya could hear all their voices cackling and laughing outside her room, but she couldn't find the strength to get out, or smile, or help one of the young ninjas. And though she would have liked it, her legs didn't want to dangle for any reason beyond the tidy bed.

She was sitting cross-legged, inevitably for her, biting her nails and digging to get that damn damaged cuticle skin of the thumb to play. immensely thinking about the exact same thing, but in every different way.

She had no idea how she could find her boyfriend, wherever he was between the Merge that had taken over the city and anything bordering Ninjago. She hoped so much that himself would be able to find them first, but the thing that mattered most, was that in every way or place, he would be good, safe and sound.

She could not allow herself to lose someone in the family, not another time, and not someone she could love more than herself. She couldn't face the thought of something bad happening to him, or that he wasn't even in the world of the living anymore, without shivers running down her spine, tickling the hair on her neck and cheeks.

Her phone, a few inches away from her legs, vibrated, causing her to form a frown of confusion in her eyebrows, and lit up her eyes at the same time. whatever that notification was, the first thought rushed on Jay, believing in every possibility that he had his phone and had managed to reach her by message, telling her exactly where he had gone.

With a tremor of anxiety in her hands, Nya cautiously stretched towards the phone turned with the screen towards the covers, plating even before the shot that her hand would have made to immediately take the phone and realize the disappointment, but the self-control vanished when another notification made the screen light up. Twitching her arm sent the hand forward faster than it should.

With the phone in her grip, she held the phone turned, and once in front of her eyes she turned it around. The screen turned on, automatically once in front of a face or touch. Two notifications were present in the lock screen, including a notification from messages. Her brown eyes widening, feeling a hint of terror, without knowing who it was or what was written on it. Being that the mobile phone was still locked, and the notification did not read who the issuer was, she immediately unlocked, pressing her trembling finger, stronger than expected, the message icon.

☯︎ 𝗻𝗶𝗻𝗷𝗮𝗴𝗼 𝙟𝙖𝙮𝙖 𝘰𝘯𝘦-𝘴𝘩𝘰𝘵 ☯︎Where stories live. Discover now