Abi Got It Under Control

Start from the beginning

"Hopefully we'll be able to convince him today." Abi sighed. "But Scott is pretty... stubborn."

"If he refuses, kill the fucker." Dustin said passionately.


After school Lukas did not go to confront Scott with the others. Instead he went to Max's house. She had texted him as soon as school was out, demanding he come to her house. She told him to come on in, so Susan and Billy must've been gone.

Lukas walked in like she had said and tried not to focus on the heavy atmosphere in the house.

Max came out of her room and fell into his arms once she got to him. "Thank you..."

Lukas wrapped his arms around her and made sure she wasn't hurt or crying. It was strange for her to tell him to come inside the house. "Are you okay?"

"No...it feels like the world is ending..." Max rubbed her face into the soft fabric of his shirt. "How bad was it at school? Am I the center of attention?"

"Surprisingly not as bad as I thought it would be. Abi seemed to hop on everyone's case after it happened. Actually, a couple of my friends are meeting up with her to talk Scott into deleting the photo."

"Your friends?" Max felt isolated by that statement. Lukas' friends weren't also hers anymore. She really has been pushing everyone away. "Who has the photo?"

"It was sent to about seven people." Lukas figured it was best to not to tell her every name that saw it. She didn't need the strain. "More people might of saw it, but I don't know."

"Abi got the photo I assume?" Max didn't know how to feel about it. Abi had seen her exposed before. But this wasn't the same thing.

"Yeah..." Lukas nodded.

"It's okay..." Max took a deep breath. "If she's handling it, let her. We have enough shit to think about." Max trusted Abi. There was no doubt in her mind that Abi got rid of the photo from her phone, and was advocating for everyone else to do the same.

"It's hard not to think about it...you were exposed without your consent. That's...like the most disrespectful thing James and Troy could of done to you."

Max agreed silently with a nod then pulled Lukas down the hall. "I know, but I want to think about something else. Something intimate between me and you..."

"The baby?"

"Of course, the baby." Max stopped im front of her bedroom door. It suddenly occured to her that Lukas hadn't seen it before. He had been in the house once, but she kept him in the living room. It was a brief visit, because her mom was on her way home. "Have you ever been in a girl's bedroom before?"

"I have a sister, and cousins." Lukas laughed.

"No, that's not what I mean. I mean, a girl's room."


Max rolled her eyes and opened the bedroom door. She let the scent of all the perfumes sprayed that weekend hit him in the face. "Try to control yourself." She walked in and sat on the bed.

Lukas walked in and looked around. It was messier than he expected, but not as bad as his room. The bed wasn't made, there was some snack wrappers on her nightstand, but there seemed to be a method to her madness. He noticed a stack of her books, and smiled. Then he noticed a bra that had accidently landed next to the stack.

Max followed his eyes to the bra and sighed. "Pick that up for me, please."

Lukas almost refused out of fear that it was inappropriate for him to be touching her bras. Then he realized he had already crossed all the lines of inappropriate with Max. He picked up the bra and put it in her laundry basket.

"Why are you so stiff?" Max giggled while watching him stand awkwardly by the laundry basket. "We've had sex. There's nothing in this room too intimate for you to see."

"I know, but I was intoxicated when it happened."

"You have to be drunk to do me?" Max tilted her head and gave him a disappointed look. She was just messing with him.

"N-no! I just, I'm shy I guess!" Lukas blushed and went to sit next to her on the bed. "You're beautiful, and that's part of the reason why I get so intimidated by sex with you."

"I'm not that hot, Lukas. People just think I'm hot. That's what people do when they see unique features like red hair and blue eyes. If I dyed my hair and wore contacts, I'd look like any average girl. People like James would never touch me."

"Well, I'm not like those people. If you had brown hair and brown eyes, you'd still be the girl that I'm obsessed with."

"Obsessed?" Max lightened up. "You really are a stalker, aren't you?"

"Admittedly I might be when it comes to you." He joked and then looked around her room some more. "So...are you really feeling up to talking about the baby?"

Max nodded slowly. "I didn't touch my phone after what happened Friday. I've done a lot of thinking, and I think I know what I want to do."

"Really?" Lukas wasn't sure he was ready for the verdict, but he was better off getting the shock of the news now while he was still on edge from what happened Friday.

"Yeah...I just hope you'll be okay with it." Max reached out for his hand, feeling reassured when he gave her his hand.

"Anything you choose, I'll stand by you."

Max nipped his hand until she realized she might be hurting him by accident. "I think I'm going to have this baby." She felt Lukas' heart jolt just from holding his hand. "But I'm thinking of taking the adoption route...I've thought about it and even though I'm pro-choice, I don't know if abortion is the right choice for me..." Lukas hadn't found any words yet so she rambled on. "I know it sounds stupid...but I've never felt like I've accomplished anything, always felt like the useless slut daughter. This baby...I think it'll make me feel accomplished. Knowing that as useless and dirty as I am, I brought a new living being into the world...and I'd by lying if I said I didn't want it to be yours. I desperately–" Max stopped, Lukas was crying.

I've done it. I've made him hate me.

Lukas inched closer to her and wrapped an arm around her, keeping her broken arm in mind. He put a hand behind her head and gently brought her face to his shoulder. "You absolutely can have the baby. But you can't keep talking about yourself like that. You're beautiful. You're valuable, and you can be as useful as you want to be."

Max nestled into his chest, taking in the pleasant scent of his clean soap and cologne. Then she looked up and wiped some tears from his cheek. "Okay, I'm sorry...don't cry."

"I'm a pussy..." Lukas said hypocritically. He just told Max not to put herself down.

"That explains why I'm so into you." Max decided to ease him with a joke.

"Seriously?" Lukas rolled his eyes and laughed quietly. "You're too much..."

They held each other in silence for a solid ten minutes, then Max looked up. "Will you help me talk to my mom?"

"About the baby?"

Max nodded.

"She still hasn't talked to you?" Lukas rubbed his eyes.


Lukas kissed her forehead. "Of course, I'll help you talk to her."

The Touched And Untouched {Lumax} COMPLETEDWhere stories live. Discover now