Chapter Forty One

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Tyrion is laying on the floor of his cell. His hands are shackled but his eyes open. His beard and hair are unkempt from the weeks he had spent in captivity. He hears footsteps approach and the door open. Grey Worm enters, flanked by two Unsullied. They escort him along the streets to the dragon pit.

When they reach the pit a large tent stands in the middle of the crumbling structure. As they approach Tyrion can see that on one side sits Samwell Tarly, Edmure Tully and a Lord from the Riverlands he doesn't recognize. Next are Arya, Bran and Sansa Stark and Lyanna Mormont. Then Ser Brienne of Tarth, Davos Seaworth, and Gendry Baratheon. Finally, Yara Greyjoy and Theon are next and the new Dornish prince and finally Robin Arryn of the Vale and Lord Yohn Royce of the Vale. Tyrion glances at all of them.

"Where's Jon?" Sansa demands. "Where is Alyssays?"

"You do not make demands here." Grey Worm growls.

"Lord Tyrion is here. They were all to be brought to this gathering." Sansa protests.

"We will decide what we do in this city, it is ours now." Grey Worm snarls.

"If you look outside the walls of your city, you'll find thousands of Northmen who will explain to you why harming the King and Queen in the North is a bad ideal. is not in your interest." Sansa snaps.

"And you will find thousands of Unsullied who believe that it is." Grey Worm responds.

They are interrupted by the sound of approaching footsteps and a few moments later a group of the Second Sons enter guarding Jon Snow who is accompanied by Missiandei, who has just arrived from Dragonstone. Grey Worm tenses up at her appearance. Just then everyone hears it. The sound of giant wings.

Daegar and Rhaegal fly overhead and while the green and gold dragon flies gracefully overhead the purple and silver lands in the dragon pit. Jon and Missandei with their guards pause to wait for Alyssays to climb down and they all walk towards the assembled parties together.

As soon as they get closer Sansa and Arya rush to embrace Jon. Missiandei runs to Grey Worm's side and Alyssays walks to Tyrion and quickly cuts his bindings with a knife. She smiles at a shocked looking Tyrion and levels a glare at Grey Worm. "My guest appears to have been far more comfortably kept than yours." she observes, and everyone realizes they are seeing a prisoner exchange.

Grey Worm glares at her. "She did not betray her Queen." He points out coldly.

Alyssays eyes are diamond bright with unshed tears and everyone notices how pale she is. She looks to have lost weight and there are dark circles under her eyes. "My sister betrayed her people and the realm. She would have watched it all burn rather than let go of her hate and anger. What I did, I did for my people, for all people, before she crushed them under her boots, while swearing she came to liberate. Do not presume to judge me, what I did will haunt me forever." Grey Worm glares at her hatefully but Missandei lays a calming hand on his arm.

Jon is watching Alyssays carefully and his eyes are worried. She looks away from the unsullied commander and to the assembled lords and ladies of the great houses.

"You are all here because you have a choice. Despite what I'm sure Grey Worm implied the unsullied do not hold the city. The Second Sons control the harbor, and the dragons control the sky and unless we want to spend years in a standoff you are here to negotiate a peace."

Yara is staring her down and speaks up finally. "Some of you may be quick to forgive. The Ironborn are not. I swore to follow Daenerys Targaryen."

"You swore to follow a tyrant." Sansa criticizes.

Yara disagrees. "She freed us from a tyrant. Cersei is gone because of her, and her own sister put a knife in her heart. Let her and the Unsullied fight it out."

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