Chapter Twenty Six*

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A/N: The end of this chapter (or some variation) was the original inspiration for this story. That being said, this was a tough chapter the write. I LOVE writing Aly and Jon scenes but dialogue is tough and intimate scenes even more so. ENJOY!! And let me know how I did. 🥰🥰🥰

Alyssays had not followed Tyrion immediately to find Jon, she had stopped in her chambers first to wash and change clothes. She supposed it was vain of her, but most of her time at Winterfell had been spent in riding leathers or heavy northern dresses. She wanted him to see her in something pretty.  The bodice resembled closely woven silver leaves and lavender blooms and fit snuggly to her full breasts and small waist. The sleeves and over skirt were made from dozens of lavender scarves that flowed and moved as she did. The whole gown left a great deal of her arms and shoulders exposed.

She moved slowly down the steep steps to approach the cliff Tyrion and Jon were on.  She arrived just in time to inform the hand of the queen that she had already began the mining of the dragon glass Jon needed.

She sends him back to Daenerys and turns to Jon who hasn't spoken yet. She realizes that he is looking at her, his dark eyes taking in her appearance and lingering on the swell of her figure where the dress hugs her and on her mouth. She can feel a hot blush of heat across her face and Jon takes several long steps towards her until he can cup her face and runs his thumbs over her crimson cheeks. "You look absolutely beautiful." he tells her and if possible, her face gets warmer.

"Thank you." She whispers, clearly flustered. Jon can help but wonder how it's possible that she is so unuse to being complimented and vows to himself to tell her every day. He slips one arm around her waist to draw her closer and she slides her arms around his shoulders and clasps her hands at the back of his head. She tugs slightly till their lips are just brushing and murmurs. "I missed you." before pressing a soft kiss to his mouth. Jon immediately angles his head to brush first her upper and then lower lip with his gently. "I missed you." He replies.

She pulls back with her eyes shinning with happiness. She slips from his arms and grabs his hand to begin pulling him along towards the steps the descend towards the beach. "Come with me, I need to show you the dragon glass we've found." She begins excitedly.

Jon digs the heels of his boots into the soft grass bringing her to a stop and pulling her around to tug her back into his arms. He presses his face to the delicate curve of her shoulder where it meets her neck and begins kissing his way upwards. "Later." He growls against her sensitive skin causing her to shiver in delight at the way it makes her feel. 

The kiss that comes is gentle at first and almost sweet, starting at the corner of her mouth he eases into it until she relaxes and leans into him. Jon's hand is cupping the back of her head and he tugs on the roots, angling her head for better access as he coaxes and teases. Her hands reach up to his chest and wrap around his shoulders to pull him closer and then he's shifting, smothering, consuming her and deepening the kiss. Alyssay's breath catches in her throat as his tongue slips past her lips and strokes over hers. He explores every inch of her mouth, and she feels a low heat in her belly.

The arm around her waist crushes her more fully to him, fitting their hips together and she can feel the evidence of how much he wants her pressing into her stomach. Alyssays melts into him like warm honey, a little whimper of protest is pulled from her when he draws back enough to allow them both to breath. The sound seems to snap something with Jon's control and suddenly the kiss changes.

With a low moan his mouth crashed back into hers. All teeth and tongues and the warmth in her belly spreads like a wildfire, burning everything and leaving her clinging to him and starbursts exploding behind her eyes.

He pulls back but then presses one last searing kiss against her mouth before finally releasing her slowly while making sure her suddenly shaky legs will support her. Her eyes flutter open to see him watching her with a slightly dazed but smug look and his lips look swollen and flushed red, just like hers feel.

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