Chapter Eleven

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Daerneys sits on a rock outcropping with Drogon nuzzling her for attention, nearby Alyssays and Daegar are stretched out next to each other napping in the sun. Viserion and Rheagon fly and play in the distance. Daenerys chuckles and strokes Drogon, soothing him until he stretches and yawns in contentment. The dragons are larger now, perhaps the size of small horses.

Jorah walks up to let them know they are ready to break camp when Viserion and Rheagon begin to tussle in midair over the carcass of a sheep, which lands before the rock where Deanerys sits. The two dragons follow, fighting to claim the meat.

Drogon rises to his haunches and growls. Deanerys reaches out to calm him and flinches back when he growls and snaps at her. He roars at the other two dragons who submit and Drogon moves to take the carcass.

Their noise has woken Daegar and Aly from their sleep and the female dragon flares her nostrils in agitation at the males disturbing their rest since Aly had slept poorly the night before.

Jorah comes closer and attempts to sooth the startled Daenerys. "They're dragons, Khaleesi. They can never be tamed. Not even by their mother."

Dany waves Jorah off and moves to Alyssays side.  "Did you actually sleep?" She asks and Aly nods. "Good, now that you have rested tell me what is bothering you." Dany demands.

"They are going to test his loyalty, order him to kill a man." She tells her sister.


Aly shrugs, "Just a man, in the wrong place. Jon won't do it, his honor would never allow him to hurt an innocent bystander. The wildlings will turn on him. She will to. Once she realizes his loyalties were never with them. She will put three arrows in him. But he is strong, he will make it back to Castle Black, to his brothers in the Nightswatch."

"Then why do you seem worried?" Dany asks gently.

"He has enemies there as well as friends, who will try to cast blame on him.  And betraying her, it will hurt him, he truly cares for her."

Dany chuckles at her. "Only you could be worried that he is heartbroken over another woman." She gives Aly a curious look. "Does it concern you, that he could choose his honor over her? Over someone he cares for. Perhaps loves."

Aly gives the question consideration. "No. The goodness, the honor and belief in good and right are important parts of what I love about him. I would hope if we ever meet I would never put him in a position where he had to choose between the two."

"You are the most unfailingly good person I know little sister. You are my conscious and guiding light. I wouldn't worry about that." Dany assures her.


The unsullied stand at the ready as Daenerys and Alyssays and Jorah approach, followed by three Dothraki. They walk up to join Barristan and Missandei in front of the troops.

"Ser Barristan." Dany greets the knight.

"Your Grace." He bows.

"Where's Daario Naharis? Where's Grey Worm?" She asks, causing Aly to sigh and roll her eyes.

"Gambling, Your Grace." Barristan tells her.


"Do we truly care where Daario is, likely doing something stupid is the answer." Aly muttered under her breath but Dany heard and smirked at her.

"Alyssays, how can you say so, he is the commander of your army, and you have his heart." Dany teases causing Alyssays to practically flounce off looking for the idiot in question.

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