Chapter Twenty Nine

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The Golden Road stretched between Highgarden and Kings Landing. It was currently the home of the back half of a massive caravan of wagons and food from the sacking of the Tyrell stronghold. Half of the Lannister forces were strung out protecting them. Commanding them was Jamie Lannister himself and his sell sword, Ser Bronn of the Blackwater.

They are overseeing the wagons when suddenly Ser Bronn raises a hand to halt the talking.

"What?" Ser Jamie asks.

"Listen." Everyone holds still, just over the yelling of the men and horses they hear it.

Distant hoofbeats approaching, thousands of them.

"Spears and shields!" Ser Jamie calls and it is picked up down the line. Soldiers grab their weapons and rush to get into formation.

"Spears and shields!"

"Get in line!"

"Spears and shields!"

"Get in line now!"

"Form up!"

"Come on, lads!"

"Guard those wagons!"

The rumbling is growing louder, coming from behind a nearby rise. And the sound can be heard of men shrieking in distance. As the first horses crest the hill the Lannister forces see a sight that none ever thought would be seen in Westros. A Dothraki horde racing towards them!

"Archers, steady!"

"Hold together!"

The sound of men shrieking and whooping, of hoofbeats pounding if deafening.

"Courage, lads! Courage!"

Jamie Lannister is behind his men on his horse "Spears out!" He commands as the horse lords rumble towards them.

"Get back to King's Landing." Ser Bronn yells at him.

"I'm not abandoning my army." Ser Jamie denies.

"You're the commander, not a damn infantryman. Those fucks are about to swamp us." Bronn screams and gestures.

"We can hold them off." Jamie insists.

As he says this a army of infantry men can be seen at the top of the hill behind the Dothraki. They pause and fall into formation. The unsullied. Each of them pulls a bow and draws a arrow.

Finally from the distance a new sound emerges. dragons roaring.

roping from the clouds and soaring overhead, each one as big as the mightiest ship Drogon and Daegar fly over the combined army of Dothraki and Unsullied and scream. On the backs, just barely visible are their silver haired riders.

"Dracarys!" The Targaryen sisters command and the dragons release a fury of dragon five that cut mighty swaths through the Lannister army.

Men scream as the burst into flame. Those not incinerated immediately stumble around flailing. The Dothraki shrieking is almost on them.

"Hold the line!" Jamie Lannister yells just as the first volley of unsullied arrows sails through the sky. Those with sheilds are forced to hide under them and the spearmen must either drop their weapons to look for cover or begin to drop. The Dothraki pour over the line of infantry men, some jumping over the flames to get behind the line and attack from behind.

The Lannister men fight bravely but the savagery of the Dothraki is legendary for a reason.

The two dragons swing around and fly in different directions along the length of the road. Each breaths a jet of fiery destruction that burns the wagons of the caravan. The stores of grain and wagonloads of gold explode and burn.

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