Chapter Four

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Alyssays and Daenerys are wandering the Western market with their handmaids and Rakharo. Dany is currently trying to persuade Ser Jorah to help her convince Drogo to go to Westeros and make a play for the throne. Her sister is feeling frustrated, nothing in Aly's visions lately is of any help to her in her new single-minded pursuit.

Aly's dreams of Jon have her distracted again, his uncle is missing, and he is frustrated by not being able to search for him. The market is a good distraction. The western market is full of traders from the free cities and there are often items from Westeros. Aly is hoping to find some new books about their homeland. At first, she had been confused by the large markets in Vaes Dothraki. The horse lords didn't believe in money, but the markets were certainly run on it.

The Eastern market held even more exotic items from the lands of the east and even the shadow lands. Jorah had explained that the merchants paid the Dosh Khaleen in salt, silver and seed to be allowed to trade here.

"Can't you help me make him understand?" Dany was trying to persuade the knight to help her talk Drogo into going to Westeros to take the Iron Throne.

"The Dothraki do things in their own time, for their own reasons. Have patience, Khaleesi. We will go home, I promise you." Ser Jorah assures her.

"My brother was a fool, I know, but he was the rightful heir to the Seven Kingdoms." Dany reminds him and Jorah chuckles to himself.

"Have I said something funny, Ser?" Dany demands, sounding insulted at his amusement.

"Forgive me, Khaleesi, but your ancestor Aegon the Conqueror didn't seize six of the kingdoms because they were his right. He had no right to them. He seized them because he could." Jorah reminds the Targaryen princess.

"And because he had dragons." Aly pipes up to remind them.

Jorah nods. "Ah well, having a few dragons makes things easier."

"You don't believe it." Dany realizes looking at the knight.

Jorah smiles. "Have you ever seen a dragon, Khaleesi? I believe what my eyes and ears report. As for the rest... It was 300 years ago. Who knows what really happened? Now if you'll pardon me, I'll seek out the merchant Captain, see if he has any letters for me."

"We will come with you." Dany offers.

"No, no, don't trouble yourself. Enjoy the market. I'll rejoin you soon enough." Dany nods and doesn't think any more on it, but Alyssays watches him walk off with a strange feeling in her stomach that she sometimes gets where Ser Jorah Mormont is concerned.

That feeling gets worse when they meet a wine merchant in the market peddling his wares.

He notices Daenarys and at once offers to let her try one of his Dornish wines, promising it will be so exquisite she will name her first born after him.

"My son already has his name, but I'll try your summer wine. Just a taste." Dany tells the man

He blinks in surprise. "My Lady, you are from Westeros."


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