Chapter Eight

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A single ship approaches the city of Astapor on Slaver's Bay. On its upper deck Daenerys and Alyssays Targaryen stand watching as four dragons fly and circle around the masts of the ship and dart between the sails. They had only started flying a few weeks ago but already Deagar, Drogon, Rhaegon and Viserion have mastered the air. Deagar lands gracefully on the side rail of the of the ship and calls out to Drogon who is flying low over the water. Alyssays steps to Deagar's side and reaches out to stroke the scales around her eyes. Daenerys and Ser Jorah Mormont join them at the side of the ship and watch as Drogon dives below the water and catches a fish which he tosses into the air and cooks with a stream of fire breath before eating it. He flies up and lands next to Deagar then turns his head to Deanerys seeking praise and affection from his mother.

"They're growing fast." Jorah observes.

Alyssays smiles, Drogon and Deagar are about the size of large sheep now and Raegar and Viserion a bit smaller, but Dany looks worried.

"Not fast enough. I can't wait that long. I need an army"

Aly frowns, she and Dany disagree on this point, she knows it is the dragons who will deliver them the seven kingdoms, but her sister is impatient.

Drogon and Daegar screech and take flight to join their brothers.

"We'll be in Astapor by nightfall. Some say the Unsullied are the greatest soldiers in the world." Jorah reminds them.

"The greatest slave-soldiers in the world." Alyssays remarks in disgust, the ideal of the poor souls being forced to fight and die for slave masters repugnant to her.

"The distinction means a good deal to some people." Dany points out.

Jorah sighs heavily "Do those people have any better ideas about how to put you on the Iron Throne?"

Daenerys and Alyssays exchange a look. "It's too beautiful a day to argue." Dany says just as they hear an anguished moan from the lower deck.

On the deck below one of the Dothraki fighters has vomited on the deck of the ship... again.

Jorah nods sarcastically, "You're right. Another lovely day on the high seas."

Alyssays gives the knight a dirty look and moves below to help the sick warrior.

"Don't mock them." Daenerys admonishes, "They're the first Dothraki who have ever been on a ship. They followed me across the poison water. If they'll do it, others will. And with a true khalasar ..."

Jorah interrupts, "The Dothraki follow strength above all, Khaleesi. You'll have a true khalasar when you prove yourself strong. And not before."



Daenerys and Alyssays stand on deck, watching their approach to the city

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Daenerys and Alyssays stand on deck, watching their approach to the city.

"Are you sure you can do it?" Dany asks her sister.

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