Chapter ThirtyThree

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On the road they had received word that Eastwatch had fallen. The reanimated Viserion had take out the three hundred foot tall wall of ice and magic that had stood for thousands of years. Alyssays warning had meant that human losses were small and now the wildings were headed to Winterfell. Jon had sent ravens to the other castles on the wall as well, the fight was going to be at Winterfell and they needed every fighter available.

She had seen the briefest flash of Bran Stark and Samwell Tarly in a vision. It had been too swift to catch anything, just them sitting in front of a fire talking, but something about it felt important.

The unsullied march tirelessly down the road. The Dothraki on horseback after them. They march through the streets of Winter-town which lies just outside the walls and down the hill from the keep.

Tyrion and Varys are riding in a carriage but everyone else is on horseback and following behind Jon, Alyssays and Daenerys who are leading the procession behind a small honor guard.

Alyssays can feel how uncomfortable Daenerys and the others who follow her are with the silence and distrustful stares of the Northerns. They were used to being greeted as liberators. Alyssays felt their stares and whispers for a different reason, these people knew by now that Jon was to marry her, she would be their queen soon, and she desperately wanted to be a good queen.

"I warned you." Jon reminds Daenerys about the reception. "Northerners don't much trust outsiders."

While his head is turned, Aly spots a familiar face in the crowd. Arya looks so grow from the little girl Aly remembers from her visions. A woman now she has the baring of a warrior, of someone in control of themselves. Even though she knows the younger Stark daughter will not know her in return she smiles and waves at Arya.

She is so surprised that she actually waves back. Aly looks over her shoulder slowly so that Arya will know to look where she is gesturing to and points out a certain handsome blacksmith to the younger woman and watches a small smile break across her face.

Overhead Drogon roars as he Daegar and Rahegal soar over the town and keep. She can't help but smile with Dany at how that gets a much clearer response from the people. Everyone is either running in fear and hiding or running after the dragons to get a better look.

They ride through the outer gate and into the courtyard and without even realizing it Jon speeds up his horse when he spots the figure in the wheelchair. He is out of the saddle and across the yard in a moment hugging his little brother and kissing his head.

"Look at you." He whispers in awe to Bran.  "You're a man. "

"Almost." Bran agrees with a strange half smile that reminds Jon a great deal of some of Aly's expressions.

Jon looks at Sansa as Alyssays walks to his side. "Where's Arya?" He asks.

"Lurking somewhere." Sansa quips and Aly stays quiet, Arya will find her brother when she is ready.

Jon hugs Sansa who then turns to Alyssays. "Princess." She curtsies slightly and Aly can't blame her for the pregnant pause. Strange vision having, dragon riding, exiled princesses are perhaps not ideal potential sister in laws. Aly nods in return.

Jon gestures to Daenerys who has approached more slowly and introduces her. "Queen Daenerys of House Targaryen."

He looks at Sansa. "My sister, Sansa Stark, the Lady of Winterfell."

"Thank you for inviting us into your home, Lady Stark." Daenerys gives her best gentle smile, she knows how much this means to her sister. "The North is as beautiful as your brother claimed, as are you."

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