Chapter 32: Broke

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I felt like throwing up, I woke up to a loud gasp that came out of my throat-
Oh no, oh no, no, no, NO!
I felt my heart pounding against my chest, what did I dream of? I can't remember pfuck!

I glance to my side realizing Kenji had already been up, I quickly push the covers and make my way toward his bathroom, falling to my knees I throw up nothing but the food I ate last night.

At least I can't remember what happened
I rinse my mouth out and flush the toilet making sure to double spray air refreshers if there's any smell, my chest felt like someone was sitting on it, and I debated stepping out of the room and having to face Kenji. I only throw up when I have a disgusting memory, specifically the abortion.

I've only had one night terror and I remember it clear as day, I wasn't in an abortion room I was giving birth, but the doctors were Tanzi and Henry, they were ripping me to shreds as I was in such pain. Physically and mentally I was exhausted and in complete panic for at least four weeks straight.

I have many questions but to afraid to know the answers, washing my face with cold water I stare myself in the mirror, on the outside I've always looked beautiful.
But on the inside...I doubt anyone would come close, did I have a night terror while I was with Kenji? What does he think of me? please let this be another nightmare-

Suddenly the door peaks open, I jerk behind taking a step back while Kenji's peaks his head inside, his gaze darts around the room first before landing on me, but he smile, a wide and proud smile as if he's seeing the most beautiful and accomplished the best thing in his life, and suddenly all my overthinking disappears.

"Hey, your up!" He beams opening the door wide, "Yup I'm up" I stammered, why am I stammering? I never stammer?! I suck a breath as he steps closer a worried expression on his face while I run my hands through my curls.

Kenji he must have noticed the difference in my eyes, someone he always seems to read me perfectly.

"You okay?" he asked hesitating if he should touch me or give me space, I swallow and smile "Yes sorry just....panicked when I realized I wasn't in my room" laughing to myself I arch a brow, "How many unknown rooms have you been in Cherry?"

I roll my eyes folding my arms across my chest, "I made breakfast I recommend we eat now before Stella and Koa wake up" he says switching the tensions subject, he's acting weird, weirder than usual but I have no idea what.

Either way I nod as he gestures for me to walk out of the door first while he followed behind, I cleared my throat and sat down on the island seats while I notice two plates of scrambled eggs with bacon and green salad on the side sat before us.
"Wow...thank you" I slightly smile still feeling awkward by my night sleep...

"How'd you sleep?" I sit jerking in his direction, he knows doesn't he, God I knew he saw it! I hide my face from the blush of pink trying to peak into my face.

I appreciate him not bringing it up, most people do and I have to explain it making shit awkward, but Kenji...seems to respect my privacy "Good...what about you?" I gently grab at some eggs and bring them up to my mouth, "Good" I glance in his direction, and so did he.

That's when I notice his the slight under-bags beneath his eyes, he didn't sleep at all last night did he? Did he stay up? As much as I tried not to think about my delusions it kept coming up, did he stay up for me?

After what felt like hours of silence and eye contact while chewing I couldn't resist and ask, "It was a night terror," his grasp on the fork dropped, and from the corner of my eye I could see him staring, "I get them almost every night, I sometimes never remember what they are but I always wake up crying or screaming" I start, turning to face him again I notice he's actually listening carefully.

"That's why Fallon still lives with me, just in case I accidentally hurt myself or someone,"

I sigh and glare at the ground, biting at my lower lip nearly biting to hard I bleed "I almost killed her once, and I almost...killed myself" I flick to him, noticing his gaze had softened when suddenly, he stood.

His arms wrapped around me like a father hugging his daughter, and I instantly melt into his chest, feeling his defined chest beneath his shirt, He felt so good.

I felt so comfortable and I hated it, I hated how much my body melts into his like it was made for me, he kisses my head before sitting back down, and I felt cold and empty again. What the hell Vivian get a grip.

I restrain myself and act as if his hug did nothing to me, but by the flush of my cheeks I knew he noticed, "It wasn't too bad last night" A frown appears on my face, "What?" I ask, confused as to what he means, "It lasted at least five minutes, I stayed up to make sure another one tried possessing you" I snort holding in my laugh but still I was surprised how a night terror lasted five minutes.

Five minutes? Five minutes...

They last about twenty minutes or so, "How did you calm me down?" I asked, he swallowed a harsh breath and stood up, nearly closing the gap between us, I glance up to meet his eyes to already see him smiling, "For just being there"

He calmed me down, just by being there for me.


"What are you doing?" Koa asked, I tilted my head and folded my arms across my chest, "Kenji?" he asked again, "Hm" I hummed narrowing my eyes, "Are you coming up or what-"

"I like the old ring instead" I wasn't lying, my dumbass should have kept a picture, that ring meant so much to me (Fucking a certain dark red head)

Koa rolled his eyes and shoved the boxing gloves off his fists, "I need to ask you something" he hops down from the ring pacing his way up to me, "What's up?" it took him a whole minute to realize what he was exactly thinking about

Here it comes, after many years of catching him staring at Mr. Browns ass, it's coming.

"I have a confession to make" I nod as if I have no clue what's happening "I-"
"Your gay I know" his eyes widen in shock. "I am...and you're fine with it?"
"Of course I am man your my twin" I beam patting him on the back, "Okay good but there's something else" This time worry sinks into my chest, okay what else could this fucking be?

"What's wrong" I frown, he swallowed a harsh breath and glanced back at the ring, "I was the one who broke the ring" He sighed, "Oh..." I froze, clearing my throat from the dryness I pretend the fact I'm in shock, "Okay I'm sorry I had a guy over we fucked in the ring and suddenly it crashed"

Oh god...

Well now I'm indeed terrified. To much Koa, way to much Information.

"When um" I gulped running a hand down my jaw, "When did you have a guy over?" he took a deep breath and looked me dead in the eye, "The day Vivian came over to pick up her purse-"
"Oh fuck" I gaged, in disgust, there probably leftover cu-

I gag again, my brother fucked in the ring I fucked Vivian? At least we did it first before they did. And hey I'm not the one to actually be blamed now...

"Okay calm down" he rolled his eyes, "So your saying you fucked a guy in that ring? when I-" I cut myself mid-sentence, he arched a brow curious by what I was about to say, "You what?" he smirks, fuck just say it he's your brother for fucks sake.

I sighed, flexing my jaw for my 'big secret' "I fucked Vivian the day after she came over before picking up her purse"Koa gagged and gagged over and over but then he suddenly stopped, "Wait! So I didn't break the ring HA!" he points his fingers in my face having a huge smile on his face, I roll my eyes as he silently cheered. Whatever I would have felt guilty if I didn't say anything, "Yeah, yeah whatever Humpty Dumpty"

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