Chapter 1: Boo Hoo

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Don't underestimate a woman's power to turn darkness into a beautiful thing
You place a woman in darkness
And she will become it
She will dance in it
She will devour it


I kicked him straight in the face causing him to stumble back and hit the brick wall behind him, I then playfully tossed my blade in the air and caught it before he could move, he was fast but I was much faster.

After two hours I found my prey's location, in the dark side of DC, such bad timing for him, for me tho? it was a gift sent from the heavens itself. After I found out this pedo had not only been putting multiple drinks on his tab at our bar but also picking out young girls to...I breathe in a breath, the grip on the blade tightening.

I'll make sure his death is quick and painful, if I spend another minute with him I'll most likely get caught and be named the cruelest psychopath killer out there.

I toss the blade straight into his eye sack, he freezes in place and then collapses to his knees slamming head first onto the ground, watching as the blade deepens into his skull causing him to die instantly. I smirk and kick his head to face me, I snatch the blade from his eye and flinch from blood spitting onto my face.

Ugh gross, I just got my eyebrows done, and for once my makeup came out right, sighing I roll my eyes wipe the blood off my blade with my sleeve, and tuck it back inside my black coat, another successful mission alone, and Misha quoted this idiot would be hard to handle, nothing Vivian Larson can't handle.

I'll rank him below a rookie, hell that's insulting. Before I could walk away an irritating person in front of me spoke causing me to freeze in place, he smirked, playfully tossing his knife in the air, swirling it around his fingers, is he...mocking me?! oh mother fucker "Bull's eyes"

Kenji smirked stalking toward me, what the hell is he doing here, I was hoping I would go one day without seeing his goddam face "As much as I enjoyed this pleasing kill you ruined my moment" I rolled my eyes shoving him out of my way, but then he suddenly grasped my hand pulling me into his chest.

Before I could stumble forward I twisted his hand and pin him against the brick wall, face first. "Calm down cherry" he chuckled, as I grunted twisting his hand behind his back, "This is my mission!" I spoke through gritted teeth over his ear, "Whatever your planning to do it won't work" he groaned, chuckling as I dug my claws deep into his skin.

"Plan? What makes you think I have a plan? the only plan I've had was to make you-" Cutting him off I twist his finger harder, one more move and it's on his breaking point, he laughed his ass off from the pain, I smile to myself running my free hand over his hair and yanking his head back to whisper into his ear.

"As much as I would enjoy killing you right now, I don't want to start another war," I then released him, Kenji growled from the pain of his hand, meanwhile I paced out of the alleyway before he could catch up to me "Not fair you know your stronger than me" Kenji whined groaning as he followed me back to my car like a little dog Is he lost? God why is it everywhere I go he shows up?

It's like the universe loves sticking a knife up my ass when I have a good day, "Maybe you should start practicing and try to get to my level tho you never will" I sigh and unlock my red Porsche with the key inside my pocket.

Before I could pull the handle of my car Kenji gets in the way, leaning on the door I'll have to wash later, he folds his arm across his chest and gives me a grimace, I shut my eyes and curse under my breath from his intoxicating clone, "Kenji" I say taking a deep breath and lean closer toward him closing the gap between us, his body tensed from our skin touching against one another.

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