Chapter 3: Night Terrors

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"I can't fucking believe this, a fucking hag nearly killed us" I snarled while I headed down the stairs from the apartment complex while Kenji followed behind, "Tell me about it" he sighed.

I spin around and glare at him, "Never in my twelve years have I ever failed a mission,"
"We didn't fail-"
"We?! We?" I let out a sarcastic laugh while running a hand through my hair, fisting my curls I don't hesitate to hold back my furry in my eyes, Kenji rolls his eyes and folds his arms across his chest while leaning against the wall.
"There is no we! I work alone for a fucking reason men like you always get in my way" Shoving my finger into his chest he frowns following the motion.

"Men like me? What the hell am I supposed to do with this? if I had any idea you would have been a part of this I would have never come"


"Listen to me very closely Chen" I take a step closer closing the gap between us both, glaring up at him I grab onto the collar of his shirt and pulled him closer, inches away from my lips as I snarled, he smirks his eyes darting between my red lips and eyes "Stay the fuck out of my way, or I will actually fucking kill you,"

"You don't mean that-"
"I mean every fucking word" His eyes grow darker and his smile faded away as he viewed my serious face, "What if I kill you first" I couldn't help but smile at his ignorance, "Half this city has tried taking me down, and you think you'll be able to? Only in your dreams Chen"

"You're just a weak fucking slut that's why your mother left that's why you killed your very own father Stop" His words repeat over and over in my head, crying I watch as his crazy eye flash into my head "Please stop-"
"Your worthless, just a fucking whore who has a hell of a rapable body"



"Your afraid of falling in love again because of me? Good, you don't deserve one once of love-"

"Vivian wake up!"

"I fucking despise you ugly whore" "Henry stop!"

"Vivian wake up!" I let out a gasp for air and sat up from bed, My chest was panting and my body was trembling from terror, glancing around the room I catch Fallon in the corner pools of tears in her eyes as she gripped a glass of water, my body was shaking and dripping with my sweat...

"It happened again, I told you to never wake me up what if I hurt you" I loudly whisper when Fallon passes me the glass of water.

"Vivian you were screaming your heart out" she sat beside me while rubbing my back in comfort circle motions. 

"God I just want these night terrors to end, the mother fucker is dead and he still finds a way to torture my life" Fallon hands me a pill and gestures me to drink it. Grasping it I put it in my mouth chugging it down with the cold water

Mostly every night, I get night/sleep terrors, that's why me and Fallon still live in the same apartment just in case I harm myself or jump out of a window like last time...

I have to drink my medication but it seems like they're getting worse again, "Viv we have to tell Misha-"
"No, Blair is pregnant and they're planning their wedding, I don't want to ruin his happiness" J say cutting her off as I shake my head no.

I may be a selfish bitch to others, but toward Fallon and Misha, I would fucking cut my heart out and give it to them, that's how much I love them.

I can't tell Misha about my night terrors, not until my future nephew or niece is at least a few months old, If I do tell Misha, he'll do anything in his power to make sure I'm fine, and he already has a lot in his back with Blair's pregnancy and having to be a CEO.

"Vivian I love you, but they're getting worse by each night, only because your the oldest doesn't mean you have to protect us, we all protect each other that's our job"

"I know it is" my voice came out as a whisper then normal, and I couldn't help pools of water starting to form in my eyes but before they drop I blink them away "But it's fine, I'll go back to my doctor, in the mean time get some rest and focus on work, I'll be fine"

Just by the look in her eyes, she knew I was lying, I wasn't fine, far from fine actually, these night terrors are becoming more specific and realistic by each day that passes, it's always the same, Henry or Tanzi haunting me, hurting me like they used to, touching me without my consent, spilling my blood when I would scream for help or say no.

It's worse when I hear them clear as day yelling they're hurtful words I would hear every fucking day for five years straight.

I swear Henry must be haunting my ass.


I punched and punched and punched the punching bag multiple times with my bare fists,

"There is no we! I work alone for a fucking reason men like you always get in my way"

Men like me? now what's that supposed to mean, does she expect every guy to be Mr. Perfect? Vivian has always dug into my skin, but yesterday morning her words have been stuck in my head, and it's pissing me the fuck off-

"Who hurt you" Breathing I slowly glance behind me to see Koa taking a sip of his black coffee and watching me work out, "Work" I throw another punch ignoring his presence, "So Vivian?"

I throw one last punch when he steps in front of me, "It's always fucking Vivian, who does she think she is? She is nowhere near fucking perfect and she expects everyone else to treat her with royalty"

"Hmm sounds familiar" I arch a brow and give him a glare while he took a sip from his mug and looks away like I'm a fool, "I'm nothing like her" I snarl turning my back to him as I pace up to the ring.

"If you say so-"
"Don't fucking start with me Koa" I snap, tho I didn't mean to everything has been getting under my skin lately, he rolls his eyes and stops testing my limits seconds later "Fine I'll stop, maybe you should start taking your medication-"

I let out a growl and hop off the ring, I close the gap between us while his back straightens, trying to intimidate me.

"I said don't test me Koa, or shit will go down"
"Don't forget we're twins Kenj, you may be an inch taller but I can still take you down with a fist"
I don't respond, because it's true, I'm a good fighter, but Koa is unimaginable, he hasn't gone on missions for four years straight because of his disorder.

But I doubt he forgot his moves, if you think Ten, Misha or even I am good, you should see my brother in action "We're not twins"

I spoke up as he made his way out of the gym, "Only because we aren't identical doesn't mean we aren't"

I roll my eyes and run my finger through my sweaty scalp while propping myself on the ground, Koa and I are twins, but we aren't identical, he's bigger, but I'm stronger, he has abs and so do I (Not tryna brag or anything, Wink. Wink)

He has short hair while I have longer hair, not long enough like Nevans but enough to comb it back, I'm funny, he's annoying, he has tattoos, while I hate the thought of of needles (Don't fucking judge me!)

And I like women, while he's into men even tho I know he hates to admit it.

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