Chapter 9: Counter

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Seeing Kenji jump from his seat catching everyone's attention was the light of my day, I promise myself to re-enact that look on his face. Hate to admit I've been holding onto my life for the last five minutes.

After dinner, I stayed behind helping Blair and Misha clean up while everyone else discussed the bachelorette parties.

"So Blondie," I said in a teasing tone while she gives me a smile, "When is the baby due?" I asked while drying off my hands with paper towels and hopping onto the kitchen cabinets.

"July is the date supposedly, but my doctor said it might be before"

My eyes widen in shock, "It's almost June" I nervously swallowed with a soft chuckle, "Don't worry Misha is warned and he's supposedly taking a few days off for me"

I couldn't help but smile, I'm proud of Misha for finding someone he trusts and loves, and could start the family he deserves, I hate myself for treating Blair like complete shit, I judged her to quick and for someone who's been through hell I won't be able to forgive myself, she truly deserves Misha, he treats her just how Fallon raised him to be.

"Yeah..." her smile fades away when her suddenly stare softened, fuck did she notice the change in mood? "You okay Viv?" Yup she did,"Yeah just have a headache from last night-"

I suddenly get cut off by someone clearing their throat, I didn't have to look to know who it was, just by the change in temperature and my skin burning from a stare I knew who it was, "Mind if we talk, Cherry?" I rolled my eyes and nod in his direction, "I'll leave you two alone" Blair gives Kenji an obvious wink before walking away.

What are these two planning?

Kenji stalks in front of me and leans against the cabinet beside me while folding his arms across his chest, I arch a brow as he narrowed his eyes at me "You remember don't you" "Of course, I remember" I annoyingly rolled my eyes.

I was hoping we would never bring up my embarrassing drunk moment, and my.... confession, but It was going to have to come up sooner than later.

Sigh I hate myself.

"Why didn't you say something?" he spoke in a firm tone, a tone I knew so fucking well.

He was pissed.

"Why would I-" I then get cut off by Lana and Cyrus laughs and a kiss from across the kitchen hallway. God, I'm so done with this lovey dove shit.

Your just upset it's not you feeling that way.

I let out a deep breath and glared at the ground ignoring Kenji's present, Why am I jealous of the people I care about being happy? I've done shitty shit I'm the last person to deserve it-"You'll find that type of love one day cherry" I jerk toward Kenjis direction to see his smile had dropped, as if he read my exact thoughts I roll my eyes and look away.

Will I ever find that type of love? fuck no, I cannot get myself to even allow a man to ask for my number, how do I expect myself to get into a relationship?

Your just scared-

I take a deep breath trying to ignore the other stupid little voice in my head.
"People like me don't deserve that type of love, Chen" I faked a smile and glanced toward their direction to see them whispering and smiling into each other's ears while leaning against the wall, meanwhile Misha placed a kiss on Blair's little stomach in the dinning room.

"Thats bullshit and you know it" he then suddenly leaned off the counter and stood in front of me "You out of all people deserve that type of love"
"Really Kenji? I appreciate the confidence but I'm a fucking killer going to hell"
"Why can't you just see yourself the way I see you"

His voice came out as a whisper, and my breath got pitcher than usual, what did he just say?, "How do you see me, Chen?" for some odd reason, my voice trembled, and I felt my body get stiff as his hands were softly placed on my thighs, as if he hesitated which he should have, tho I didn't get the urge to push him away.

I surprised myself by keeping him close, and I hated to admit, his touch burnt through my skin sending electricity up my blood.

"Can I?" he asked hovering his hand over my thigh, when I realized he isn't even touching me, yet I feel his hands on me already, and I'm going insane great, I nodded, and nodded repeatedly.

What is going on with me? Why do I WANT him to touch me?

He gently placed his hand on my thighs and suddenly roughly separated them, gasping, he then closed the gap between us both and stood between my legs. While his thumb creased my skin.

Taking me by surprise my breath heaved and tho I'm trying my best to hide it, I can't breath.

"I see you as an amazing, incredibly captivating independent woman, who owns her life, knows her worth, dominates, and speaks her mind, I like that about you"

Softly my mouth opens into an o as his hands met my waist, and his grip tightened, he tugged me into his chest closer, and I lick on my lower lip to feel his hard crotch area against my wet, cunt.

Not being able to maintain my breath it became heavy, my breast follow my heavy breathing and I'm starting to hate the fact I wore a shirt that shows off how big my chest is, his eyes are kept on my gaze, what a gentleman.

Just by his crotch being hard as a brick, I knew he was loaded, I wanted to jump off him, slap him but I didn't, he's your companion Vivian, you goddamn work with him.

And most importantly, you hate each other.

Misha hated Blair and now she's the love of his life. And just imagine the way he'll fuck the hatred out of you-

Before I could even think my lips part as my hands met the back of his neck, and I grip tightly, my red nails dog into his skin forcing him closer, my mouth Hoovers over his ear lob and I smirk whispering "You know what I think about you?" I arch a brow while glaring directly into his eyes. We were so close, to close.

But I still didn't find the urge to push him away.

He nods and licks his bottom lip looking back and forth between my eyes and lips.

"I think your ignorant, an idiot, and I-"
"You hate me"
"I do" I nod while my nails dug into his skin, he slightly groaned, noticing lust in his deep brown eyes, the sensation between my thighs throbs for the lust of his lips.

"Can I show you how much I hate you?" he asked.
"Show me-"
"Hey, Kenji what do-" I jump, shoving tho wannabe off me, his back slams against the wall and before we could realize who had entered Lana stood in shock, eyes wide and round, and mouth nearly dropped into a O
Thats the second fucking time.

"I'm getting major deja vu right now" Kenji teased licking his bottom lip, Major deja vu? Did he walk in on-

God don't even think about it.

"God you Ambroses" Kenji smiled and spoke through gritted teeth, I couldn't help but lick my lips and hop off the counter, "Thats my cue" I sigh heading out of the kitchen with jelly legs.

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