Chapter 7: Delusion

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"God damn it Cherry" I wrapped her arm around my shoulder, she giggled, her limp body falling onto my arms instantly when Nevan gently handed her over, "Make sure she gets home safe," he sighed while running back inside the bar, "Don't worry I will"

Cradling her like a bride I open my passenger side door "Come on" she lets out a groan as I gently place her in the seat, trying to put her seat belt on she suddenly places her hand on my chest, I freeze my body tensing from her sudden touch.

She smiles her eyes narrowed into her seductive siren gaze, and pokes through my shirt in confusion, repeating she tilts her head as if she's trying to find out what my chest is made out of I couldn't help but smile...Drunk Vivian is...cute- 
Cute, really since when is Vivian cute? Hot yes, but cute?

Fuck off Kenji Investigate later.

"Misha you seem taller and muscular for some reason," she groaned, haha that beats you, Misha. "Misha isn't even close to my gorgeous looks" I smile leaning down on the seat while placing her seat belt on, the smell of her dark feminine perfume mixed with alcohol intoxicated my nose, I wondered how her skin tasted, and I hate myself for wondering "Where are we going?" she curiously asked while staring down at the seat belt in a worried look, "Home"

"Home? But I want to have fun!" she whined like a child about to have a meltdown, I like drunk Vivian she seems funner than usual, I wonder if this is the Vivian she hides behind that mask...


"You had your fun it's time for you to get some sleep" I slammed her side door shut and made my way toward the driver's seat, As I drove down the road to Larsons Apartment Complex I couldn't help but wonder so many questions.

Why was she drunk?
Especially on a work night?
I've never seen Vivian get this drunk, it was probably those types of days.

The car ride was silent, as expected she had fallen asleep once we made it to the apartment, great, removing her seatbelt my eyes dart toward her hands, which were empty-

Hold up a minute, where the fuck are her keys.

I let out an annoyed sigh as I carried her out of the car, to realize she had forgotten her purse, great fuck me.

There was only one thing left to do...

It must be my lucky day today I break Vivian's door open and cradle Vivian in my arms, I have no idea where her room is, so we'll just have to improvise.

Vivian weighed nothing in my arms, I felt like I was holding onto a child compared to a grown woman, her head lays on my chest, her dark wine curly hair dangled on the ground, and my eyes couldn't stay away from her sharp features.

It's as if she was made for my arms she fit perfectly against my big biceps, her soft snores, and soft breathing, I wonder what you dream of Cherry.

I quietly kick a door open carefully not to drop her when I notice a pitch-black room, a big sized bed sat in the middle, meanwhile ceiling height windows facing its left, the bed covered in red silk sheets, and random portraits of Fallon, Misha including her own, cherry paintings hanging on the walls, and black decor.

Yup, this is her room.

I gently lay her in bed and within a second she let out a little groan and cuddled into a random stuffed bear sitting in the middle of her bed, it looked old as shit, the little guy has definitely been through hell and up, I smile taken by surprised by her soft side, I've never seen Vivian so...human before.

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