A Brotherly Arrangement

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November- December 2013

"HAPPY 26TH BIRTHDAY ERIC!!" Said the SM family as they all celebrated Eric's birthday.

"Make a wish oppa!" Sunny said in excitement.

"It's better be nothing weird." Jessica said.

"Who do you take me as!" Eric replied offended.

"Just blow it all out Rick, or Shindong might beat you to it." Eunhyuk said.

"My wish... I pray to God my brothers returns again. Maybe at least Eddie.." wishes Eric feeling homesick. Immediately he blew out the candles as the family celebrated his 25th birthday.

For next two weeks things have been quiet. So far Sooyoung stopped mentioning the relationship since last August. He drew closer to God thanks to Siwon and he feels like he's finding his call in life. Now that he was mentally recovered he been longing to see his family. Even though life continued to run it's course, the pain of not having his family lingered. He was getting older, his brothers were now grown up, and his family are most likely expecting him to settle down. He misses that Southern comfort of eating Mama's home cooked meal. He missed going to school with the boys. He missed going to church on Sundays and singing choir.

Aside from family troubles, he still thought about Sooyoung's love plight. It's clear to him she was enamored with him. He cursed himself for not seeing the signs sooner. After months of self reflection he came to the conclusion he doesn't see her in a romantic way. He did try believe him, but the thought of Ailee kept lingering. While Sooyoung was a great friend to be around, she did not share the same connection he had with her.

Ailee was very similar to Eric. She was born and raised in the United States, as such they share a common upbringing. They can relate to growing up as Asian Americans and the struggle of them embracing that Korean heritage. Besides Sooyoung hasn't seen him on his worst, Ailee has. There's no taking the fact Sooyoung is attractive. The girl has gained so much confidence over the years that it scares him.

He just can't lie to himself. He knows his heart. Going out with Sooyoung would feel wrong. He's not a playboy who enjoys flirting with women. It would entirely be disingenuous to his character.

It was official, he would need to confront his feelings. He needed to be honest and tell Ailee how he feels. It didn't matter if he said yes, but he wanted to be honest. Before he can even do that he needed to be honest with Sooyoung. Sure it may break her heart but it's better than lying to her.

"I've given time to reflect myself. It's time be honest." Eric sighed as he laid on his bed.

Suddenly his phone began ringing.

"That's odd I don't normally get calls at this hour." Nam checked his to see his brother's number.

"Eddie!?" Nam gasped deciding to dial his number.

"Eric you finally answered!"

"Eddie!! It's been months since we talked! What brings to call so late at night?"

"I'm calling because in Korea. Remember when I first visited you I said I promise to manage you. Well I'm going to move here and live with you."

"What!?" I-Is this true!? What did ma and pa say!? You know how they are with letting you off by yourself!!"

"I already talked with them and aggreed to let my fly over. Look I know you still think of me as a kid, but I'm twenty three. I already finished college. I don't need your protection anymore. I want to be the one helping you. Will you let me?" Eddie pleaded with Eric.

Eric Nam: Super Junior's Vocal Maknae Book 1: BeginningsWhere stories live. Discover now