Christmas time with sunbaes 2

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December 24, 2006

"Wow the scenes look so beautiful!" Yoona marveled in amazement at the Christmas scenery in the SM building.

"Now I really feel the holidays look at all the hyungs working outside." Taemin said drinking hot coco made by Eric Nam himself.

"Nothing like hot coco, especially when it's made by oppa!" Sooyoung slurped her cup.

"So sweet and tasty." Seohyun locked the whipped cream from her lips.

"You're so lucky to get hot coco from the oppas." Trainee Sunny pouts munching on some fruit bread.

"If you weren't so distracted by the scenery then you would have got some." Taeyeon scolded.


"Here you go little girl what's your name?" Eric handed coco to a young girl with noticeable sharp eyes and dimpled face.

"Jung Wheein, oppa! I'm a fan of you boys!! I have folders of all of you!!" She took out her notebook from her purse to reveal a Super Junior themed along with stickers plaster all over. Eric couldn't help but chuckle in amusement.

"Can I have your autograph oppa please?" She asked with those puppy dog eyes.

"How can I ever say no to that." Eric said writing his Romanized name on her notebook.

"Gomawoeyo oppa! All the girls are gonna be so jealous when I show them!!" Wheein took off very happy.

"I can never get enough of these children's smile." Eric thought to himself happy.

"It's that time of the year." Wookie said handing coco to a little boy.

"This used to be of my favorite holidays. Back in America, Christmas was the most important time of the year. We would wake up early and open presents hoping to God you it was the present you wanted. We would go to church to participate in donations for little kids in need. I remember the church bells during Christmas Eve and there would be a big special feast follow by a magical sermon. Man, what a jolly good time I miss.

"You really hold Christmas very personally."

"For us Christians it was the day Jesus Christ is born. My parents would go to church to worship and sing Christmas hymns. I even remember some of them.

"Silent Night, Holy Night
All is Calm, and all is bright.
Round you Virgin Mother and Child, Holy infant so tender and mild
Sleep in Heavenly peace" Nam sang a Christmas hymn that attracted a small crowd.

"Wonderful performance, but I think it's time for you return back to the studio." Sooman arrived with an amused chuckle.

"Is it time ajusshi?"

"It is Eric-ah all the other artists are waiting for you." Sooman gently guided the two into a nearby studio room.

"You have such a bad habit of showing up late." Heechul facepalmed.

"Give me a break I had to hand out all hot coco to all the kids." Eric cried out.

"Sometimes I think you should've been a parent instead of an idol, but then again I doubt you would be able to ask any girl to marry you." Eunhyuk snorted the last part before being smacked in the head by Leeteuk.

"Now isn't the time to be rude Eunhyuk. Christmas is approaching and we shouldn't have such a sour attitude on this bright day." Leeteuk replied.

"Now that you're all here it's time to celebrate Christmas 2006 with festivities!" Sooman said.

Eric Nam: Super Junior's Vocal Maknae Book 1: BeginningsWhere stories live. Discover now